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Ⅳ.单项填空(每小题1分,共15分) 21.—     is it from your home to the bookstore? — About four miles. A.How long B.How much C.How many D.How far 22.— Would you like milk     juice? — Juice, please. A.and B.with C.or D.in 23.I am     in collecting stamps.I think they are     . A.interesting,interested B.interested,interesting C.interested,interested D.interesting,interesting 24.Jim     basketball every day.But he played football yesterday. A.play B.played C.plays D.will play 25.There are     people in People’s Park. A.lot of B.lots of C.a lot D.much 26.Did they     your grandparents yesterday? A.visit B.visits C.visiting D.visited 27.— Could you send this postcard for me? —     . A.Sure B.No, thanks C.Yes, I would D.No, I can’t 28.She     her homework right now. A.didn’t do B.does C.isn’t doing D.doesn’t 29.     is not bad for you to buy the watch. A.This B.It C.That D.He 30.Tom enjoys     his room. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned D.cleaning 31.She likes going     on weekends. A.swims B.swim C.swiming D.swimming 32.— Did you do your homework?—     . A.Yes, I didn’t B.Yes, I do C.No, I didn’t D.No, I did 33.— I’m going to Yunnan for my vacation. —     A.Thanks. B.Have fun! C.OK. D.Sorry! 34.—     was your weekend, Jim? — It was great. A.What B.Where C.When D.How 35.She played the guitar     . A.tomorrow B.next week C.next Monday D.last night Ⅴ.完形填空 ( 每小题1分,共10分 ) John worked in an office in a small town.One day his boss 36 him,“John,I want you to go to London,and to  37 Mr.Black.Here’s the address.His office is near the station.” John went to London  38  train.He left the station and thought,“The office isn’t  39  the station.I’ll find it  40  .” But after an hour he was still looking for it,so he stopped and asked an old woman.She said,“Just go along this street,and turn left  41  the end,and it’s the  42  building on the right.”John went and found it.  43  days later,John went to the same city, 44 again he couldn’t find the office,so he asked someone the way.It was  45  old woman!She was very surprised and said,“Are you still looking for that place?” 36.A.said  B.said to  C.talked to D.spoke 37.A.see  B.watch C.look D.found 38.A.on   B.by   C.with  D.in 39.A.next to  B.near C.far from D.in front of 40.A.easy  B.easily  C.slowly D.early 41.A.by   B.to    C.at  D.on 42.A.five   B.twelve   C.third  D.twenty 43.A.Much   B.A few  C.A little D.A lot 44.A.because B.when  C.but  D.so 45.A.different B.same C.the different D.the same Ⅵ.阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分) A Tea is a popular drink in China.Many people can’t live if they don’t have it.Chinese tea has a long history going back more than 5,000 years.A famous person over 1,000 years ago wrote a book about how to make tea.Its name is The Classic of Tea. Today, China has different kinds of tea: white, yellow, green, black, oolong and dark tea.People in different places have different tea drinking habits.People in Guangdong and Fujian love “Kung Fu Tea” in small tea cups.People in Beijing like flower green tea.In Lhasa, people like to drink salty butter tea (酥油茶) to be healthy. There are rules for making tea for friends.It’s not good to make the cup full(满的), because the cup will be too hot for people to hold. 46.Did we have tea around 5,000 years ago? A.Yes, we did. B.No, we didn’t. C.I don’t know. 47.How many kinds of tea are there in China now? A.There are five. B.There are six. C.There are seven. 48.What kind of tea do people in Guangdong love? A.Salty butter tea. B.Flower tea. C.Kung Fu tea. 49.Why do the people in Lhasa love salty butter tea? A.To get thin. B.To keep warm. C.To keep healthy. 50.What is the rule of making tea for friends? A.Make the cup full. B.Don’t make the cup too full. C.Don’t make it too hot. B Dear Zoe, Thank you very much for your letter.You want to know about my favorite sport and instrument.Now I can tell you.Running is my favorite sport, and I like tennis, basketball and table tennis, too.Lebron James is my favorite basketball player.I do well in playing chess.My favorite instrument is the piano.I like playing the piano every afternoon.What about you? What’s your favorite sport? Who’s your favorite player? Do you like playing the piano? And who is your favorite musician? Please tell me. Yours, Linda 51.Who wrote this letter? A.Zoe. B.Linda. C.James. D.Lily. 52.What’s Linda’s favorite sport? A.Swimming. B .Running. C.Playing the piano. D.Playing chess. 53.What’s Linda’s favorite instrument? A.The piano. B.The violin. C.The guitar. D.The basketball. 54.Who’s Linda’s favorite basketball player? A.Yao Ming. B.Kobe. C.Howard. D.Lebron James. 55.What is Linda good at? A.Playing chess. B.Running. C.Playing the piano. D.Playing basketball. C What do you usually do at the weekend? Some people like to stay at home,but others like to go shopping or play football.My friend Mr Smith works in a factory.At the weekend he always does the same thing.On Saturday he washes his car and on Sunday he goes with his family to a village.His aunt and uncle have a big farm there.In autumn,the children help them with the apple harvest.Mr Smith and Mrs Smith help in the fields.At the end of the day,they are all hungry and Mr Smith’s aunt gives them a big meal. 56.What do people usually do at the weekend? A.They stay at home. B.Some stay at home,but others go shopping or play football. C.They go shopping. D.They play football. 57.What does Mr Smith do on Sunday? A.He usually watches TV. B.He usually goes to a village with Mrs Smith. C.He usually washes his car. D.He usually goes to a village with his family. 58.Who has a big farm? A.Mr Smith. B.Mr Smith’s aunt. C.Mr Smith’s uncle. D.Mr Smith’s aunt and uncle. 59.Where does Mr Smith work? A.In a factory. B.On a farm. C.In a department store. D.We don’t know. 60.Who makes the big meal? A.Mr Smith and Mrs Smith. B.Mr Smith’s aunt and uncle. C.Mr Smith’s aunt. D.Mr Smith’s uncle. D Mike likes climbing the mountains very much.One day he went climbing in the countryside.After three hours, he felt tired,and then he started to sleep under a big tree.When he woke up, he saw a tiger not far from him.He jumped up and ran away quickly.When he got to a road, a car came and nearly(几乎)stopped. Mike opened the door of the car and jumped in.He got a terrible surprise when he was in the car; there was nobody in the driver’s place.He was so afraid that he closed his eyes.The car moved slowly and it stopped at last.He opened his eyes and saw a man open the door and he wanted to sit in the driver’s place.Mike said to him, “Don’t get in.The car can drive by itself (它自己).” But the man said, “The car couldn’t move on the mountain and I pushed (推)it all the way down.” 根据短文内容判断正(T)误(F) 61.Mike likes to climb the mountains. 62.Mike saw a tiger not far from him when he woke up. 63.Mike got a terrible surprise in the car because there was a tiger driving the car. 64.The car moves slowly down by itself. 65.A man pushed the car all the way down from the mountain. Ⅶ.根据短文内容完成下列各题(每小题2分,共10分) I like fishing with my parents on weekends.But my friends don’t understand(理解)it.They always ask me, “How can you sit with your parents for hours like that?” When they ask me, ①I never say a word. Last Sunday, I went fishing with my parents near Nanjing.When we got there, I found a nice place to fish and sat down.My parents sat far away from me.I didn’t catch a fish after an hour or two.So I went to see my mom and dad.They didn’t catch anything.My dad said, “Let’s fish together.We may be lucky later.” I got my things and sat down with dad and mom.We started to talk and I told them about the most interesting teacher at school.We talked and laughed(大笑) for the rest of the day.Soon it was late.We didn’t catch any fish, but I had a great day.I now understand my parents better. On the way home, I told my mom how much I wanted to have fish for dinner.“That’s a good idea.We can buy one from the supermarket,” she said.We all looked at each other and laughed loudly.②Just at that time, I realized(意识到)why I loved fishing with my parents. 任务一:判断正(T)误(F) 66.The writer and his/her parents went fishing last Saturday. 67.The writer understood his/her parents better after they went fishing together last Sunday. 任务二:翻译画线句子①和② 68. _______________________________________________________________________________ 69. _______________________________________________________________________________ 任务三:回答问题 70.Did they catch any fish at last? __________________________________________________________________________________________ Ⅷ.词汇运用(每小题1分,共10分) (A)根据首字母或汉语提示完成句子 71.What s     bowl of noodles do you want? 72.There are many books in the l    . 73.Tony s     50 yuan on the new books last week. 74.Our art teacher     (画画)very well. 75.Lucy is a little     (害羞).She doesn’t want to meet other people. (B)用所给词的适当形式填空 76.The     (person) there are kind to us. 77.My father tells me     (do) it by myself. 78.Could you help     (they)? 79.My friend     (leave) the school an hour ago. 80.December is the     (twelve) month of a year. Ⅸ.书面表达(共15分) 根据表格提示,描述你是怎样度过上周末的。 Time Activity Place Saturday morning Play soccer In the park Saturday afternoon Do homework At Tom’s home Saturday evening Read a book At home Sunday morning Help mom do housework In the kitchen Sunday afternoon Swim with friends At a pool Sunday evening Listen to music In the living room   要求:1.包含表格所有信息,可适当发挥; 2.语句通顺、语意连贯; 3.不少于80词。 Ⅳ.21.D 22.C 23.B 24.C 25.B 26.A 27.A 28.C 29.B 30.D 31.D 32.C 33.B 34.D 35.D Ⅴ.36.B 37.A 38.B 39.C 40.B 41.C 42.C 43.B 44.C 45.D Ⅵ.46.A 47.B 48.C 49.C 50.B 51.B 52.B 53.A 54.D 55.A 56.B 57.D 58.D 59.A 60.C 61.T 62.T 63.F 64.F 65.T Ⅶ.66.F 67.T 68.我从没说一个字。 69.就在那时,我意识到了我为什么喜爱和我的父母钓鱼。70.No./No, they didn’t. Ⅷ.71.size 72.library 73.spent 74.draws 75.shy  76.persons 77.to do 78.them 79.left 80.twelfth Ⅸ.I had a good time last weekend. On Saturday morning I played soccer with my friends in the park.We had fun.In the afternoon I went to Tom’s home and did homework with him.He helped me with math, because it’s kind of difficult.I read a book about history in the evening at home.It was very interesting. On Sunday morning I helped my mom do housework in the kitchen.Although I was tired, I was happy.In the afternoon I swam with friends at a pool.We enjoyed ourselves in the water.In the evening I stayed at home and listened to music in the living room. What a wonderful weekend!

