2016年12月大学英语六级作文易考范文:The Necessity of Examination
The Necessity of Examination
As regards examination,there has been a heateddiscussion among the general public in our society.
People who believe in its necessity may have somearguments as follows.
To begin with,examination helps to tell the better-behaved from the worse-behaved students.
What’s more,examination may stimulate thestudents to work harder.
Take Xiao Wang as an example, a student fromHebei Normal University, he used to have a poorcommand of English.
However, under the pressure of College English Test Band 4, he made great progress and cannow speak fluent English.
By contrast, some people think that examination may give rise to a series of negative effects.
They maintain that examination can not always faithfully reflect one’s study performance.
It is believed that too many students may be misled and neglect the improvement ofpractical ability.
Examples of “High marks but poor competence” are often cited on different media.
Just as any coin has two sides, it’s no exception with the issue of examination.
Students should develop a right attitude towards it and strike a balance between examinationand practical ability achievement.
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