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【#英语资源# 导语】在我们的成长过程中,父亲的爱一直陪伴在我们的身边,可能是一次温暖的问候,可能是一次着急的寻找,可能是一次大声的斥责.....你感受到了吗?以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  I love my parents very much, and my parents take great care of me. They give me meticulous care and let me grow up in the ocean of love.

  I remember that night, only the moon hung alone in the air, bringing people a piece of bright moonlight. The cold wind wants to drive the moon away from the dark sky and dominate the sky and become the master of the night. Dad was not afraid of the cold, braved the strong wind to the school to pick me up.

  On the way home, my father and I snuggled up to each other for warmth. The wind on the side saw that the moon was reluctant to leave, so he called brother Yu over. The moon and brother Yu came together, so they had to walk aside in silence and let their two brothers misbehave. The wind is blowing hard. At the same time, the rain also "clattered" underground, drenching US unprepared. As soon as his father saw the rain, he wanted to find a place to take shelter from the rain and wait until the rain stopped. However, we are walking on the bridge. There is no shelter and nowhere to hide. Seeing this, my father pulled off his coat. He had only one short sleeve, but he put his coat on my head to keep me from catching cold. So we ran all the way home without stopping.

  When I got home, I turned around and looked at my father. I saw that his lips were purple with cold, and there was no warm all over his body, while I was only covered with a few drops of rain. Seeing that I was watching him busy, my father squeezed out a smile and said to me, "son, dad is fine. Go take a bath first!" I couldn't help it any longer. Douda's tears filled my eyes and rushed to my father.

  Now when I see my father, I think of the warm rainy night


  There is no father in the world who does not love his children, but each father expresses his love in a very different way. Some fathers love their children meticulously and are super dads; Some fathers are silent in love with their children; But my father is a strict father. He condenses his love for me behind his strictness.

  In the fourth grade, the roads in the county had not been built yet, so my mother picked me up and sent me to school every day. But since I was promoted to grade 5, the roads have been renovated everywhere. Only oneortwo unobstructed roads are often blocked. My mother's driving skills are too bad, so she wants my technically skilled father to drive me away, but my father lets me go by myself. He seems to say casually: "go by yourself. You will grow up if you walk."

  Once when I was practicing guitar at home, my mother praised me for playing it well. Dad walked up to me without expression and said quietly, "what can I play? What's good?" I was wronged. When I learned for another two years and made more progress in my skills, I realized that my father was so strict that he wanted me to stop being proud and continue to work hard.

  I remember that in the past, I always procrastinated in my homework. I often wrote a few homework at 9:10. One day, it was too late. My father severely criticized me: "what are you dawdling about? You usually don't form a good habit. What should you do in the exam? Can you finish it? This bad habit must be changed. Don't let me see you like this again." I saw that my father was angry and a little afraid. From then on, I got rid of the bad habit of procrastination and made significant progress in my study.

  My father never limits me on what I eat. As long as I like to eat, I will buy it. But there is a premise that I must eat healthily. Once my mother took me to eat hamburgers. I thought they were so delicious that I had to eat them almost every day for the next few days. Later, my father finally said, "it's OK to eat them once in a while. It's bad to eat too many foreign fast food. Pay attention later." Of course, I know my father's mind. He just wants me to be healthy. This is a father's simple love for his son.

  My father is very strict, but I deeply know that he also loves me. From every bit of life, we can always feel the love given by his severity.


  The first time my father really appeared in my childhood memory was when I was three years old. At that time, I was seriously injured and my father carried me to the hospital. From then on, I knew that he was my father, who could help me when I was helpless.

  I don't remember the last time I looked at my father.

  I only remember my father's dark hair and white skin.

  Since I went to school, my father has paid little attention to me. In my life, it is more about my mother's education and care. I talked and laughed with her almost every day, but I seldom had a word with my father.

  That day, I really saw my father again

  When I came home from school, my father was cooking. I hid in a corner and watched my father secretly. My father looked old. Her hair was thin and her skin was bronzed. My father is a teacher, but he never has time to tutor me. The day before yesterday, my father said that he took over a class and became a class teacher. Looking at my father's busy back and his slightly gray hair, I felt my heart ache. My father also paid for me. Although he seldom talked with me, he cared about me all the time. At the thought of this, the heart of loving the father that has been hidden in my heart has finally been discovered. I have an unspeakable impulse.

  Suddenly, my father looked back and saw me. "Back!" He smiled. Looking at my father, looking at his smile, I suddenly felt small - I used to hate him because he didn't care about me.

  I made a cup of tea for my father. When he came out of the kitchen, I handed him the tea.

  A question suddenly appeared in my mind: is father's love worth this cup of tea? Now, I finally got the answer. I poured my love into my father. I think this is what my father wants most. This is the value of fatherly love.

  I don't think we should wait until we grow up and earn money to honor our parents. Why don't we honor our parents now? Maybe you will earn a lot of money when you grow up, buy supplements for your parents and let them travel. But by then, your parents will be old and may not have much time to enjoy your "filial piety".

  Our life is given by our parents, so we should honor them. We can never repay the kindness they have given us in a lifetime.

  The cup of tea I handed my father contained the love of my life. Maybe that is the value of fatherly love


  If mother love is like water, then father love is mountain; If mother's love is a trickle, then father's love is a rolling cloud; Under the irrigation of father's love, we continue to grow up

  Fatherly love is strict. I remember it was a math unit exam, and I got the second place. After returning home, I showed it to my mother with full confidence. She praised me, and I was ecstatic. But when the examination paper was shown to you, you said sternly, "who is the first? Why can't you get the first place, or even surpass the first place?" After listening to this, my happiness was suddenly thrown out of the sky. At that time, I really hated Dad: why don't you praise me? I have done very well this time! Don't you throw cold water on my head! Over time, I learned that the reason why my father did this was that he didn't want me to be proud and get better results next time.

  Fatherly love is meticulous. Last week I caught a cold. I often coughed in the middle of the night and kicked the quilt. My father, who often worked late into the night, was restless. Sometimes my father was afraid that I would catch a cold and deliberately stopped his work to cover me.

  Fatherly love is selfless. When I was a child, I ate expired persimmon cakes by mistake, and my stomach was very painful. Dad was so anxious that he drove me to the hospital. Maybe it's because I got carsick and threw up the persimmon cake. I felt better before I knew it. But my father didn't know that my stomach wouldn't hurt. At the hospital, the elevator broke down. My father picked me up and ran from the first floor to the fifth floor, from the fifth floor to the third floor, from the third floor to the sixth floor... He was so tired and sweating that he finally found the consulting room. After the doctor diagnosed me, my father knew that I was well and was relieved. Although I thought my father was stupid at that time, it was not for me!

  Father's love is not only strict, meticulous, but also selfless... I have felt a lot of father's love in my life, and I know they will accompany me all the time.


  I love my mother and my father. Because my father's love is as tall and firm as a mountain.

  My father is a man full of fatherly love. Once I went to the hospital to see a doctor. On the road, it was windy. I wear very thin, how can I stand such a strong wind? Maybe my father also felt cold. He stopped the car and asked me with concern, "is it cold?" I said, "it's not cold. It's not cold at all." "It's not cold yet. Your face is red with cold." With that, Dad took off his coat and put it on me. I know that my father wears less than I do. How can I ask him for clothes at such a time? So I just endured the cold and refused to ask for his clothes. After a while, I sneezed when my mouth was not hard. Dad heard it, quickly stopped the car and said to me in a slightly reproachful tone, "it's cold and I don't say anything. You see, I've caught a cold." He insisted on taking off his coat and putting it on for me. I said, "Dad, I'm not really cold." Dad said, "it doesn't matter. I'm in good health. Look, I'm the only one wearing a shirt on the street. How fashionable!" I know, dad said this to keep me from being sad. How much fatherly love does this thin dress contain!

  Dad's fatherly love is reflected in his strong sense of responsibility. I remember that it rained cats and dogs when school was almost over. After a while, a row of cars lined up at the school gate. Then the parents of other students came to pick up their children. My father is working outside. He is very busy. It is impossible to pick me up. How I wish Dad could give me an umbrella in his busy schedule! The bell rang and many students got into the spacious car. Only I carried my schoolbag and got into the boundless rain curtain. The rain poured down from my head and ran to the school gate. I had become a "drowned chicken". Suddenly, "son!" A familiar cry warmed my heart. It's dad, my dear dad. He appeared in front of me with a poncho and a smile on his face. My own heart is especially warm in the wind and rain.

  This is my father, who is as tall and firm as a mountain with broad shoulders, warm love and strong responsibility!

  I love my father!


  Oh, my father's love is like this. It's telling me the life philosophies that have laid the foundation for me on the long way of life!

  Now I am a seventh grade student. Just after the first monthly exam, the feeling of failure is still lingering in my heart. From the top few in primary school to dozens in the class, how can we bear the huge gap? Dad seemed to see the shadow in my heart. On the way to pick me up at the weekend, dad said: "I believe my son, you are always the best in my heart! Don't be scared by a failure, learn to find reasons from failure, instead of being confused by the haze of life." I understand my father's good intentions. Since then, I have strengthened my confidence, formulated a thorough learning plan, found a suitable learning method and adapted to the teacher's teaching method. I feel that learning is not so difficult, but very relaxed and happy.

  Oh, Dad's love is like this. It is the "sanitation worker" who clears away the thorns for me and helps me go on in the haze of failure again and again!

  Dad's love is everywhere. It is like a lofty mountain, blocking the rapid and galloping flood for me; Like a shady tree, it opens up a treasure land for me to enjoy the cool in summer; Like the clear spring water, it moistens my long withered soul.

  Recalling the past one by one, I immediately felt that what I gained was those heavy love. Dad, you worked hard, I love you!

  In my heart, the image of my father is getting bigger and bigger, and his back is becoming clearer and clearer. He is holding up a blue sky for me with his broad arms.


  "Mother's love is the greatest love in the world", and in my heart, the meticulous love of father's love is no worse than mother's love.

  In recent years, my mother has no time to take care of me because of her busy work, so she gave me all to my father. In this long period of time, Dad can be said to be both a father and a mother.

  I remember one time, I took the certificate of outstanding student and flew home happily. Just as I was about to get home, I accidentally tripped over the stairs, and I lost three layers of skin on my knees! At this time, my father saw it and hurried out, but he said calmly, "do you have long eyes? Really."

  On another occasion, I didn't do very well in the final exam. I didn't reach the target set by my father. I was afraid my father would scold me, so I hid my father. A few days later, my father was furious when he learned about this. He said, "it's ok if you don't do well in the exam, but it's too much for you to let me know. Let's see how I deal with you today!" Then he gave me a good beating.

  Of course, dad has a serious side and a kind side. Whenever I have difficulty with my homework, my father will put down the work at hand and help me solve the problem; When I was bullied, my father would stand up for me and reason with that person; When I do good, my father will be happy.

  Dad's meticulous love is always printed in my heart.


  People say that mother's love is very great, and father's love is also great. Although father's love is very rough, father's love is rough and tender.

  I remember that I had a high fever that night. My father knew that. He was very worried. He took a coat, put it on, and ran out with me. "Hold on, we'll be there soon!" Dad kept telling me. I lay in my father's arms, so warm! Hearing my father's strong heartbeat, I felt very relieved. After running for some time, dad was so tired that he was panting, and sweat rolled down his forehead. His face flushed.

  At the hospital, Dad registered and bought medicine. He was as tired as if he had washed his face. His face was full of sweat. Finally, it was my turn. The doctor quickly helped me with an intravenous drip. My father accompanied me. Although he yawned, he dared not take a rest. He sometimes asked me if I was better, and sometimes looked at the speed of drops. I fell into a deep sleep. The drip is finally finished. When I woke up, I saw my father's eyes were red and dark. My father was with me all night. She looks haggard and seems to be several years old.

  After a few days, my illness was all right, but my father lost a circle. My eyes turned red, and I cried and jumped into my father's arms. Dad smiled: "as long as you get well, I'll be at ease. Let's lose weight these days!" I burst into tears and laughed.

  Father's love is like chrysanthemum, which is light and long. Only when the years pass, can we taste the profound charm contained in the father's love.

  Dad, I love you!


  Dad, please don't go out of my memory. You have accompanied me through the ups and downs for more than ten years. Thank you!

  I have read many articles, some of which are about scenery; Spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own charm. In spring, there are grass growing and Orioles flying, in summer, there are green pools in summer, in autumn, there are numerous fruits in autumn, and in winter, there are white flowers in winter. There are also those about mothers; How beautiful mother is, she is so gentle

  I have also written many articles about my mother, but I haven't written about my father. Today, I want to write about my father.

  Maybe you just remember how long mother's Day is. Gradually, many people forget when father's Day is. Today, I will tell you that father's Day is on the third Sunday in June; Father's Day is a day to thank your father. Dad was not sad that his children had forgotten him, but silently worried about their children's learning career. With the passage of time, Dad's hair became whiter and lost the original dark and thick. Dad paid silently. Slowly, Dad's hands were full of calluses, his face was full of wrinkles, and his rickety back slowly walked into the depths of my heart.

  Dad is never good at expressing words, but his love for his children is no worse than that of his mother. Yes, dad is very strict. When we make mistakes, Dad scolds us with such eyes and voices. Think you're scared, aren't you? When we make progress, mom will say, the child is great, while dad will say to you, don't be proud, it's just a small progress, what he wants is great success. Perhaps the most feared thing for most children is their father. Everyone thinks that their father is very strict and not as kind as their mother. In fact, dad is more worried than mom.

  Dad, please shout this title out loud. It is possible that when you wake up, you have no chance to shout this name.

  In fact, dad is also beautiful!


  Father's Day is coming. In order to surprise my father, each of our classmates prepared ten "universal cheques" for my father. This "universal check" is of great use. My father can order me to do anything within this month, and I must implement it.

  This Sunday morning, dad used the first "universal check". He asked me to make a breakfast - "fried rice with eggs". I lit the fire first, heated the pot, and then poured some oil. When the oil was slightly hot, I poured the eggs I had prepared and scattered into the oil pot. I heard a "Ho" sound, which scared me to run. But I finally went to stir fry the eggs. Then I put the rice into the pot and fried it with eggs. When the rice is almost soft, I put some salt and soy sauce. All right, start the pot and put it on the plate. It's done.

  The delicious fried rice with eggs was on the table. My father ate it with relish and boasted: "it's really delicious!" But I tasted it. It was so salty! It seems that as long as I make it, dad will feel delicious.
