
时间:2021-08-05 00:07:56 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】预防溺水我们要认真对待,生命只有一次,要对自己负责,以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The topic of my speech today is "cherish life and prevent drowning". Life is how precious, it is like the fountain, is so colorful; It is just like the sunset in the evening, so beautiful; It is like the flowers in February, so beautiful but short. However, often some "storms" lurking around make it shorter than a flash in the pan.

  Soon, spring will come and summer will come. What we are about to usher in is a hot summer, but isn't summer also a "eventful autumn"? Listening to the step by step footsteps of summer, I think of how many lives lost in this summer!

  Summer is very hot. How many people are led to swim and play in ditches, rivers and lakes? It is precisely because of this one by one non-standard "swimming pool" took one life after another, so that one family after another to bear the great pain. Drowning, drowning, drowning! It has become a terrible word, which makes people scared and angry, but it doesn't help.

  The occurrence of drowning accident is the biggest hidden danger in summer. Every year, there are student drowning accidents. The bud is just beginning to open, but it is devoured by the merciless River (pond) water, which makes people sad.

  Drowning is very dangerous. In our daily life, we should establish safety awareness, safety first and take precautions. So I propose:

  1、 Strengthen self-protection, do not participate in those dangerous activities, not to dangerous, unfamiliar river swimming.

  2、 In the premise of family company, go to a safe and regular swimming pool. And to do the corresponding preparatory activities to prevent the occurrence of drowning.

  3、 Start from me and strictly abide by school discipline. Never take part in dangerous swimming activities.

  4、 Do not enter the water with warning signs such as "No swimming" or "dangerous water depth", and do not stay in the park, especially near the river.

  5、 In our daily life, when someone falls into the water, we should not rush into the water for rescue. We should immediately call for help, throw life buoys, bamboo poles, wooden boards and other objects to the drowning person, and then drag them to the shore.

  Life is precious, lush grass on the plains. Every person has only one time. She is not like a fortune that can be recovered and not like a grass. Who lost his life, not only lost everything, but also to the living relatives left the trauma of the heart.

  Students, we are the future and hope of our country and nation. We must cherish our youth, study hard, actively demand progress, constantly improve our own quality, and jointly shoulder the important task of history and the times. Let's take action, cherish life and prevent drowning.


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Some people say that life is a treasure; Some people say that life is gold. I said, life is like a flower. The world is wonderful because of the flower like life, but some people easily let the flower of life wither prematurely.

  Soon spring will come and summer will come. The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and summer vacation is coming. In the hot summer, swimming is one of the favorite exercises for teenagers. However, it is easy to drown because of the lack of preparation and safety awareness, panic and self-help.

  Summer is very hot. How many people are led to swim and play in ditches, rivers and lakes? It is precisely because these non-standard "swimming pools" have taken away one life after another, making one happy family after another bear great pain. What a heartbreaking thing! Drowning has become a terrible word, which makes people feel scared and indignant, but it doesn't help. Rivers, ponds and swimming pools not only bring us joy, but also potential safety crisis. If we have more awareness of prevention and self-help knowledge before swimming, we can bring us laughter and avoid possible regret and regret.

  I hope that students can start from me, establish safety awareness, strengthen self-protection, stay away from drowning hazards, and do not participate in all kinds of dangerous extracurricular activities; Do not play in dangerous areas such as pools, ponds, reservoirs and reservoirs without permission or in groups; Be sure to swim in a safe and regular swimming pool with your family. Life is precious, lush grass on the plains. Every person has only one time. She is not like a fortune that can be recovered and not like a grass. The loss of life is not only the loss of everything, but also the trauma to the living relatives.

  Students, we are the future and hope of our country and nation. We must cherish our youth, study hard, improve our quality, and create a meaningful life for ourselves and our motherland. Let's take action, cherish life and prevent drowning.

  Thank you!


  Dear students

  hello everyone!

  The leaders of the Ministry of education and the provincial and municipal governments attach great importance to it and require all units to strengthen safety education for students to ensure that such accidents do not occur. In order to prevent the occurrence of drowning accidents, the school held a safety education broadcast meeting here today. I mainly emphasize the following aspects:

  一、 Measures to prevent drowning

  1. Students must bear in mind not to play by the river, reservoir or pond to prevent slipping into the water.

  2. It is strictly forbidden to swim in rivers, ponds, reservoirs and other places without permission. Even if you go, you must be accompanied by adults and take life buoys and other facilities.

  3. It is strictly forbidden to go out fishing without permission. Because fishing squats at the water's edge, the soil and sand at the water's edge become loose due to being soaked in water for a long time. Some water's edges are soaked in water for many years and grow a layer of moss, so it's easy to slide into the water as soon as you step on them.

  4. If you don't go to the non swimming area, if you can't swim, don't go to the deep water area. Even if you take a life buoy, it's not safe.      5. Do proper preparation before swimming to prevent cramps.

  6. You should be aware of your water nature. You can't show off your ability after going into the water. Don't jump and dive rashly, and don't fight with each other to avoid drinking and drowning.

  7. If you suddenly feel uncomfortable during swimming, such as dizziness, nausea, panic, shortness of breath, etc., you should immediately go ashore for rest or call for help.

  8. In swimming, if the leg or foot cramps, do not panic, you can pedal or do jumping action, or massage, pull cramps, and call for help.

  9. During a flood, you can't risk crossing the river alone.

  10. Students should care for each other. If they find that some students go swimming or play in dangerous places, they should dissuade them and tell their teachers or parents in time.

  二、 Rescue methods when finding a drowning companion

  Here, the teacher specially stressed that "saving people should be within the scope of their own ability." In the five incidents reported above, many students drowned to seek help from their drowning companions. Their spirit of helping out at the critical time is commendable, but it is not advisable. We don't advocate students' self sacrifice. When the students found someone drowning, do not rush into the water to save people, should immediately shout for help, or call 110. At the same time, lifebuoys, bamboo poles, wooden boards and other objects can be thrown to the drowning person when possible.

  To sum up, drowning is very dangerous. In daily life, we must improve our safety awareness and take preventive measures. Water is merciless, but people have feelings. In fact, as long as we improve our safety awareness in life, learn how to save ourselves and others from drowning, drowning can be prevented. The safety of students is a sensitive matter that affects the whole body: Students' safety, parents' confidence, schools' satisfaction and society's peace of mind; Students are not safe, parents are sad, schools are upset and society is upset.

  Students, safety is more important than Mount Tai, and safe family is our common wish. Teachers hope that students can firmly establish the awareness of safety first, cherish life, so that joy and happiness will always be around us, so that peace will accompany the healthy growth of everyone!

