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【#英语资源# 导语】中国以文明大国身份谦和而体面站立在世界人民面前,拼搏奋斗、自强不息这是奥运精神与中国精神的完美契合。站立在奥运的赛场上我们没有在金牌崇拜里迷失,不以金牌的多少论英雄,更多得是去享受它所带给我们的魅力、激情和快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  There are many diving talents in China, and the Chinese diving team is also known as the dream team. Among them, many diving queens were born, such as Guo Jingjing, who is absolutely strong in diving. After retiring early, she is now back and will serve as a diving judge as a representative of the fina. In the face of children and work, she chose work. Another Diving Queen Chen Ruolin, China's most Olympic gold medalist, has five Olympic gold medals. He will be the diving referee of the Tokyo Olympic Games.

  The Tokyo Olympic Games has added four events: surfing, skateboarding, rock climbing and karate. Undoubtedly, these events are added to win more gold medals. As the host, I will certainly find a way to seek gold medal benefits for myself. Some hidden items have also been added, such as mixed groups of judo. This single event is equivalent to giving Japan a gold medal directly. Anyway, how to benefit themselves, but I can understand that only the opportunity of the host can let them win more gold medals.

  Compared with the previous Olympic Games, the number of mixed male and female events in the Tokyo Olympic Games increased from 9 in Rio to 18, and the proportion of female athletes reached the highest in the previous Olympic Games. The added mixed events include archery mixed team events, track and field 4x400m mixed relay, judo mixed team events, triathlon mixed team relay, and the transformation of three men's events into mixed events.

  Thanks to the principle of "promoting gender equality", table tennis mixed doubles has become an official event of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, which has attracted the attention of Chinese national ball lovers. At present, there are men's and women's groups in table tennis in the Olympic Games. Men's and women's singles play four single events. After the mixed doubles are added this time, the total number of Olympic gold medals in table tennis will reach five.

  In short, we are now a powerful country. We no longer need to speak with sports results, and we no longer need sports results to improve the confidence of the whole people. Now we just want the Chinese delegation to go well. Results are very important, especially for athletes, but the most important thing this year is not results, but safety!


  The Olympic Games is a well-known large-scale and popular activity. Since the birth of the modern Olympic movement more than 100 years ago, the Olympic Games have continued, and the Olympic spirit has spread to this day, just like the flame of the Olympic flame burning and growing, and the world also exudes the fragrance of struggle. This time, my ideological theme is only 16 words: "surpass yourself, pursue excellence, strive hard and move towards success."

  Betty Robinson competed for the first time four months before the 1928 Olympic Games. She set a world record of 100 meters in her first outdoor competition. It was in 1928 that the 100 meter race became the first women's track event in the history of the Olympic Games. Robinson won the finals by half a meter, and that was only her fourth competition. She also got a $4 × Silver medal in the 100 meter relay. Three years later, Robinson was seriously injured in a plane crash. The first person who found her thought she was dead, put her in the trunk of the car and sent her directly to the funeral home. For seven weeks, Robinson was in a coma; For the next two years, she couldn't walk normally... But she survived. Robinson still wanted to return to the sprint field, but her knees could no longer be completely bent, so she could no longer take the squatting starting position. But she can run the relay! In 1936, Betty Robinson served as the fourth president of the United States × A member of the 100 meter relay team won her second Olympic gold medal.

  However, not every Olympic athlete can win a medal. In the history of the Olympic Games, we see not only the flash of gold medals, but also the Olympic spirit of surpassing ourselves and pursuing excellence: akwali, the Tanzanian marathon runner, spent three and a half hours when he ran across the finish line last with pain. In their hearts, the honor of the motherland is above all else. With their own practical actions, they have made people more deeply understand what is the Olympic spirit and what is surpassing themselves and pursuing excellence!

  Several real and moving examples demonstrate my point of view. The Olympic spirit is really great! He makes people full of fighting spirit and vitality.

  However, although not an athlete, but has the same Olympic spirit, then China is the most typical example.

  Therefore, we should encourage hundreds of millions of people to work hard and build our country by publicizing the Olympic spirit; By publicizing the spirit of "tenacious struggle and glory for the country" of Chinese athletes, we encourage the majority of young people to establish the ambition of loving the motherland and revitalizing China, and strive to create a public opinion atmosphere conducive to the successful hosting of the Olympic Games. Participating in Olympic affairs and hosting the Olympic Games is the sincere wish and long-term pursuit of the Chinese people. Hosting the Olympic Games in China, which accounts for one fifth of the world's population, will make the Olympic movement more in-depth and popular, provide a very broad stage for cultural exchanges between the East and the west, and will also be a new contribution made by the Chinese people to the progress and development of human society in the new century.


  The 32nd Tokyo Olympic Games opened grandly in the expectation of the world, and the Tokyo Olympic Games officially opened. The artistic performance lasting more than an hour is like both a drama and a rock concert. The whole opening ceremony performance runs through countless British elements. Cooking smoke in pastoral songs, Shakespeare's poems, strong rock

  What impressed me most about the whole opening ceremony: first, the scene of the opening ceremony was very creative. There were no extremely gorgeous dances or too gorgeous fireworks in the stadium, but it was a peaceful and quiet pastoral scenery. This is totally different from the Beijing Olympic Games. The Tokyo bowl is like a small village - some are grazing, some are resting, the waterwheel rotates gently, the sheep eat grass quietly, and you can see big trees, hills and grasslands. It fully reflects the harmony between man and nature and makes us feel very kind. Second, the creativity of the main torch has completely subverted people's imagination in the past: instead of lighting the main torch with celebrities, it is lit with petals symbolizing beauty by seven sports youth who represent hope and full of sunshine. At the same time, it also transmits the endless Olympic spirit to the world. Third, when the torch bearer entered the stadium, he specially arranged the construction workers to appear on the camera. The construction workers gave the world a great surprise with blood and sweat in just four years. We should thank them!

  The most interesting thing is that in the seemingly elegant Symphony Orchestra, there is a figure playing the piano with one hand and playing the mobile phone with the other hand - Mr. Bean! Mr. Bean put back his cell phone, but suddenly he wanted to sneeze. He covered his nose with his hands, which was hilarious. After that, because he asked for toilet paper to wipe his nose, Mr. Bean actually made a more funny move - playing the piano with an umbrella in one hand and a paper towel in the other hand. After wiping his nose, he calmly threw it on the adjacent piano. When the music ended, Mr. Bean not only didn't finish, but kept playing the piano. Mr. Bean, who suddenly woke up, hurried to finish, but he farted again when he was nervous. The humorous British humor filled the Tokyo bowl with laughter.

  The Beijing Olympic Games is about scenes, and the Tokyo Olympic Games is about creativity!


  When the Tokyo Olympic Games had not yet opened, many people wondered whether it would be the worst Olympic Games due to the frequent news of the lack of preparation of the organizers? Half a month later, the Olympic Games ushered in its own closing ceremony, and the answer was revealed, and it was a negative answer. As a result, people in Tokyo were relieved, as were people all over the world.

  Whether for the Chinese Olympic sports delegation or hundreds of millions of domestic Olympic spectators, this is not only a bad Olympic Games, but also a wonderful Olympic Games, because in this Olympic Games, from Chinese athletes to Chinese spectators, they show a temperament and a model that they did not have before. This means a new beginning, also means that a new Olympic concept is taking shape, and means that we begin to learn to better interpret the Olympic spirit.

  If only from the Olympic medal list, we did fall from the first place in many years to the second place, and some gold medals we should have won were accidentally left behind. But this itself is a part of competitive sports. If the Olympic medal list remains unchanged for decades, it will be too boring. What is particularly crucial is that for domestic audiences, their attention to the Olympic medal list has become more objective, mature and rational, and they will no longer be complacent or depressed for the sake of temporary gains and losses, which is enough to show their self-confidence as citizens of a large country.

  If we launch a questionnaire survey to let netizens choose the most impressive things of the Olympic Games, we believe that the Chinese women's volleyball team led by Lang Ping, the "iron hammer" of that year, cut through thorns and thorns, and finally boarded the highest podium of the Olympic Games again after 12 years, we will win a lot of votes. But we also have reason to believe that many people will choose the expression package of Fu Yuanhui, the "famine girl", and the proposal show staged by diving couple Qin Kai and He Zi. This shows that we no longer focus all our attention on competition, focus on winning and losing, and focus on medals, but learn to appreciate and enjoy the Olympic Games. The Olympic Games is still the original Olympic Games, but what it brings us, in addition to being heavy and exciting, began to have more and more relaxed and happy colors.

  It has to be said that this is not only the normal performance that citizens of a large sports country should have, but also the performance of cultural self-confidence that a country and nation should have. With regard to the Olympic gold medal, subtle changes have taken place in the attitude of the domestic public. From the "more is better" in the previous Olympic Games to the open discussion of the dialectical relationship between more and less. First, regardless of the outcome of this discussion, it is a rare progress to have an open discussion.

  As the competent department of sports, Gou Zhongwen, director of the State General Administration of sports, recently expressed his opposition to the gold medal only theory and the gold medal indifference theory. This is undoubtedly a more objective and neutral attitude. Since it is competitive sports, we will not exclude victory, but work hard and move forward bravely in order to win. To this end, the Chinese women's volleyball team, which was not optimistic from the beginning of the group match, but went through ups and downs and finally won the championship, is the best proof. But even if we are not the first in the gold medal list and lose the original second, it does not mean that we have failed, because behind the gold medal, there is the rapid development of "national sports" in recent years and the vigorous figure of people active in various sports venues under the "national fitness" activities, which is more proud.

  We enjoy happiness and we are inspired; We feel the tears, we celebrate the victory, such an Olympic Games, is an incomparably diverse and rich Olympic Games, is an Olympic Games in line with the spirit of the times and the needs of the people.


  A noisy, joyful, warm and historical opening ceremony of the Olympic Games was presented to the world.

  There is no doubt that this is a big party that can mobilize everyone's emotions, full of passion and joy.

  In the history of the 100 years Olympic Games, the first time to move to South America, facing the outside doubts and make complaints about it, Brazilians are intoxicated by a great event full of South America and Samba style. "Joy" should be the most intuitive feeling on the scene.

  The whole performance presented Tokyo's history, present and future in front of the world, reflecting the close relationship between the largest country in South America and nature and environmental protection. In fact, not only do they have ingenious artistic performances, they also have an extremely meticulous side, so that the world can see their determination and confidence to run a world sports event, which seems to be very different from people's impression of Brazilian freedom and a little loose.

  As the biggest highlight of the opening ceremony, guides of different skin colors and genders pedal a tricycle decorated with plants to guide athletes from various countries to enter, which makes people feel like they are in the atmosphere of Carnival and feel the unique enthusiasm of this multi-ethnic country. Environmental Olympics, no extravagant pomp, no dazzling special effects, the five rings are all green, and the flame is the smallest in recent years, but the opening ceremony of the Tokyo Olympic Games is really more than imagined, low-key but beautiful. I wish all athletes and look forward to the smooth holding of the Olympic Games.

  "I have full confidence in the Tokyo Olympic Games," as IOC President Bach said. With more understanding of Brazilians, the Olympic Games will be more beautiful and harmonious in people's eyes. I have reason to believe that the Tokyo Olympic Games will be a successful sports event full of Asian customs and happy elements. I have no doubt about it.

