
时间:2023-05-03 01:28:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day, a day to sweep the graves of the dead revolutionary martyrs or their elders.

  On this day, I will visit my grandmother's grave. My grandmother has been dead for three years. Today, I came to my grandfather's house as if the whole family had arrived. Suddenly, I saw in a corner that my uncle was smashing yellow paper. I think it's fun. I want to try it. But my uncle wouldn't let me be afraid of hitting my hand. After a while, I heard grandpa shouting, "let's go." We'll take apples, bananas, rice balls and so on

  Of course, the whole family will go to this grand festival. On the way, I saw many grave sweepers with very sad expressions on their faces. I couldn't help thinking of my grandmother's love for me during her lifetime. Her kind face appeared in front of me. I recalled the scene when my grandmother cooked for us. At this time, my nose was sour and my eyes were full of tears.

  On the way back, I saw a red azalea in the distance. According to my mother, azalea, also known as Qingming flower, blooms during the Qingming Festival because it is an object to commemorate and appease the dead. I wanted to take it off for grandma, but we were too far away. My grandfather didn't agree with me, so I didn't go.

  There are three trees in front of my grandfather's house. The soft willow branches are floating in the wind. My mother folded two or three wickers to make a hat and put it on my head. I picked some wild flowers and decorated the hat. Dad took us home.


  "Before and after the Qingming Festival, plant melons and beans." "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and passers-by encounter a broken soul. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." Qingming Festival is a very sad Festival. On this day, everyone will go up the mountain to worship and miss the dead relatives. Do you know the origin of Qingming Festival? Let's talk about the origin of Qingming Festival!

  During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Chong Er fled to the mountains. At that time, he was followed by several ministers, including Jie Zitui. During these days in the mountains, Chong'er wanted to eat meat very much, but it was difficult to see a chicken in the mountains, let alone a big animal. Just then Jie Zitui went out silently. He took out his knife and cut a piece of meat in his hand and stewed it into soup for Chonger to drink. When he knew that he was eating jiezitui's meat, he was very moved. Later, he fought hard and became Duke Wen of Jin. Duke Wen of Jin granted generous gifts to the ministers who had accompanied him, but he only forgot Jie Zitui. Jie Zitui also took his mother and moved to the mountain in order to avoid the wishes and dissatisfaction outside. Many people fought for Jie Zitui. Duke Wen of Jin was also annoyed. He hurriedly asked people to go up the mountain and asked Jie Zitui to push down the mountain. But Jie Zitui would not go down the mountain anyway. Someone said, "you can use the method of burning the mountain. Leave an exit on three sides of the mountain. Jie Zitui has no way to go and comes out by himself." Duke Wen of Jin thought it was very good to say, so he made people burn the mountain.

  As a result, Jie Zi couldn't come out and slept under a willow for a long time. When Duke Wen of Jin found him, he was very upset about his behavior. He folded some willow branches from the willow and tied them to his head. Later, Duke Wen of Jin declared this day Qingming Festival in memory of Jie Zi.

  This story tells us that we must be honest with others, so that what you want to do can be successful. You can't adopt dangerous practices like Duke Wen of Jin, and finally you won't see Jie Zitui again.


  It rains every year on Qingming Festival, as if God is crying and missing his relatives. This year is no exception. A few days ago, I felt like I was spending summer. I couldn't stand the heat and ate ice cream. But on the day of Tomb Sweeping Day, it suddenly rained. It was so cold that it felt like winter.

  Finally, the rain stopped. Grandpa said, "go and give your grandma milk to the grave." I'm very happy. Just before the holiday, the teacher assigned us a composition about Qingming Festival. That's good. There's something to write. Dad drove grandpa and me to a far cemetery and bought paper money, firecrackers and white paper on the way.

  We stepped on the mud and finally came to grandma's grave. Grandpa and Dad were busy. I couldn't help, so I had to stand aside and look at Grandma's grave. I thought of her life. Grandma's hair is silvery white and her face is wrinkled. She loves to laugh. She can't close her mouth when she sees me. When I was in kindergarten, grandma sometimes came to pick me up from school. When I performed, she also came to support me. She was old and saved money to buy me new clothes and shoes, but she was reluctant to buy new clothes. Grandma milk has been away from us for more than four years. These things seem to have happened not long ago. Thinking, tears pattered down.

  Yuyu, what are you doing?, Come and kowtow to grandma. Dad said. Grandma: give me some milk in heaven, will you? Is there no disease there? Take care of yourself.

  On the way home, we met relatives who came to the grave for grandma's milk, which reminded me of those two poems: it rained in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road wanted to break their souls.


  The raindrops in the sky are dripping on the ground, but although the sound of rain is beautiful, it still can't hide bursts of thoughts.   

  On that day, we came there with a cool wind. Large and small tombstones were erected in front of the mountain. Some people came to mourn with a heavy heart, some sobbed quietly, and some looked into the distance as if to say, "I've come to see you."

  Grandpa's tombstone is in a relatively high place, and the terrain is also good. As we moved forward, the wind hit our faces and we couldn't help feeling a trace of cold. Came to Grandpa's tombstone, the family sobbed in a low voice. We set the table, put the offerings and put the bowls and chopsticks, as if we were eating happily. Put candles on a perforated brick board and worship grandpa three times. The adults began to burn money paper. Looking at this small tombstone and the Yellow photos, my eyes can't help but dim. I don't know whether it's tears or smoke.

  I remembered that grandpa made me a swing and asked me to sit on it. He pushed it for me in the back, but now I'm alone. I heard it. Grandpa told me all kinds of stories. I saw grandpa frowning at the sky. How I want to share my worries with Grandpa.

  I want to ask: Grandpa, are you okay? Can you swing with me? Grandpa, I'll help you share your difficulties! I have grown up and want to write a letter to you far away.

  I offered my little white flower and left reluctantly. Before I left, I looked at the cold tombstone


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains in succession, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." This poem not only describes the rainy weather during the Qingming Festival, but also shows that many people pay homage to their dead relatives during the Qingming Festival. Yes, Qingming Festival is the continuation of King Chonger's memory of Jie Zitui's life-saving grace. It is also a festival for us to cherish the memory of the martyrs and practice gratitude.

  Today, Tomb Sweeping Day in our village, Wutong went out for a round trip in the early morning. There were not many people. There were several jujube trees, pear trees, walnut trees and grapevine trees on display. On this side of the road, there are chrysanthemums, rose flowers, cactus, succulent plants and orange trees with golden oranges, which are also listed side by side. It is really colorful, showing the diversity of spring; Further inside, cloth stalls appeared and clothes were hung up; Those selling shoes, toys and snacks also set up stalls one after another, and the two sides of the road suddenly became lively.

  In the afternoon, my son finally came back and returned home with light steps. After chatting for a while, he felt that he had grown up again. In the chat with his nephew Mingxian, his psychology was more mature.

  One day passed in a hurry. Although I didn't go to the conference, I was very happy.

