大学英语六级听力 2016可可,2016大学英语六级听力成功指南(2)


时间:2023-02-20 19:30:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  [1] 对话部分
  [2] 听力原文及答案解析
  A) Order a newspaper.
  B) Take a trip in the summer.
  C) Put an advertise in the paper.
  D) Go to the interviewer’s office.
  A) Sara rarely makes mistakes.
  B) Sara usually says what she thinks.
  C) Sara’s boss is hard to work with.
  D) The secretary wasn’t hard worker.
  A) Look for the umbrella in the theater.
  B) Ask the ticket seller about the umbrella.
  C) Buy another ticket for the show.
  D) Write a check for the umbrella.
  A) She’d prefer to see a different type of movie than a comedy.
  B) She has already finished her research paper.
  C) She won’t be able to go to a movie with the man.
  D) She’d like the man to help her with her research paper.
  A) She left them at home.
  B) She needs them right now.
  C) They might be hard to read.
  D) They are incomplete.
  6.M:Hello. I’m calling to see if the summer position you advertised in the paper is still available?
  W:Uh, yes. Certainly. When could you come to the office for an interview?
  Q:What will the man probably do?(D)
  7.M:I’m surprised that Sarah told her boss he was wrong to have fired his secretary.
  W:I know. But that Sarah ... if she has an opinion, everyone’s got to know it.
  Q:What does the woman mean?(B)
  8.W:Excuse me, did anybody find a black umbrella after the last show? I left it under my chair.
  M:As a matter of fact, we did. Check it at the ticket counter. That’s where we turn in the lost-and-found items.
  Q:What does the man suggest the woman do?(B)
  9. M:How about a movie tonight? That new comedy is opening in town.
  W:Sounds great, but I’ve got be finishing sketches on my psychology research paper.
  Q:What does the woman imply?(C)
  10. M:Could you lend me your biology notes?
  W:Do you think you’ll be able to make out my handwriting?
  Q:What does the woman imply about the notes?(C)
  6.D 注意关键词,如:position,advertised,interview等。
  7.B 该组对话的重点在but后。
  8.B 对话的信息量较大,可以从选项进行预测。选项中有三个都与umbrella有关,因此在听时要注意与该词有关的内容。ticket counter:售票处。lost-and-found:失物招领。
  9.C 女子采用了典型的拒绝型的回答。先是对对方的提议表示赞同,然后说明不能参加的理由。
  10.C 用一般疑问句进行回答,意思上表示否定。make out one’s handwriting:辨别出某人的字迹。

