
时间:2023-01-12 05:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语口语# 导语】冬天,虽然没有春天迷人的鸟语花香,没有夏天壮观的电闪雷鸣,没有秋天丰硕的果实,但它却献给大自然一种含蓄的美。以下是®文档大全网整理的冬天的英语口语句子,欢迎阅读!

1.冬天的英语口语句子 篇一

  The cold winter has come, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become the world's Willow decorated with silver, and the lawn is covered with silver.

  The sunlight came in from the east window. It was screened into a mottled mixture of light yellow and gray black by the screen curtain of openwork fine flowers. It fell on the forehead of Lin Baishuang, just like some mysterious words.

  Violent cold: describes sudden cold. Example: as the Siberian cold current hit, the weather turned cold as soon as winter came. It was a bit unbearable.

  The sun seems to be afraid of getting cold in the middle of winter. After wearing thick and thick clothes, the heat will not come out.

  When the dawn had not yet arrived, I felt extremely cold, so I hurried back to the dormitory, took a dress and put it on. As soon as the boiling water hits the ground, it freezes.

  Snow, covered with roofs, roads, broken branches, concealed the appearance of various objects, blocked the road and traffic, flying snow all over the sky, making heaven and earth melt into a white one.

2.冬天的英语口语句子 篇二

  1、It's chilly in the morning. I feel like winter is coming.

  2、Looking at, I seem to have become a small snowflake, into the white ocean.

  3、The snow, dancing in the air, is like silver butterflies, like pear petals, falling quietly.

  4、Winter snow is always quietly in the night, and quietly disappeared in the morning sunrise.

  5、Early winter morning, is a kind of quiet beauty.

  6、The winter night is quiet, not like the sound of animals in summer, only the roar of strong wind!

  7、Snow seems to be a magic magician, to all things put on a white robe.

  8、Winter sunshine is bright, winter sunshine is spiritual, winter sunshine is warm.

3.冬天的英语口语句子 篇三

  1、In the morning, in the winter of heavy snow, the streets are empty, which seems to be a paradise of snow.

  2、Snow, crystal clear and transparent, gives people the feeling of pure and clean, it moistens the earth in obscurity.

  3、Winter brings infinite beauty and discovery to the earth. I love winter as white as jade!

  4、The snow had been falling, and the flowerbeds were covered with snow, thick, loose and soft.

  5、Snowflakes are dancing in the sky, floating down one after another, the whole world has become white and beautiful.

  6、Snowflakes dance in the air like elves, gently floating to my face, cool.

  7、Ah, winter is too cold. I hope winter will pass quickly and spring will come to us soon!

  8、It's snowing heavily again. The wind hasn't stopped. The snowflakes are just like those cut by a skillful girl. They are crystal clear.

  9、Winter is coming, shivering in the cold wind.

4.冬天的英语口语句子 篇四

  1、In winter, many small animals have hibernated, but the river is still not sleeping. The river is covered with ice. The mermaid can't stand the cold in winter any more.

  2、Winter, mixed with the confusion of autumn came to the countryside, drove into the city, walked into you and me.

  3、Cold winter came, after a heavy snow, the whole Oriental red has become a world of makeup. The willows were covered with silver strips, and the lawn was covered with silver.

  4、By the side of the road, snow covered the sidewalk with white quilts, which left a string of feet of people. Cherry snow covered the trees with white Cape, making them more powerful.

  5、The sunshine in winter is amiable, light and comfortable, without a little violence and arrogance, especially like the orchid with a faint fragrance, holding your body, soft and crisp.

  6、In winter, although there is no charming birds and flowers in spring, no spectacular lightning and thunder in summer, and no attractive fruits in autumn, it also has the implicit beauty dedicated to nature.

  7、The sun slowly passed through the clouds, revealing a face that was already red, like a shy little pump mother looking at the earth.

  8、The cold wind rolled the snow all over the sky. Suddenly, Changbai Mountain was covered in white.

5.冬天的英语口语句子 篇五

  1、Ice cold snowflakes fall on my face, feel some tie.

  2、Xueer came to the world and intoxicated us. Xueer came to the world and brought us joy.

  3、One by one snow-white elves, falling from the clouds leisurely, snow elves floating in the hands of the children.

  4、WOW! How cold it is in winter! How painful the wind is on my face! Like a knife in the face.

  5、After a heavy snow, the fallen leaves of poplar, as if wearing a silver dress.

  6、Snowflakes are as white as silver, the earth is covered with silver, and the world has become silvery white.

  7、Snow, like catkins general snow, like reed general snow, like dandelion general.
