【#英语口语# 导语】“撞见某人”在英语口语里能怎么说?以下内容由©文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!
常用口语:meet sb. by chance
地道口语:bump into sb.
- That is beyond!
- When the three of them got in the elevator... Between that and the staples and the headache for six months... That was the most insane hour of my life.
- Jake has lost his mind.
- Yeah, I don't know.
- Oh, I know. He's a complete prick for cheating on you.
- I can't disagree with you on that.
- And then he marries her. A known lunatic.
- Well, she has a big job.
- Why do you always say that?
- Because she does. She runs the whole marketing department at KY or whatever that station's called. She can't be that big of a lunatic.
- Janey, come on. He cheats on you with her, your 20 year marriage ends. Then six months later, she leaves Jake and runs off with some random guy, has a baby, then leaves that guy for Jake. And she's not nuts?
- Oh, Jo, you are so lucky Jerry is dead.
- Thank you.
- No, I mean, you don't have to bump into him.
- Well, that's true.
- Yeah.
- 这真是没话可说了。
- 他们仨就这么进了电梯......我还正为着整容钩环和半年的头痛吓得半死的时候......真是我人生当中最要命的一段时间了。
- Jake真是傻了。
- 这个不好说。
- 你不说我说。他对你红杏出墙实在是太脑残了。
- 这点我同意。
- 然后他居然还跟她结婚。全天下就知道她是个疯女人。
- 毕竟她事业有成。
- 干嘛你老这么说啊。
- 因为是事实嘛。她一人独管KY还是哪儿的整个市场部门,她不至于那么神经吧。
- Janey,摆脱。他居然为了她红杏出墙,你们20年的婚姻就这么完了。然后半年时间她就跑去跟不知道哪儿认得的野男人好上了有了个娃,她再把那男的蹬了 回来找Jake。这还不够神经的?
- Jo,你真幸运,Jerry已经不在人世了。
- 谢你啊。
- 不是,我是说你不必愁着不小心撞见他咯。
- 那倒是真的。
- 对嘛。
【口语讲解】bump into
bump into是个使用频率很高的词组,表示无意遇见某人。还有一个run into也很常用吼。