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【#五年级# 导语】多做试题才能够更快速的掌握各种试题类型的解题思路,在考试中应用自如。®文档大全网准备了以下内容,供大家参考。


  一、 用所给词适当形式填空

  1. Let ___________ (they) watch TV at home.

  2. It’s time to have ___________ (we) English class.

  3. Girls, go back to your ____________ (seat)。

  4. We have some __________. (friend)

  5. Let ___________ (we) begin our class.

  6. I come from _________. (British)

  7. They are _____________ chairs. (child)

  8. __________ the boy and the girl in Class One? (be)

  9. Are you good at__________? (skate)

  10. What would you like? I’d like some _________. (knife)

  二、 用适当词填空

  1. __________ interesting stories they are!

  2. That’s my mother. She’s______ TV.

  3. I must_________ care_________ my little brother. He’s too young.

  4. She ______blue eyes.

  5. ______a good–looking boy he is!

  6. I live _______ 78 Apple Road.

  7. I’m good ________dancing and singing.

  8. The girl ____________long hair is my sister.

  9. The farmers grow wheat _______ the farm.

  三、 根据中文补全下列各句

  1. He looks great _________________(穿着*)。

  2. My mother and aunt are ________(警察)。

  3. She likes _________________________ (写作)。

  4. My grandmother______(看上去) young.

  5. Rose isn’t very_________(伶俐的)

  6. Ann is pretty and ________(安静的)。

  7. ________(怎样)is your grandfather?

  8. Feifei is a ________(害羞的)girl.

  9. How __________(有趣的) the book is!
  四、 句型转换

  1.He’s a teacher. (提问) ________ ________ ________?

  2.Those dolls are Li Fang’s. (提问)

  ________ ________ ________ ________?

  3.I'm in Class Three. (提问)

  ________ ________ ________ you _______?

  4.I live at 47 Green Street. (提问)

  _______ ________ you _______?

  5.Will you come to my home? (肯定句)

  I ________ ________ ________ ________home.

  6.I want to play football. (提问)

  ________ ________ you________ ________ ________?

  7.His name is Tom. (提问) _______ ________ ________ name?

  8. I’m in Grade Five. ______ grade ______ you ______?

  9. It’s seven o’clock. _________the ______?

  10. Tom’s brother is ten._________ _______ is ______brother?

  五、 阅读理解

  It’s eight o’clock. Miss Chen is not at home. Mary looks after her baby for her. Her baby is only four months old. The baby can’t eat food. It can only drink some milk. Miss Chen gives Mary two bottles of milk. At first of all everything is OK. But the baby begins to cry at nine o’clock. Mary puts the baby on the bed and puts some things on the bed, too. She plays with the baby. The baby looks at her and smiles. At ten o’clock, Miss Chen comes home.

  1. Miss Chen can’t look after her baby. She has many things to ________.

  2. Mary ______ Miss Chen to look after her baby.

  3. The baby is only four __________ old.

  4. Mary puts the ________ on the bed and puts some things, too.

  5. Mary plays________ the baby and the baby________.

  Class: Name:

  六、 补全对话

  A: What sports do you __________?

  B: I like ______ football. What ______ you?

  A: I like football and __________. I really enjoy swimming.

  B: Are you __________ to ___________ this afternoon?

  A: Sure. Do you want to come, ____?

  B: __________ I can’t swim.

  A: Come with me then. I’m ______ you.

  B. You’re a good ___________, aren’t you?


  一、 用所给词适当形式填空

  1. Lucy,_________(not worry) about your lessons.

  2. He is _________(worry) about his father.

  3. Tom is _________(play) a bear.

  4. Let _________( I ) help _________(she)。

  5. I’m _________(he) student. He is _________( I ) teacher.

  6. She can’t _________(sing) American songs.

  7. Show _________(she) your school.

  8. This is_________(Mary) book.

  9. What about _________(fly) a kite tomorrow?

  10. How many _________(woman doctor) do they have?

  二、 用适当词填空

  1. Look __________ my new book.

  2. We have maths lessons __________ Monday.

  3. How __________ books do you have?

  4. __________ a nice car!

  5. Shall we talk __________ English?

  6. She often works __________ late.

  7. My mother is kind __________ me.

  8. She helps doctors and patients __________ her work.

  9. That girl ________ short hair is my sister.

  10. Mary is _________good friend.

  三、 根据中文补全下列各句

  1. His father is a ___________(作家)。

  2. I __________(爱)my father and mother.

  3. My friend Tom is ___________(在我右边)。

  4. The ___________(出租司机)is Jim’s father.

  5. She is ____________ (英语教师)

  6. The boy ____________(在左面) is my brother.

  7. She ____________(看起来像)her mother.

  8. Here’s a picture of ____________(幸福家庭)。

  9. The book ____________(在中间)is new.

  10. What do you ____________(想做什么)in the future?
  四、 句型转换

  1. This is Kate’s doll (复数) _____ ________ ________ ________.

  2. These are drums. (单数) ______ ________ ________ ________.

  3. This is a candle. (一般疑问句) ________ ________ ________ _______?

  4. Are these Kate’s paperchains? (肯定句)

  ________ ________ ________ ___________.

  5.Is that Mary’s pudding? (肯定句)

  ________ ________ ________ ________.

  6.Is this Peter’s knife? (复数)___ ________ ________ ________?

  7.These are Tom’s candles? (一般疑问句)

  ________ ________ ________ ________?

  8.They’re drums. (单数) ________ ________ ________ ________.

  9.This is my book. (复数) ________ ________ ________ ________.

  Class: Name:

  10.Are these English books? (单数)

  _________ _________ _________ ________ _______?

  五、 阅读理解

  Mary is five years old. She likes asking questions. Some of her questions are funny. Everybody says she will do very well at school.

  One day Mary goes with her father to see her uncle. Her uncle lives in another city. He is very happy to see them.

  The next morning Mary's uncle takes her and her father out and shows them around.

  "Look at that church(教堂)," says her uncle. "It is the oldest building in the city."

  "How old is it?" her father asked.

  "It is build 2,000 years ago," her uncle says.

  But Mary suddenly laughs. "How could that be?" she says, "It's only 1998 this year!"

  1. Mary and ________ go to see her uncle.

  2. She asks some ________ questions.

  3. Her uncle ________ live in the same city.

  4. Her uncle shows them around the ________.

  5. The church is the ________ building in the city

  六、 补全对话

  A: Would you ________ ________ go to see a film today?

  B: I’d __________ __________. But I have to __________ my homework.

  A: ______ _______tomorrow?

  B: Yes, that will_____ fine. By the way, is the film good?

  A: Yes, it’s really a nice film.

  B: __________ __________ will it start?

  A: It will start at 9:30.

  B: OK. See you tomorrow __________.


  一、 用所给词适当形式填空

  1. Sue and I ________ (be) good friends.

  2. I want ___________(be)a doctor.

  3. Everyone ______________(be) happy now.

  4. My father __________ ____________(like play) the piano.

  5. Is she good at ___________? (China)

  6. The singer is ____________ (Alice) mother.

  7. He ______ (put) on his coat and _______ (go) to school every day.

  8. ___________ (not run) so fast!

  9. His __________(family) are all watching TV.

  10. Tom and Mary are ____________ . (America)
  二、 句型转换

  1. She’s my aunt. ________ is she?

  2. He’s a fireman. ________ his job?

  3. My father is thirty-eight.

  _______ ________ is your ________?

  4. The boy is from Australia.

  ________ the boy ________?

  5. She’s in Grade Six.

  ________ grade ______ she ______?

  6. The man comes from Beijing.

  ________does the man come________?

  7. I have two books. ________ _______books do you ________?

  8. I’m eleven. ______ _______ _______ ________?

  9. It’s ten past seven. ________ the time?

  10. The woman is an actress. ______ the woman?

  11. This is my knife.(复数) _______ ________ ________ ________.

  12. It is a hippo.(复数) ___________ ___________ ___________.

  13. Those are umbrellas.(单数)

  _______ _______ _______ ________

  14.She’s in Class Two.

  _________class ________she ________?

  15.His name is Peter.

  ____________his ______?

  三、 阅读理解

  The New Year’s Eve party is going on when the bell rings. A tall man opens the door and comes in. Nobody knows him, but the host goes over and takes him in. The man sits there happily for an hour and drinks. Then he says, “Nobody invites me to this party. I don’t know you, or anyone else here. My son and I want to go out in our car, but one of your friends’ cars is in front of our gate, so I come here to find him, and my son is still waiting in our car.”

  ( )1.The tall man is the host’s friend.

  ( )2. One of the host’s friends invites the tall man to come.

  ( )3. The tall man comes because he wants to find out whose car

  stops in front of his.

  ( )4. The tall man stays here for an hour.

  ( )5. The host’s son is waiting in the car for an hour.

  四、 补全对话

  A: Good morning. _________ can I do for you?

  B. I’d _________ a blouse.

  A: What _________ do you want?

  B: The blue one.

  Class: Name:

  A: Here you _________.

  B: It looks very nice. But it’s too _________.

  A:What _________ that _________? It’s bigger.

  B: _________ _________ is it?

  A: 80 yuan.

  B: OK. I’ll take _________.

