
时间:2022-05-20 15:42:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】六月一日是少年儿童的节日,是每个儿童向往的日子。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On June 1, 20XX, I got up early. Put on the clothes I had prepared last night and had my mother's carefully prepared breakfast. I came to school happily.

  When I passed the classrooms of other classes, I saw that they were beautifully decorated. I thought: our class should also be very beautiful! When I entered the classroom, I couldn't help but be surprised: two colored ribbons were pulled diagonally over the classroom, with many decorative items hanging on them; Colorful patterns are painted on the front and back blackboards; The handicrafts woven by the students are pasted on the glass windows on both sides.

  After a while, the head teacher Lai came into the classroom with a smile. She said, "today is your holiday. I wish you a happy holiday! I have another good news for you, that is, the mayor of Zhongshan City will come to the school to comfort you and spend the children's day with us." The students cheered immediately! I think I've only seen the mayor on TV and newspapers. I can finally see the mayor with my own eyes this time.

  The bugle sounded and the drum pounded. The students cheered: "the mayor is coming!" We stood on tiptoe and looked up at the mayor and his party coming. When the mayor came to us, everyone said with one voice, "Hello, uncle and aunt!" The mayor nodded to us with smiles on their faces. Suddenly, Mr. Liang, the counselor of the brigade, called me and several other students out and said, "you are going to accept the mayor's condolences on behalf of the students." We jumped with joy as soon as we heard it. The counselor explained to us and took us into a sixth grade classroom. Mayor Chen was talking to the students. In the face of so many people, we are very nervous. Then, the mayor will give us condolences and gifts. Several of us went to the front desk. Mayor Chen smiled and sent the sympathy money to me. I said excitedly, "thank you, mayor!" The mayor took my hand and said, "study hard!" And take a group photo with us. At this time, the tension just now was cleared away. I feel very honored and proud!

  "June day" passed quickly, but the scene of that day has been in my mind. I can't forget what Mayor Chen said to me. I will study hard, make progress every day, and repay the mayor's concern for us with my best grades.


  Children's Day is coming! Children's Day is coming! International Children's Day is our own festival.

  Usually, children's Day is the most exciting. Because there are happy garden activities, you can not only play games, but also eat candy. Even if it is a literary and artistic show, you can see good programs. But this year is different. When we are immersed in the ocean of joy, the teacher said, "come to school before 6:10 tomorrow and watch the performance." The students have silly eyes, dizzy! Our mood fell from the Ninth Heaven to the eighteenth hell!

  On Wednesday morning, I gave up my dream time and went to school. I'm very worried. I'm afraid it'll rain this day - the weather forecast says it's still.

  The performance began. There was a light rain in the sky. We felt very cool, and the hot heat dissipated without a trace. It was raining, and the raindrops became bigger. It was cold on people. Their clothes were soaked by the rain and their hair was wet. On the playground, umbrella flowers opened one after another, covering our sight. Umbrella flowers crowded together, red, white, yellow, green, colorful and diverse. Look below, little ants are sheltering under umbrella mushrooms. It rained harder and harder. We were all drowned and the performance was forced to stop.

  When we returned to the classroom, the rain stopped. God is unforgiving. Is it possible that xiaoyudian also likes to watch performances?

  "This time, the performance will not stop." I prayed silently. But God always likes to joke. When the performance just started, it rained again. I thought: it's over, it's over completely. However, seeing the sixth program, the light rain point went home, and father-in-law sun showed a brilliant smile. Maybe the Jade Emperor punished the Dragon King and they wrote the instructions.

  The wonderful performance was dazzling. The "let the world be full of love" sung by the teachers touched every heart; The Yi girls in Chung ah Chung use their labor to get food; The children in "warm flowers in spring" embody the beauty of spring incisively and vividly. The girls in "dongbala" wear Indian clothes, lovely and beautiful; The English drama Snow White said that the performances were great

  We watched the performance with great joy. The best one was the last program "camouflage hero". We saw girls in military uniforms holding their heads high and their actions in place. It was really a woman.

  The prize touching activities of Xinhua bookstore are so popular that both adults and children can touch them. I touched two, my aunt removed the first, encouragement award, a small pendant; The second one, I don't have much hope, but when I opened it, it won the fourth prize. It's a car pencil box. I'm very happy.

  What an unforgettable International Children's Day!


  There are some unforgettable memories in my heart. They are as countless as large and small stars in the night sky, but to say the brightest star is the "June 1" children's day in 20XX.

  A few days before the June day holiday, when the whole family was thinking hard about how to spend this year's June day, someone in the class wechat group suggested that parents and children go to outdoor picnic, play and expansion training together. As soon as I saw this message, I jumped three feet high. After discussing with my parents, I decided to participate in this interesting activity.

  On June 1, when I first got up, the sky outside the window was gray. I thought, "ah! It's going to rain. Can I go?", Sure enough, soon it began to rain cats and dogs. "Hey..." I sighed. The plan must have failed. I prayed silently in my heart that the rain would stop quickly, so that our 11 families could have a successful June day!

  "Great!", I looked out of the window and shouted, "the rain has stopped! The rain has stopped!" I was overjoyed and rushed downstairs with my father and mother. When we arrived at the riverside activity site, many adults and children had arrived. Looking at the tent that had been set up, we girls rushed into the tent in a swarm and didn't let boys in. Those boys? Hehe, we can only watch us eat snacks and play games outside.

  It's time for group activities. We came to the barbecue camp. "Watermelon Eating Contest, start!" A parent shouted. Ten people start the competition in two groups. The other group is Luan Jiale, the No. 1 player, and our group is Zhou Jianming. Zhou Jianming ate the watermelon in three bites and passed it to Cheng Bangtai. Cheng Bangtai was quick eyed and quick to pick up the watermelon and eat it. Luan Jiale is still eating watermelon slowly there. It's my turn! I open my "big mouth" and eat it. Finish it! Ye Jiayi, I'm so slow! I was so anxious that I shoved the watermelon into her mouth. Zhou Jianming was the last one in the group to swallow the watermelon. Our group won!

  Next, under the organization of "little adult" Cheng Bangtai, we carried out expansion training and games: "Malian blossom", "loving one family", "two people three feet", "chicken turns Phoenix"... More than a dozen contents let us play enough, and let us experience the power of unity and trust in the game. When it was almost five o'clock, the light wind rolled dark clouds over the blue sky. In the drizzle, we reluctantly left the activity site.

  This is really an interesting June day. It will always twinkle in the sky in my memory like a bright star.


  Years are long, and the four seasons are reincarnated. In a twinkling of an eye, it was the annual International Children's Day. This International Children's Day is my last International Children's Day, because I am going to the gate of junior high school and start a new learning career. So this year's International Children's Day is my most unforgettable International Children's Day. Now let me tell you about this unforgettable International Children's Day!

  In this International Children's Day, Pan'an mobile youth palace came into our school to carry out colorful garden activities. We have many students in Grade 6 to be volunteers. Xiaowei's uncle and aunt are in charge of golf. Xiaowei and I need a group of volunteers to help.

  Look, the playground is crowded and lively. After finishing up, the children began to move nonstop. We put out all kinds of props. When the students saw our golf poles, they aroused great curiosity and crowded over. Xiao Wei received the thumbs and crying face seal from his aunt. I told them to line up in a neat line, two at a time, to win the thumb, and the only loser was a crying face.

  The first group of players are a and B. they are both energetic and want to win. Both of them have good skills. However, one of them made improper efforts and the ball flew out of the track, while the other didn't grasp the strength. In this way, the two people compared for a long time and didn't decide the outcome. At this time, a can only move the ball to the center. In the end, B won. The unforgettable International Children's Day has rich and colorful programs. There are our school's Sports Art 2 + 1 Characteristic event competition, our school's American text reading competition, our school's calligraphy competition and so on.

  Ah, June 1 is our children's own festival. This is the care and concern of national leaders for our children. Oh, we are the successors of the motherland, we are the hope of the motherland, and we are the flowers of the motherland. Let's study hard from now on, serve the motherland when we grow up, and make the motherland stronger tomorrow.


  June 1st is a children's day and a day that every child yearns for, because on that day, the school will organize a celebration and we will sing and dance. How happy it is! But this year's "61" Festival is different from usual! A disease called SARS disrupted our lives. It makes you cough, make you have a fever, make you gasp, and even stop you from breathing. All the large-scale activities in the school stopped and the party was not held. I was a little sad. But the school organized a special program - dedicated to special people, angels in white. Because 24 students in our school are the children of angels in white. Their parents are fighting in the front line of anti SARS. We want to thank them.

  On that cold day, we lined up in a neat line to the playground. First of all, Mr. Wang of the brigade Department came to the leading stage and said affectionately, "special program - dedicated to special people, the program of angels in white begins. First of all, we welcome President Tian with warm applause to announce his congratulations." At this time, there was warm applause from the audience. Headmaster Tian stepped onto the stage and said, "now the whole country is fighting against SARS..." when headmaster Tian said that, applause broke out again. Mr. Wang said, "now please give the carnations to the children of angels in white, and let them hand them over to their parents, so as to express the hearts of all teachers and students in our school." These bunches of carnations represent my greetings and blessings to the angels in white. Looking at this moving scene, my heart is warm. At this time, Mr. Wang of the brigade Department said, "now please listen to Xu Chenyang's mother tell a story. Xu Chenyang's mother is still busy in the front line of anti Africa, so she can't come to the scene today. Please listen to Xu Chenyang's mother's recording." The story is about this: there was a mother who had SARS. At the last moment of her life, her daughter begged the doctor to let her take care of her mother for one night. The doctor was moved by the little girl. So under the careful arrangement of the doctor, her wish came true. Listen, listen, my eyes are full of tears, and I pray silently for the little girl in my heart

  Although the activity ended soon, this extraordinary "61" festival left me a lot of moving, making me feel that "the truth is always around us".


  Hope, hope, I finally look forward to the "61" International Children's day. Today, I came to the school happily in my neat school uniform and bright red scarf.

  Just arrived at the classroom, I saw the students in neat school uniforms. Everyone was talking and laughing. "Hey! Han Xinyue, happy holidays! Let's go out together when we have time." Said Luffy. "Ah! That's great. I've had a rest for three days and studied for one day. Ha ha! I'm going to have a holiday again. It's so beautiful!" My deskmate said. After a while, the students heard the sound of high heels. It must be the teacher. Sure enough, Mr. Sun entered the classroom and said, "let's play the first lesson today!" "Yee Yee..." Chang Wenbo shouted. The teacher smiled and chose the drummer to play the game. I played "beating drums and passing flowers" for a while and went down to train to wear a red scarf for my first grade classmates.

  Soon one class passed, and the second class will hold the "celebration" of international children's day on June 1. I was very excited because I could bring a red scarf and a certificate to the first grade children. oh by the way! My mother can also receive a certificate. What kind of certificate is this? You'll know in a minute.

  "I declare that the celebration of international children's day will officially begin!" Headmaster Zhao is speaking. "..." everyone sang the team song. "Next, please ask the old players in grade 4 to wear red scarves for the new players in Grade 1!" I took a bright red scarf and ran to the first grade new team members. I first saluted, then quickly finished the matching, and then quickly ran back to my original position. "The children in grade one are really short!" I quietly said to Zhan Liujia next to me, and Zhan Liujia nodded. In this way, the first content is completed!

  I can finally go back to my seat! I'm so happy, because I can receive the award in a minute. I'm so excited! After a while, the teacher asked us to go to the prize team. "Now let's invite the excellent young pioneers from class 1, grade 4 to play!" oh It's our turn! I'm even more excited! I ran to the podium and saluted the teacher. Holding the prize and Certificate in both hands, I said thank you. The teacher said, "Congratulations!" I ran back to my seat and looked at the prize - a small schoolbag. I was so happy! After a while, the certificate of merit was presented to the excellent parents, the first grade parents, the second grade parents... Ah! I saw my mother. She stood on the podium and picked up the certificates and gifts. I was very proud. The next item is the speech of foreign leaders, which will be closed after the speech!

  The teacher said he would take an afternoon off. I jumped up happily. This day is my happy time. I really hope that a few more festivals will last for a year! I wish my friends a happy holiday!


  "61" children's Day is a feast for children. We are happily celebrating our own festival. That lovely smiling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy! But this year's children's day, I didn't go to the park or the playground. Instead, I came to a welfare home in her hometown with my mother to celebrate our festival with the children there.

  I brought my toys, snacks and my mother to the Toyota town social welfare home 40 kilometers away. As soon as I entered the courtyard, I heard a burst of silver bell like laughter. I couldn't wait to run in, but I saw them with disabilities. I was shocked and stood in place for a long time until my aunt warmly welcomed me into the house.

  I gave the sweets, snacks and toys I brought to the children one by one. Seeing their happy appearance when they got the gift, I couldn't help laughing. According to the aunts of the welfare home, these children are physically disabled and have no ambition. Everyone has a spirit of being neither humble nor arrogant and positive. When I heard that I was coming to spend children's day with them, I specially prepared several literary and artistic programs for us. First of all, a blind little sister performed for us. She performed a dance with light and beautiful posture. She was no inferior to me who had studied dance for several years. Her performance won warm applause from everyone. Next is the poetry recitation, a poem "Qin" The original spring snow was incisively and vividly interpreted by the cadence of several children. With a piece of "Shaolin Kung Fu", several boys with disabilities in arms and legs waved sticks and came out. Although they were physically disabled, this move revealed strength, courage and strength in one form. I was deeply shocked. Finally, there is a familiar song "let's paddle". I also like this song very much. I couldn't help singing with her. Later, other children joined in, singing and singing. It seems that everyone is really sitting in a small boat, singing while rowing. The boat floats and floats... Time passes, and it's noon. My mother and I are going home. Reluctantly bid farewell to the children in the welfare home. My mood has been difficult to calm down.

  Unforgettable Festival, it not only makes me harvest happiness, but also makes me understand that to survive, we must learn to struggle, learn to be strong and brave.


  On the children's day of June 1, everyone is happily celebrating their own festival. That lovely smiling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy

  In my own festival, my mother accompanied me to the welfare home. As soon as I entered the gate, I heard a burst of silver bell like laughter. I couldn't wait to run in, but I saw them with disabilities. I was shocked and stood in place for a long time until the aunts of the welfare home warmly welcomed me into the house.

  Watching them happy when they got the candy, I couldn't help laughing. I've always been easy to get along with children, but today I don't know why. I seem to be mixed by an emotion. Suddenly, I feel that they have lost a lot. They have lost the warmth of their family. They can't have their own toys, their own rooms, and their due maternal and paternal love like everyone else. There is a child who is only 5 years old. Although he is physically disabled, he also needs love. He uses his arms to beg everyone to hold him and ask everyone to make him feel warm love. What a strong desire! Some children have even lower self-esteem. They are afraid to get along with others because of their own disability and bury themselves in a dark corner... Sad scenes made me cry from the bottom of my heart for the first time.

  They are also the flowers of the motherland and the grass under the sun. Why have they lost so much? Fortunately, the aunts of the welfare home took good care of them as their own children, accompanied them day and night, lost too many of them, and didn't even leave for the new year. That's mother like love! In the morning, aunts get up early and make breakfast for them. In the evening, aunts often get up to see if their quilts are covered. Are they hungry? The day is by their side all the time. Sometimes I see my children sick and have no clothes to wear, and I take out my only salary to buy them. What a great love, it is not only out of professional ethics, but also the mother's love for her children. No, it is far better than loving her children!

  But what about them? What about the parents who abandoned their children? Did they ever think of that? Think of their children without the warmth of the family? What would happen if there were no "mother" like welfare aunts? Do they let the innocent and lovely children grow up or die in the shadow of inferiority for themselves? Then I want to ask angrily, are you still human without family affection? Or the earth man with a beautiful heart? Everyone, forever friends, forever relatives, forever partners. Let everyone save 5 feet of money every day to buy them a proper happiness, and let everyone shape a love castle with their most sincere love.


  Today is International Children's Day, our children's day. This is a happy day.

  Mother and her good friends organize parents to take their children out on June 1 every year. On June 1 this year, we went to tuohulasu grassland in Yining County. In the morning, we came to the car early and were ready to start. Under the auspices of my mother, we performed singing, dancing, telling stories, guessing riddles and telling jokes in turn. We sang and laughed all the way. We were very happy!

  The car entered the mountain. The winding road was a little bumpy. We shook our heads in the car. Through the window, I saw the ups and downs of mountains, large and small. The mountains were covered with green and dense grass, large and large green, very beautiful! Herds of cattle and sheep eat grass leisurely on the hillside. Wild flowers are in full bloom all over the mountains, including yellow, red, blue, purple and white. It's very beautiful!

  After a four hour drive, I finally arrived at my destination - tuohulasu prairie. Looking around, all the films are green. It's so beautiful! Looking up at the sky, the sky is so blue and the white clouds are so white. With a deep breath, the air is filled with the fragrance and fragrance of flowers and plants! We first walked to wudaughter-in-law ditch. We walked slowly down the steps. Come to the bottom of the ditch, where the water is very clear and cold. The pine trees there are tall and straight, standing on the rocks. Adults keep taking pictures in different positions. We children are playing by the water. I picked up the stone and threw it on the water, splashing water one after another. The older brother was fishing with a fishing net, but he didn't catch one for a long time. After playing for a while, the adults will lead us to the grassland. We have to go back along the road and climb up the steps below. When I came down, I didn't think there were many steps. When I climbed up, I wondered why there were so many steps? We are tired of climbing, especially adults. We have to lean against the railing to rest after climbing for a while. Our children all insisted on climbing up, and finally reached the top of the mountain and saw the prairie again. Our children came up one by one, and we cheered. We shouted to the adults at the foot of the mountain, "Mom, come on! Climb quickly!"

  We waited a long time before the adults came up. We all came to the grass to play games. Adults accompany us to play games such as Eagle catching chickens, stepping on balloons, throwing handkerchiefs and so on. We have a great time!

  How time flies! We're going to get in the car and go home. I haven't had enough! I wish the old man could walk slowly, but time waits for no one! I'm looking forward to June day every day! The car gradually went away. I looked back at the beautiful prairie. I was really reluctant to give up!


  Today, we finally ushered in our own festival - International Children's Day. The sunshine has not spread all over the campus, and the laughter of the students has already filled every corner of the campus. The birds in the trees seem to be intoxicated by the festive atmosphere and sing beautiful songs heartily.

  The bell rang and the students gathered on the playground. The celebration began. The school has prepared rhythmic gymnastics, group gymnastics, Overlord whip, commendation meeting and song and dance performance for us.

  Preschool children bear the brunt. Despite their young age, they perform very wonderful rhythmic gymnastics. Their slogans were particularly loud and powerful. Everyone applauded them.

  Then came the massive group gymnastics performance. This is the result of many days of hard training. Look at the neat square array. With the music, the two big characters of China changed, and then turned into stars in the sky. I saw the color fans flying up and down. In the twinkling of an eye, it turned from eight small boxes into the Yangtze River and the Yellow River, then into a bright red Chinese knot, and then into a red sun. Just as people enjoyed the sun, a beautiful dove of peace appeared in front of them. Thunderous applause broke out at the scene.

  Then the performance of overlord whip was also very excellent. Their movements were coordinated and danced with beautiful music.

  Finally, I'm looking forward to the commendation conference. I'm looking forward to what kind of award I'll get. I took the certificate back and couldn't wait to open it. Ah! I am a three good student. I jumped up happily.

  Next, the Golden Snake dance performed by the folk band made everyone applaud. Miss Bu's singing and the beautiful dance of the students of the dance team intoxicated everyone. Wang Yuqi's singing was so wonderful that everyone cheered for him.

  In the evening, I also watched a performance for children on CCTV-1. The hosts include red fruit, green bubble, beetle, aunt Ju Ping, Sister deer, Sister Moon and other hosts of some children's channels. The program is very wonderful and dazzles me.

  This is a beautiful day and a happy day. It will always be fixed in the memory of my childhood.

