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课文详注 Further notes on the text

1.Do you have any shoes like these? 像这样的鞋你们有吗?

这个句子里的 like these是介词短语作定语,修饰 shoes,意思是“像这样的鞋子”。

2. What size? 什么尺码的?

这是一个省略句,后面省略了 do you want。下文中的 What colour? 同样也是省略句。 what size通常用来询问服装、鞋子、手套等的尺寸,即什么号码:

What size do you wear?


3.They are very uncomfortable.的确很不舒适。


语法 Grammar in use


一般过去时通常与表示确切的过去时间的短语连用。这些短语一般是 last+ 表示时间的名词、一段时间+ago等。

(1) last week/month/year/night(上星期/上个月/去年/昨夜):

Did you watch the television last night?


(2) two minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years ago(两分钟/小时/天/周/月/年前):

She bought the shoes two months ago.


(3)in+ 过去某一年:

We first met him in 1980.

我们 1980年初次见到他。

(4)yesterday(昨天), yesterday evening(昨天晚上), the week before last(前一个星期), the month before last(前一个月), the year before last(前年), the day before yesterday(前天), the night before last(前天夜里):

She dusted the cupboard the day before yesterday.


词汇学习 Word study

1.wear v.


But women always wear uncomfortable shoes!


Look at the beautiful silk scarf she's wearing!


She never wears perfume.

她从不用香水。 (2)面带;呈现;保持:

He's wearing a cheerful smile.


He wears his dignity even in great adversity.


2.uncomfortable adj.


She feels uncomfortable in tight boots.



You'll have an uncomfortable feeling if you sit there alone.


He often feels uncomfortable with strangers.



This pair of shoes look very uncomfortable.


It's really an uncomfortable day!


练习答案 Key to written exercises

Lesson 76


1 She met her friends yesterday.

2 They drank some milk yesterday.

3 He swam in the river yesterday.

4 She took him to school yesterday.

5 He cut himself yesterday(morning).


1 When did you walk across the park?

I walked across the park last week.

2 When did you wash your hands?

I washed my hands a minute ago.

3 When did you work in an office?

I worked in an office the year before last.

4 When did you ask a question?

I asked a question five minutes ago.

5 When did you type those letters?

I typed those letters a month ago.

6 When did you watch television?

I watched television every day this week.

7 When did you talk to the shop assistant?

I talked to the shop assistant last month.

8 When did you thank your father?

I thanked my father an hour ago.

9 When did you dust the cupboard?

I dusted the cupboard three days ago.

10 When did you paint that bookcase?

I painted that bookcase the year before last.

11 When did you want a car like that one?

I wanted a car like that one a year ago.

12 When did you greet her?

I greeted her a minute ago.

新概念英语第一册自学导读 Lessons75-76.doc
