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【#写作翻译# 导语】本文《中国的崛起英语作文300字》由©文档大全网写作翻译频道整理,仅供参考。如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享~感谢你的阅读与支持!


  作为四大文明古国之一的中国,在数千年的历史长河中扮演者极其重要的角色,它的影响一直延续到现代的中国!四大发明,郑和下西洋,开拓丝绸之路,这些我们每每提到都无比自豪的伟大成就对世界发展有着深刻而长远的影响。1978年的中国,经历了深刻的变化,中国政府制定了励精图治的国家发展战略——改革开放。这一年也是中国的一个历史转折点,这个时期的国家领导人决心要发展中国的现代化进程,中国渐渐的进入了发展的快车道,短短37年的时间取得了世人瞩目的伟大成就。中国的崛起是历史的必然选择,从国家的角度来看,中国这个世界大国的影响力与日俱增,她影响的不仅仅是本国人民,更多的而是对世界做出的贡献,作为一个正在崛起的大国,中国需要更加重视与外部世界的关系,改革开放带来的不仅是物质上的极大丰富,更多的思想上的巨大变化,如今的中国正在积极发展,中国和平崛起,世界也应把中国的崛起视为巨大的机遇和新的发展机会。在这短短的三十几年时间里,人们的思想与三十多年前有了很大的变化,他们正在享受着改革开放给他们带来的福利,现代化给人们带来的思想的变革,也是为了更好地与世界接轨,有些西方国家认为中国的崛起是一个威胁或者是一个挑战,甚至会觉得中国的崛起会改变由西方世界主导的世界体系,会觉得中国会走向国大必霸的道路,因为中国的综合实力与三十多年前不可同日而语了,其实,中国是世界大家庭的一员,中国离不开世界,世界也离不开中国,时至今日全球一体化已经成为潮流,中国也已融入了全球一体化的进程,对于世界而言,接纳和适应一个正在崛起的中国,并且鼓励中国与外部世界进行良性互动是极其重要的。 As one of The Four Great Ancient Civilizations,China always played an extremely important role in the past dozens of centuries and her greatly influence continues to Modern China! The Four Great Inventions,Zhenghe ’s Expedition,Open a Silk Road connected with the Orient and West,every Chinese people mentioned it ,all of them would proud of their nation.And all those the great achivements belongs to China still has a giant impact with the whole world.Reform and opening up over 30 years,with China ’s overall national strength and international status of growing increased significantly,China is also well prepared for the future.China ’s rising is the inevitable determination by the history.China is not only affected their own people, but more contribution to the world, as a rising powers, China needs to pay more attention to the relationship with the outside world, brought by the reform and opening up is not only the material abundance, more dramatic changes in the mind.China is committed to peaceful rise, the world also should learn about the China ’s rising,actually is a new development opportunities. The western countries think that China's rising is a threat or a challenge, even think the rise of China will change the world system dominated by the west, because of China's comprehensive strength has improved largely compared with the 30 years ago, in fact, China is a member of the Earth Village, China needs the world, the world also needs China, international integration has become the trend in nowadays , China also has entered into the process of international integration, to accept and adapt to a rising China, and encourage China to the benign interaction with the outside world is extremely important.

