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【#小学英语# 导语】天高鸟飞,海阔鱼跃,学习这舞台,秀出你独特的精彩用好分秒时间,积累点滴知识,解决疑难问题,学会举一反三。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《小学英语每日阅读8月10日【三篇】》 供您查阅。

【文章一:母鸡和那个小女孩The Hen and the Little Girl】

in a country home, a mother hen and her cutechicks were living happily. a little girl came to visit the country home, but was very bored. one night, the girl went into the chicken house. as soon as she went in, there was disorder.

here and there cries of the chickens could be heard. the father, who was inside, woke up.

"what's going on? why are you bothering the chickens?" "because i'm bored." "you have to sleep now, go inside."

the girl went into the chicken house, again, the next day. there was a racket again, as the chickens were frightened. the moon in the night sky was worried. this time, the little girl's father will not be forgiving.

finally, the sleeping father woke up. "why are the chickens crying? by chance" the father was angry and came out to the yard.

"what's wrong with you? is it okay to bother animals that can't talk? you need to be punished." when the little girl saw her father's angry face, she began to cry.

"it is true that i bothered the chickens, but i was bored yesterday. but today i went in to apologize to the chickens. i was going to hug the chickens."

when the father heard what his daughter said, a smile quickly appeared on his face. "you are truly my daughter." the father praised his daughter. he was proud of his daughter that knew how to apologize. the moon in the sky gave a big laugh, too.


cute adj. 可爱的;聪明的,伶俐的;漂亮的

bored adj. 无聊的;烦人的;无趣的

例句:if i'm really bored, i'll spend a few hours doing that.


racket n. 球拍;吵闹,喧闹

【文章二:小美人鱼公主The Mermaid Princess】

In the deep, sea palace, there lived a mermaid princess. Whenever she sang a song with her beautiful voice, everyone envied her. However, the mermaid princess wanted to go to the outside world.

"I would like to hear the beautiful sound of birds. "The king promised her. "When you turn 15 years old, you can go and see the life above the sea." "Oh, I can't wait!

Finally, it was the mermaid princess' 15th birthday. She went up to the sea. The princess saw a great ship. And she saw a handsome prince standing on the ship. The princess fell in love with him at first sight.

However, as thunder and lightning struck, the ship sank on its side. The prince lost his consciousness and fell deep into the sea. "Oh, no! The prince fell into the water. Let me hurry and save him."

The princess saved the prince and laid him on the sand. The princess took care of him all night. When the prince opened his eyes, the mermaid princess hid from him. She thought he might get scared by her tail. Just then, a princess from a neighbor land came out to see the sea and she saw the prince.

The princess watched from a far the prince who always came out to the sea at night. The princess was very sad. She wanted to become a human so that she could be with the prince.

She asked the witch. "Okay, I will make you into a human, but you must give me your beautiful voice. If the prince marries someone else, you will become a water bubble. You must marry the prince."

On the sand, she drank the medicine that the witch had given her. With the big sudden pain, she turned into a human. Just then, the prince who came out to the sea saw the princess.

The prince took the princess who could not speak, to his palace. Although she could not speak, she was happy to be living near the prince. The prince was going to be married to a princess from a neighbor land.

"I will be marrying the princess that saved my life." 'I am the one that saved your life.' But, her voice could not be heard.

At night, the mermaid princess' older sisters came up to the sea. They gave the mermaid princess a knife and said, "If you stab the prince with this knife, you can be a mermaid again. If you don't, you will become a water bubble."

On the night of the wedding, the mermaid princess was going to stab the sleeping prince with the knife. But, she could not kill the loving prince. "It's best that I just turn into a water bubble. "When morning came, the mermaid turned into a water bubble and went up to heaven.


struck v. 罢工,打,打击(strike的过去式和过去分词)

bubble n. 气泡,泡沫,泡状物;透明圆形罩,圆形顶

【文章三:皇帝的新装The Naked King】

long, long time ago, there lived a very fancy king. the king changed his clothes 12 times a day. he really liked to show off to his subjects. "my clothes are the best in the world."

one day, two tailors planned a trick. "why don't we teach that stupid and extravagant king a lesson. he doesn't even worry about his starving people." "that's right! he thinks he's the best."

the two men went to see the king. "oh, the world's most marvelous king! we have brought the most beautiful cloth in the whole world." "however, not everyone is able to see the cloth. those that tell lies and have bad hearts are not able to see this fine cloth."

after the king heard those words, he became very interested. "could there really be such a cloth? if i can make clothes out of those cloths, my clothes will be the best in the whole world. hurry and show me the cloth." the king began to get greedier.

the tailors pretended that the cloth was real, as they showed it to the king. the king and the fine-spoken subjects could not see anything before them. but, none of them could show that they could not see it.

the king and his fine-spoken subjects just looked at each other. then, the tailor quickly spoke in a arrogant manner. "well, is there no honest man here? how can you look at this beautiful cloth and not praise it."

among the subjects, one of them made a flattering comment out loud. "wow! this is the first time that i have seen such a wonderful cloth." all the subjects tried to be the first to praise the cloth. then, the king was amazed with the beauty of the cloth, too.

the king gave the money and ordered them to make his clothes. for several days, the tailors pretended to be making the clothes. the king became worried and told one of his subjects to go and see how the clothes was coming along.

the subject could not say how much the clothes had been completed. as hard as he looked, he could not see it. but, he could not say that he was unable to see it. instead, he pretended to be amazed at how beautiful it was coming along.

a few days later, the tailors came back with the king's clothes. "here you are, try on this clothes." the king was not able to honestly say that he could not see the clothes. he, too, pretended to look over it.

one man said, "your majesty, lets go and show off this finest clothes in the world." the subjects all agreed at the same time. "yes, that is a good idea."

the king walked out to the street very proudly and walked with pride. all the people in the land came out to see the king's new clothes. they were all surprised, though.

just then, a little girl shouted out, "our king is naked!" then everyone said:” he’s naked, he's naked!"

the king now realized the truth. however, with only his undergarments on, he still walked in a dignified manner. even though he was embarrassed, he could not stop walking. why not? the reason is that he was the king.

tailor n. 裁缝

extravagant adj. 奢侈的;浪费的;过度的;放纵的

starving adj. 挨饿的;饥饿的

arrogant adj. 自大的,傲慢的

例句:i dislike his arrogant demeanour.


flatter adj. 谄媚的;奉承的

例句:i think layers are funky and would be a flattering look.


embarrass vt. 使局促不安;使困窘;阻碍

undergarment n. 内衣;衬衣

