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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩教育是一种完善人格的人文教育,励志教育对人的行为有重要的推动作用。下面是由®文档大全网带来的励志的英文故事阅读,欢迎阅读!











  All Slopes are Easy to Go

  He was a professor. At the age of 90, he still work eight hours everyday regardless the season and weather.

  His secretary said: ―He is extremely old, but he forced himself walk from his living place to office through two blocks. It would take him an hour, but he insisted to because it makes him get a sense of success. ‖

  The other day, an university student step out from his office with a pile of books. He complained emotionally: ―He is always this man. He may answer me just with ‗yes‘ or ‗no‘ to my question. However, he always gave me dozens of books and suggests me to find the answer. ‖

  Later, he knew what this student complained. He told with smile: ―This is the method I have learnt, a hard and troublesome way. If that kid could make full use of those books, he might know his question and maybe a good lawyer in the future.‖

  This 90-year-old man was 庞德, who was the president of law college in Haward University.

  Once a philosophist said: ―You should do some thing that you don not want to every one or two days.‖This is the foundation of life progress.Just like another phlosophist said: ―all slopes are easy to go.






  ―我们把面包放在一起,再把每个面包切成均等的三块。‖希亚建议道。 把面包切开后,他们把面包平均分成三份,每个人都不多也不少。

  吃完面包后,商人坚持要给他们钱。拉姆和希亚推辞不掉,只好收下。 待商人离开后,两人一数金币的数量——8个。



















  Just Allocation

  In a hot afternoon, two farmers were enjoying the cool under the tree. One farmer called L and the other called X. both carried tasty bread as their lunch. Ltook three bread and X five. A businessman passed by when they were ready to have lunch.

  ―good afternoon, gentlemen.‖ The businessman greeted L and X. the businessman was tires and hungry. L and X invited him to have dinner together.

  ―But we three men how to separate three breads? ‖ L confused.

  ―Let‘s put the breads together, then divide every one into three equal parts.‖ X suggested.

  Cutting and dividing the breads, they all got the exact one.

  Eating up the breads, the businessman insisted to pay and L and X have no idea but to get it.

  When the businessman went away, L and X counted the number of golden bills----eight.

  ―Eight bills, two person. Four bills every one.‖ L said.

  ―It‘s unjust,‖ X opposed loudly, ―I had five breads and you just three, so I should get five bills and you three.‖

  L reluctant to argue, neither would he gave X five bills.

  ―Let‘s invite our village manager Morwey‘s house and tell all to him. ‖ Thinking for a while, Morwey replied: ―The just way to distribute these bill is X take seven bills and L one.‖

  ―Pardon?‖ L screamed.

  ―Why should I posses seven?‖ Xalso felt strange.

  After Morwey explained his reason clearly, both Land X had no dispute on this allocation.

  Was this really a just rule?

  Answer these questions before you decide whether it was just or not:

  1. How many small pieces the eight breads were divided into?

  2. How many pieces every one ate?

  3. How many small pieces did L‘s breads?

  4. How many pieces L left for the businessman after he ate eight?

  5. How many small pieces did X‘s breads were divided into?

  6. How many pieces X left for the businessman after he ate eight?

  The reason that Morwey only gave L one bill and X seven because the businessman ate eight pieces and only one was left from L‘s while other seven pieces from X.

  Tips: we always indignant mostly because we are used to scheming, but not counting.






  如果你去看牙医,在路上也发生堵车,你肯定会转回家,跟牙医约另一天。 这两种情况为什么会不一样?因为出行的目的是不同的。如果你要做的事情对你非常重要,再大的困难你都会设法克服; 如果你觉得要做的事情不是很重要,遇到困难你就会放弃了。


  There is a suitcase for you with a million US dollar in .

  The suitcase is placed in a building away from you about one hour driving. The condition is, you need to get there within two hours. If you did, I will give you the suitcase with a million US dollar. Or if you late for only one minute, nothing will you get. When would you get about?

  Many would say: ―Now.‖ will you?

  Now you set out. You hurry into your car, start it, drive for the building. You are so excited and wonder what to do about the one million US dollars. All of a sudden, you are stopped by the traffic jam. You turn on the radio and find there is no any way to get there because of the accident on your way. What will you do nest step? Go back? Or step out your car, go to the building on foot (running or employ a helicopter or other ways)?

  If, you are on the way to the dentist‘s office and there is a traffic jam, surely you would turn back and appoit for another time.

  Why is there difference between these two thins? Because of the destination. If it is quite important for you, you will conquer it, regardless any hardship; or if yit is not so serious, you may call it a day.

  Therefore, the best way to face the difficulty is to make the thing a business.

