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【#英语资源# 导语】妇女节是每一位伟大妈妈的节日,在这一天,可以书写主题作文表达自己的爱意。相信很多朋友都对写作文感到非常苦恼吧,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《关于妇女节的英语范文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.关于妇女节的英语范文 篇一

  Children have children's festivals, fathers have fathers' festivals, and the motherland has its own festivals. Of course, women also have women's festivals.

  Yesterday was Women's Day. I forgot to celebrate the holiday for my mother because I was at school. So I think I have to make it up for my mother today. Early this morning, I crawled out of the warm quilt. Because I'm going to celebrate the holiday for my mother today. After I washed, I went out of the door and came to the vegetable market before my mother woke up. I bought potatoes, meat, cabbage, cauliflower, kelp, and other non-staple foods. I also bought some flowers at the nearby flower shop on my way home. When I got home, I saw that my mother had not yet got up and thought: Today I will make a bowl of egg Fried Rice for my mother. Then, I poured the oil into the pot and mixed the egg yolk and egg white. Suddenly, a drop of oil from the pot fell on my hand. "Ah! It hurts me!" I said. After I was hit by oil, I had to carefully move the eggs in the pot with a shovel. After a while, the egg was almost ready, and I threw another piece of cold rice into the pot. At this time, the oil in the pot splashed out again. I quickly poured soy sauce and salt into the pot. Mother also heard the voice, ran out and asked: "What are you doing?" I said: "Women's Day is for you." Mother asked: "Women's Day was not yesterday?" I said: "Today I'll make it up for you, come and taste my masterpiece: egg Fried Rice!" Mother took a bite, He said, "Why is this rice sour?" I also tasted it, and it was really sour. I just remembered it. It turned out that I just used vinegar as soy sauce, no wonder the rice was sour.

  Today, although I did a lot of housework, I was very tired. But I am still very happy because I let my mother have a happy Women's Day!

2.关于妇女节的英语范文 篇二

  Today is Women's Day. Father and son are preparing a big surprise for mother.

  In the morning, my mother went to work at more than 5 o'clock. After a while, my son got up, dressed, and slowly prepared to go to the bathroom to brush his teeth and wash his face. When he passed the bathroom, he saw the date on the calendar as March 8. He suddenly realized that today is Women's Day. I should surprise my mother! So he brushed his teeth and washed his face as quickly as possible, and then went to his father's room. "Ah! What time is it? Dad, you are still sleeping." The son shouted. Seeing that the father didn't respond, the son climbed onto the father and took a bite. "Ah! Why did you bite me, son?" "Dad, don't you know today is Women's Day?" "Yes! How can I forget it!". The son was sweeping the floor while playing a song. The father on the side saw it and turned to his son and said, "Son..." "Ah! It hurts!" So the father fell! "Dad, are you all right?" "All right! All right! Let's continue to work, son!" Then they started to work again. After sweeping the floor and washing the clothes, it's time to cook.

  The father and son began to cook. They first cut the vegetables. I saw my father carefully cutting the vegetables for fear that they would not look good. It was time to cook. Dad used the lid as a "shield" and the shovel as a "spear". After being fully armed, Dad began to cook. After a series of "swords and swords", Dad finally served four dishes and one soup. "Well, it looks good." The son nodded.

  At this time, my mother finally came back. Seeing this clean home and a full table of sumptuous dinner, tears could not help coming down from the mainstream. At this time, my son and father held out a bunch of beautiful roses from the room. The mother looked at her son and father in surprise and said, "You are so kind to me!" After that, the three of them hugged each other tightly. So the three of them had a wonderful night.

3.关于妇女节的英语范文 篇三

  The arrival of Women's Day on March 8 reminded me of what my mother had done for me.

  When I came home from school that day, my mother came to me in a hurry and said to me kindly, "Come with me, I will give you a surprise!" I followed slowly with curiosity.

  When I entered the house, I looked around to find out what new things were added to my home. I looked for a long time, and suddenly my eyes flashed, "Oh, isn't it just one more tape?" I said discouraging. My mother waved mysteriously to me and said, "Don't look, don't know, just look." I went to see again with curiosity, "Wow! Many of my favorite foods!" I grabbed them, held them in my arms, couldn't wait to open them, and ate happily. Mom said, "This is brought back by a friend of mine from a far place. Is it delicious?" "Hmm! Yummy! Yummy!" I repeated.

  While I was eating, my mother smiled and watched me eat quietly, with an envious look in her eyes from time to time. I thought: Who doesn't want to eat delicious food brought back from afar? At this time, I suddenly thought how selfish I was. I hurriedly handed the remaining half to my mother, who swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said, "Oh, you eat well, my mother doesn't like this kind of food." But I know that this food tastes really good. How can my mother not like it? Finally, after my repeated persuasion, my mother finally ate a little.

  I know that in order to give me delicious food, my mother always refuses to eat it. Must hide and wait for my arrival. The food that gave me was what my mother saved from her teeth.

  oh dear! I am really like a happy little bird, and my mother is like a brave and hard-working mother bird.

  "March 8th" Women's Day is coming. I sincerely wish my mother a happy holiday!

4.关于妇女节的英语范文 篇四

  Today is not only a sunny day, but also the annual Women's Day. I am very happy because I want to give my mother a gift.

  As usual, my mother got up early to make delicious breakfast for me. When I saw her busy figure, I was very moved. So I decided to give her a special gift and give her a huge surprise. When I saw my mother mopping the floor, I ran quickly and grabbed the mop. My mother's tired face froze for a moment. I said, "Mom, today is your holiday. Let me help you mop and rest!" My mother laughed and said, "Mom, go play!" I pestered my mother, and she finally agreed. So I dragged the floor, and after a while, my arm was sore. Now, I understand how difficult it is for my mother. In the future, I should help my mother, help her mop the floor, help her sweep the floor, help her clean the tables and chairs, help her tidy the room, and help her reduce the burden

  In the evening, I took a basin of hot water while my mother was not paying attention to it and prepared to wash her feet. When I carried the basin into her room, she hurried over and said, "Bring it quickly, let me carry it!" I said, "Mom, I can do it!" I put the basin on the ground, pulled my mother over, let her sit on the chair, helped her take off her shoes and socks, and looked at my mother's calluses feet at some time, It's very unpleasant to think of my mother working tirelessly for me and paying for me. I gently put my mother's feet into the basin, washed her feet clean with my small hands, dried them with a towel, held them in my arms, and gently massaged her with my hands... Looking at my mother's smiling face full of happiness and satisfaction, I couldn't help feeling ashamed. I paid too little for my mother, while my mother paid too much for me. At this time, I really want to open my throat and say aloud: "Mother, I love you! I love you forever!"

  This is really an unforgettable and happy Women's Day.

5.关于妇女节的英语范文 篇五

  Today is Women's Day. I want to surprise my mother.

  Mom is on the night shift this day. She can't go home until 10 pm. So I put the small gift box carefully prepared a few days ago on my mother's bedside table, with earrings, hairpins, etc., and pasted a small note in the small box - "Mom, happy holiday! I wish you more and more young and more beautiful!" In the evening, I got up early in the morning but couldn't sleep. The clock on the wall was "ticking", and the second hand was particularly clear in the night when she was waiting for her mother to come back.

  "Pa da", the door closed and the mother came back! Anyway, I can't sleep either. It's better to wash my mother's feet. It's just another special gift I gave my mother. I took the basin, pressed my mother's feet into the water, and gently rubbed them with both hands. For the first time, I saw my mother's feet clearly. They were so rough, and there was a large area of peeling on the heels... I looked at them, washed them, and seemed to have a warm current in my heart. I said to my mother in my heart: "Mom, I love you, you work hard!" However, this sentence has never been brave to say

  I hid in the quilt, tears dripping down the corners of my eyes
