
时间:2022-07-15 03:29:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四年级# 导语】期中考试为了检验学生半个学期所学的知识而进行的一次考试。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  一、 选出不同类的单词,并将序号写在前面括号中

  1、(   )A. music B. science C. sports D. longhair

  2、(   )A. desk B. chair C. bed D. pen

  3、(   )A. teacher B. classroom C. classmate D. friend

  4、(   )A. Chinese B. fat C. tall D. thin

  5、(   )A. twenty B. painting C. thirty D. fifty

  二、 选择答句,将其序号填在横线上

  (   )1. Let’s sweep the floor. ----________.

  A. Good idea! B. Good job!

  (   )2. What’s her name? ----__________.

  A. His name is Jo hn. B.Her name is Amy.

  (   )3. I have a good friend. ____ is a boy.

  A .She B. He

  (   ) 4. How many books can you see? __________ .

  A. I have 12. B. I can see 20.

  (   ) 5. --- May I have a look ? --- __________.

  A.No. B. Sure.


  一. 根据左右句子的内容, 连线组成完整的对话。
  1 Nice to meet you.       I like biscuits.
  2 What’s that?         Nice to meet you , too
  3 What are those?        It’s a triangle.
  4 Whose is this, Linda?      Those are seagulls.
  5 What do you like ?       It’s Jane’s purse.
  二.选择正确答案的序号填在括号里 (共10分)
  A: fine   B. These   C: big   D: like   E:Yes
  (   ) 1. -How are you ?
  -I’m _________
  (   ) 2. Look at this elephant . It’s __________
  (   ) 3. -What are these?
  -__________ are eggs.
  (   ) 4. I ___________ jam and bread.
  (   ) 5. -Is it your bag?
  -__________, it is.


  1.from, a , my,is ,it , postcard , cousin (.)
  2.holiday, you, have, did, nice ,a (?)
  3. Sam , on ,didn’t, computer, play(.)
  4.will , I, on , my, take, ball , Saturday (.)
  5.be, will, it,cloudy, Beijing, in(?)
  二. 选择.(圈出正确的中文意思)。
  1. brother A. 兄弟 B. 姐妹 C. 爷爷
  2. thanks A. 谢谢 B. 茶壶 C. 郊游
  3. monkey A. 老虎 B. 猴子 C. 大象
  4. bread A. 饺子 B. 果酱 C. 面包
  5. small A. 大的 B. 左边的 C. 小的


  1.(   )They___young then, now they ___old .
  A .are, were B were , are C was ,is
  2.(   ) He fell_____the bike .
  A .off B. of C. on
  3.(   )Did he ____ in Washington DC last year?
  A .live B .lived C lives
  4.(   )What happened ____your head ?
  A .in B .to C .at
  5.(   ) We ___ a picnic last Saturday.
  A.has B.had C. have
  (   )1. Did you play basketball yesterday?   A.I’ll go swimming.
  (   )2. Were you naughty then ?       B.Yes, he was.
  (   )3. What will you do tomorrow?      C. Yes, I was.
  (   )4. Did Sam write a letter?        D. No, I won’t.
  (   )5. Was he strong then?         E. No, he didn’t.


  (   )1.A.watermelon B.cake C、banana
  (   )2.A.cool B. clever C、cloudy
  (   )3.A.sing B. walk C、shy
  (   )4. A.rainy B.play C、sunny
  (   )5. A.have B.fever C、headache
  1. (   ) It is a book __London
  A. in B. of C. about
  2. (   ) Will they take the ball? ____.
  A. Yes, I will B.No, I will C. No ,they won’t
  3. (   ) I will go swimming____Monday.
  A. in B.on C. at
  4. (   ) It will be ____in Beijing.
  A .wind B. windy C.rain
  5.(   )____is that girl ? She is Lingling
  A .Who B. What C .Where
