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  独立写作是托福考试写作部分的第二个任务,要求考生对于一个给定的观点发表自己的看法,并且需要给出具体的例子和细节去支撑自己的观点。考试时间为30分钟,官方指南指出考生的作文应该不少于300词。   对于独立写作来说,同学们第一个困扰就是拿到一道题目后不知道从什么角度来展开分析,所以很多同学的主题句内容写的非常混乱。为了解决这个问题,我们首先来对托福独立写作的题型进行分类。托福独立写作话题一般可以分成两个大类:利弊类和事实类,抓住了每一个类别的特点后,我们就可以轻松地去解决分析角度的问题,也就是主题句写作的问题。在近两年的考试中,两种题型的出现比例如下:   图 1:2015年独立写作题目类型   图 2:2014年独立写作题目类型   接下来我们就分别分析这两种题型的解题策略。首先是利弊类,它的特点是题目中往往建议或者选择执行某个具体的动作,题干中常含有should, must, need, important, necessary, better/best to do等。对于这种题目我们的处理方法是找出题目中的具体动作,分析该动作可能带来的结果。如这样一道题目:   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   It is more important for government to build new housing than preserve old and historical building.   首先判断这道题目的题型,题目中有明显的more important for sb. to do sth. 的结构,属于利弊类的话题,接下来,我们去找题目中的具体动作:build new housing和preserve old and historical building。接下来我们只需要选择其中的一个动作,分析该动作带来的结果。比如说我们同意这个观点,也就是政府应该建新房子,我们只需要讨论建新房子能带来什么样的好处,或者说新房子能够带来什么样的好处即可,所以我们的主题句形式可以写成:   (1)New Buildings …   (2)New Buildings …   (3)New Buildings …   新房子能够有什么好处呢?我们可以想到新房子能够提供更多的居住空间(因为楼层高可居住人口多),新房子能够提供更安全舒适的居住环境(因为设计更加合理,材料更加优质),新房子能够提升城市形象(因为高楼大厦带来现代感)。把这些理由用英语表达出来我们就可以写成:   (1)New Buildings provide citizens with more living space.   (2)New Buildings offer people a safer and more comfortable living condition.   (3)New Buildings can enhance the city image.   这样写是不是就符合我们前面所提到的处理方式了。同样我们也可以写不同意,也就是政府应该保护老建筑物,这时候主题句形式可以为:   (1)Old Buildings …   (2)Old Buildings …   接下来我们只需要思考老建筑物有什么好处即可。比如说老建筑物有历史价值,老建筑物可以作为景点观赏游览等。把这些理由用英语表达出来我们就可以写成:   (1)Old Buildings are of great historic value.   (2)Old Buildings are of great aesthetic value.   当然在实际写作的过程中,主题句前面需要加上一些transitional words来保证文章的连贯性,如:In the first place, … Furthermore, … 或 First and foremost, secondly, In additional等。   练习   根据上面的方法大家可以思考下面的两道题目:   1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   Young people should take several jobs before they decide a long-term career.   2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   A university should focus more on its facilities, such as libraries, computers or laboratory, rather than on hiring famous teachers.   另外一种题型就是事实类的话题,其特点是题目中往往会给出一个可能存在的现象,而不涉及到具体需要去做的动作。对于这种题目我们的处理方法是判断题目中现象是否真实存在,并解释导致该现象存在与否的原因。如这样一道题目:   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   Teachers had a greater influence on young people in the past than they do today.   首先判断这道题目的题型,题目中并没有要求人们去做一个具体的动作,只是给出了一个现象让我们去分析,属于事实类的话题,接下来,我们先判断题目中的现象(过去的老师对于学生影响力更大)是否真实,并分析其原因即可。比如说我们认为这个现象是存在的,也就是过去的老师的确对学生的影响力更大,接下来我们只需要解释原因,也就是为什么过去的老师影响力更大,现在的老师影响力会减小即可。我们可以想到过去学生跟老师在一起的时间更长,以及过去老师是学生知识的来源等。把这些理由用英语表达出来我们就可以写成:   (1)Students spent more time with teachers in the past.   (2)The teachers were the only source of knowledge in the past.

  练习   根据上面的方法大家可以思考下面的两道题目:   1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   Students are more interested in politics today than before.   2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?   The fast development of society today is a positive trend.   完成主题句后,同学们接着就遇到了第二个问题:如何发展主题句。在托福评分标准中对于内容发展(Development)有明确的要求,那么如何去设计正文段的发展呢?   对于正文段来说,我们一般建议同学们按照5个步骤去发展:   1   主题句   Value类:Topic(题目中所描述行动)能带来XXX   Fact类: XXX导致了Topic(题目中所阐述的现象)   2   对主题句进行解释拓展   (1) 为什么会这样?   (2) 这样做能带来什么?   3   通过比较或对比进一步说明   如果是A和B两种事物比较,假设选择A,在描述A好的时候,可以阐述B的不好。   如果只有一种事物,可以先说该事物怎么样,再说如果没有该事物又会怎样。   4   例证   将上面的论述具体到一个人或一件事情上。   5   小结   对例子进行小结,呼应主题句。   举个例子来说,题目中问到底是住在乡村好,还是住在城市好,我们选择住在乡村好,我们的一个主题句就可以写成:   In the first place, living in the country contributes to our health.   接下来我们需要解释为什么住在乡村会有益于健康,我们可以这样解释:   As is known to all, in the country there are few industrial plants and vehicles so that fewer pollutants are emitted into the water and air. As a result, we can enjoy the blue sky, clean water, fresh air and healthy food, which contribute to our health.   然后我们可以讲城市生活与乡村生活进行对比,完成第三步骤:   By contrast, people living in the city are suffering from various diseases caused by the environmental contamination, for pollutants from factories and automobiles are continually being discharged into the air and rivers.   接着我们通过一个具体的例子去把问题阐述地更加清晰:   Take my bother, Tom, as an example. Tom had lived in the country with my grandparents for twelve years before he went to the city to enter middle school. When he was living in the countryside, he seldom fell ill and enjoyed himself in the nature every day. Since he went to the city, he gradually felt his throat sore and often coughed. When he was sent to the hospital, the doctor said that it was because of the air pollution, especially the smog, caused by the exhausted gas of automobiles and the pollutants discharged by the factories. So Tom had to wear masks in bad weather. Last summer, he went back to the countryside to spend his vacation, and the next week he arrived, his cough stopped and he felt much better.   最后我们只需要简单地对例子进行小结,呼应主题句就可以了:   It is clear that the good environment in the countryside is beneficial to our health.   将上面的内容连接起来,就形成了一个完整的重点段落:   In the first place, living in the country contributes to our health. As is known to all, in the country there are few industrial plants and vehicles so that fewer pollutants are emitted into the water and air. As a result, we can enjoy the blue sky, clean water, fresh air and healthy food, which contributes to our health. By contrast, people living in the city are suffering from various diseases caused by the environmental contamination, for pollutants from factories and automobiles are continually being discharged into the air and rivers. Take my bother, Tom, as anexample. Tom had lived in the country with my grandparents for twelve yearsbefore he went to the city to enter middle school. When he was living in thecountryside, he seldom fell ill and enjoyed himself in the nature every day.Since he went to the city, he gradually felt his throat sore and often coughed.When he was sent to the hospital, the doctor said that it was because of theair pollution, especially the smog, caused by the exhausted gas of automobilesand the pollutants discharged by the factories. So Tom had to wear masks in badweather. Last summer, he went back to the countryside to spend his vacation,and the next week he arrived, his cough stopped and he felt much better. It is clear that the good environment in the countryside is beneficial to our health.   这样看来,独立写作是不是并没有想象中的那么难呢?   在TOEFL iBT Official Guide(托福官方指南,以下简称OG)中明确指出托福独立写作有三大考查维度:Development(展开论点),Organization(组织文章结构)和Language Use(语言运用)。因此,除了注意作文的内容和结构外,阅卷老师同样十分注重我们在作文中表现出来的语言基本功。不管我们的观点多么精妙,证据多么充分,结构多么合理,如果语言错误百出,就不可能在写作部分得到高分。所以同学们在平时的学习中也别忘了语言的积累。

