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【#二年级# 导语】书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟。学习从来就不是一件轻松地事情,小学阶段要注重培养学生对待学习能坚持投入进去的决心,把学习当成一种使命。尤其学习一门外语,不像汉语有天然的环境熏陶优势,更加需要学生去坚持。以下是®文档大全网整理的资料,希望有帮助到您。

  听力 (50分)

  一 听录音,圈出听到的单词 8%

  1 cake Coke 2 cat kite

  3 bin tin 4 what water

  5 hand head 6 read write

  7 my may 8 dog hot

  二 听录音,给下列单词编号 10%

  1 bee road red purple bin

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  2 sweet dog desk sweep clean

  ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

  三 听录音,填入所缺单词 8%

  1 Look at the __________. Oh, it's very high.

  2 I like to eat ________. I don't like to eat bananas.

  3 I see a ________. It's flying in the sky.

  4 How do you go to the _______? By bus.

  5 I'm Tom. I _____ in Pudong.

  6 My dog has my _________.

  7 She likes to eat _______ .

  8 My brother likes_______, but I like milk.

  四 听录音,判断下面句子与听到的句子是否一致,一致的打" " ,不一致的打" " 14%

  1 May I have a hot dog ? ( )

  2 Have some milk. ( )

  3 My sister has my ice-cream. ( )

  4 I love Pudong. ( )

  5 I'm hungry. ( )

  6 I don't like sweets. ( )

  7 Clean the desk, please. ( )

  五 听录音,选出正确的应答句 10%

  ( ) 1 A I live in Shanghai.

  B I love Shanghai.

  ( ) 2 A I can draw a dog.

  B I see a dog.

  ( ) 3 A Yes, I like fish.

  B No, I like fish.

  ( ) 4 A Have some water.

  B Have some cake.

  ( ) 5 A I have got a pen.

  B He has got a pen.

  笔试 (50)

  六 按顺序默写26个大小写字母 15%

  七 写出下列词的同类词 12%

  1 pizza ________ ________ ________

  2 pencil ________ ________ ________

  3 red ________ ________ ________

  4 one ________ ________ ________

  八 选择正确的答案,将编号写在前面的括号内 10%

  ( ) 1 ______ do you live ?

  A How B Where C What

  ( ) 2 I _____ seven .He _____ eight.

  A is…is B is…am C am…is

  ( ) 3 Give me ____ apple and ____ lemon.

  A an…a B an….a C a…a

  ( ) 4 My sister _____ my pizza.

  A has B have C is

  ( ) 5 What _____ you do ? I can dance.

  A do B can C are

  ( ) 6 May I ____ a dress?

  A has B have C am

  ( ) 7 Have ___ orange.

  A a B an C some

  ( ) 8 I like to eat _______

  A a biscuit B biscuit C biscuits

  ( ) 9 I live ___ Guangzhou.

  A on B in C

  ( ) 10 Sweep the _____ .

  A floor B chair C desk

  九 根据所给情景,判断下列句子 正确的用 " T " ,错误的用" F " 表示 10%

  1 你请朋友喝汤,可以说

  Have some soup . ( )

  2 你问新同学几岁,可以说

  How are you ? ( )

  3 你想知道同桌有没有新书包,可以问

  You have a new bag. ( )

  4 你想买一个冰激凌,可以说

  May I have an ice-cream ? ( )

  5 你想说你爱北京,可以说

  I love Beijing. ( )

  十 读句子,选出正确的答句 5%

  ( ) 1 How are you ?

  A I am five. B I am fine.

  ( ) 2 Is she a teacher ?

  A Yes, she is. B Yes,he is.

  ( ) 3 Give me a rubber.

  A Here you are B Here I am.

  ( ) 4 Happy birthday !

  A OK. B Thank you .

  ( ) 5 What have you got ?

  A I like the dress. B I have got a dress.

