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【#英语资源# 导语】未来的学校英语作文是现代教育领域的热门话题之一。随着科技的不断进步,未来的学校将会变得更加智能化、数字化和个性化。®文档大全网为您带来一篇关于未来的学校英语作文,让我们一起探讨教育的未来。

1.未来的学校英语作文 篇一

  One day in the future, I will stand at the entrance of the school, and the locked gate will automatically scan your student card with red electronic light. After certification, the red light on the red electronic light will immediately show a smiling face and say, "Good morning." Then it will automatically open the door, and once you enter, it will immediately close.

  Entering the school, the first thing that catches your eye is a row of robots. Walking over, one of them will automatically come to your side to check your homework last night. It will first ask you what grade and class you are in. After you answer truthfully, it will ask you to take out your homework. The robot will check your homework quickly and sweep by. If you pass the inspection smoothly, it will let you enter the teaching building. If it is not completed, it will immediately call the parents and ask them to pick you up. After you go back and finish writing, you will come back.

  Because there are many students in the school, the school has specially customized many such robots. If you want to enter from other places without completing your homework, then you can't escape the eyes of the robots. Entering the teaching building, you can see a "gatekeeper" robot maintaining order, which can make the hallway less crowded. Entering the classroom, the classroom was very clean and tidy, all thanks to the "on duty" robot. In this classroom, the original blackboard was turned white, with many buttons below. When the big button was pressed, the painted "colorful" whiteboard would take on a new look. This whiteboard can still be watched like TV. On the homework cabinet, the mountains of homework make the teacher headache and uneasy. However, with this extension machine, even the mountains of homework will be completely corrected in just one minute.

  What about the classmates? You don't have to carry a heavy backpack to school all day. Just put the books in a cabinet and when you go to pick them up, just swipe the student card on it, use the cursor keys to select the desired book, and the cabinet will obediently spit out your books according to your wishes Ah! How beautiful the future is! As long as we work hard, we will definitely build such a good school in the future!

2.未来的学校英语作文 篇二

  In future schools, a dense grove will be planted and the teaching building will be built in a lush grove. When we read in the early morning, we can read in the small forest, allowing the loud sound of reading to sway in every corner of the school. After ringing the bell for class, elementary school students can play hide and seek in the woods, swing on swings, walk on tightrope... making the campus lively.

  During class, if the teacher becomes hoarse or sick, a robot can be used instead of the class to make the teacher no longer bother. During physical education classes, there are various sports and fitness equipment on the playground, and we can have a good time playing happily. During art classes, the teacher will take us to the school's "beautiful area", where verdant small forests are planted. The tender green grass and brilliant blooming flowers make this place even more beautiful. The teacher asked us to draw from life here and select an excellent little painter to stick the painting on the exhibition board. During music classes, a radio will appear on the desk, input the music you want to listen to, and you can freely enjoy and listen to your favorite music. Beautiful music flows in everyone's heart, making people intoxicated in the beautiful music world.

  In our future school, there will be a clear and bottomless small pond, with colorful pebbles clearly visible at the bottom. The little fish swam freely in the water, and bubbles of water appeared on the sparkling surface. The shrimp patrolled the water like a hunchbacked grandfather. The little crab waved its two large pliers majestically and said to the little fish and shrimp, 'No one of you is allowed to touch me, otherwise I won't be polite!'!

  The future campus will be filled with exotic flowers and plants, blooming brightly all year round, showcasing our most beautiful smiles. The grass is evergreen all year round, and it is not willing to take off its green clothes all year round. It cannot see enough of this beautiful world. When you stroll around the campus, the strong fragrance of flowers makes you forget all your worries, and your heart is filled with brilliant sunshine.

  In the future campus, birds will soar freely in the blue sky; The little monkey climbed onto the tree branch, grabbed it with both hands and swung on the swing, the red strands making people laugh; The gentle sika deer is drinking by the stream, looking at its own shadow in the mirror

  I believe that the future school is not a dream, we are gradually approaching it!

3.未来的学校英语作文 篇三

  The times are developing and technology is advancing. If you want to know what the future school will be like, then listen to my introduction.

  Firstly, the school of the future has gates harder than steel, and the bomb is just a ball with a rope in front of it. If a bad person wants to enter the school, it will immediately sound the alarm.

  Entering the school gate is like entering heaven. A fresh breath of air rushed in, and the flower bed accounted for one fifth of the school. Inside, you were dazzled by the various flowers, which produced a lot of oxygen. Even if you catch a cold, you can breathe smoothly here.

  The teaching building of the school is towering into the clouds, very hard. Despite its hard appearance, it is made of special materials, so it only weighs one kilogram. Even in the event of an accident, if it falls, it will not hurt people. The walls of the teaching building will change with the environment: after class, the teaching building will turn green, allowing students to rest their eyes; After class, he will turn white, making the light in the classroom brighter and clearer to see. You may ask, 'How can I get up the teaching building that high? Do I have to climb stairs?' Don't worry at all. There are conveyor doors downstairs and inside. As long as the location is designed properly, I can reach this place in an instant. Is it both fast and convenient!

  Students in this school do not need to endorse their bags. Because every student has a computer, you can use it to write and solve problems... What the teacher writes on the blackboard will be immediately transmitted to your computer. Careful you must have noticed that this school doesn't have a playground? You're wrong because the playground is built underground, so you can't see it on the ground. If you want to go to the playground, you have to walk into the elevator, which will take you to the underground playground. It's like spring all year round here, and students can play happily here without worrying about not being able to play on rainy days anymore.

  Students! Do you like such schools? As long as we study hard and study hard, this school will be created one day earlier.

4.未来的学校英语作文 篇四

  One night, I had a dream about the future school. The school floats in space and is a flowing castle.

  The school is built on a large disk, surrounded by many flowers and fruit trees. Throughout the year, flowers bloom and fruits bear fruit. Fruits are green food, and students can taste fresh and sweet fruits all year round. In space, there is very little oxygen, and plants can also provide us with oxygen. Classmates never litter, we classify garbage and recycle useful ones, which is environmentally friendly and does not waste limited resources. The school has teaching buildings, libraries, gyms, restaurants, shops... it's simply a mobile city.

  You must ask, what is the driving force behind this mobile city? Let me tell you! It uses wind and solar energy to generate electricity, so that it does not cause pollution to the Earth and does not emit harmful gases to the human body. Such a beautiful campus is also a good place for people to vacation, travel, sightseeing, and leisure.

  Students fly their own aircraft to school, have their own routes, and will not encounter traffic congestion. There are no books on the desk, and every student has a smart computer. They study and do homework on the computer. After completing the questions, the computer will come to correct your homework like a teacher, and there is no longer a heavy backpack. There is also a computer in front of the teacher, which can see the homework situation of the entire class. At the same time, the teacher's computer will display how many points you have scored, which wrong questions you have made, whether you have corrected them correctly or not. Smart computers have also replaced teachers in correcting homework, making classes much easier for teachers. The teacher also took us to study in the garden and orchard. Occasionally, a few bird calls made us more interested in learning, which is exactly what we aspire to, a beautiful campus.

  I woke up and saw that I was dreaming. I think as long as we study hard, my dreams will definitely come true in the future. Let's work together for this dream!

5.未来的学校英语作文 篇五

  One day, I took a spacetime machine to visit a school that will be a hundred years old. Its name is Science and Technology School.

  I arrived at the school gate and was instantly stunned: the school was surrounded by exquisite walls and planted with many flowers, filled with fragrance. Inside was a castle like teaching building, like a magic school. At the school entrance, students must pass a facial scan to enter. I excitedly scanned the screen and walked in.

  I arrived at the classroom door, and at that moment, the electronic screen next to the door suddenly lit up, followed by a line of words: Welcome, you're great. I walked into the classroom and some classmates began to help me introduce: the desktop is a computer screen, and the things displayed on the teacher's computer will be reflected on the students' desktops. If you want to do homework, just click on the exercise software on the desktop to start writing, and then submit it. It can be said that you no longer need to use textbooks. If your eyes are too close to the desktop, the desktop will emit a dazzling red light; If you raise your head again, the desktop will show a soft glow; If you press your chest against the edge of the table while writing, a pair of cotton balls will pop up and push your chest open. Teachers also don't have to worry about students not attending classes well. There are cameras in all four corners of the classroom, and every move of those people will be captured. Every classroom is like this.

  I came to visit the playground again. There is a huge glass cover on the playground, which is not ordinary glass. It can purify the air, making walking on the playground more comfortable. The entire playground is equipped with an intelligent analysis system to calculate your exercise volume. The first floor underground is a sports room with many sports facilities and intelligent analysis systems.

  I still want to continue visiting, but the time machine sent a message that time has arrived and it's time to leave. I can only reluctantly leave.

  I hope the future school will be so beautiful like this.
