

时间:2023-11-20 06:08:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  作动词,意为"得到,收到,经历". get sth from sb.意为"从某人那里得到某物".
  He got a letter from his wife.
  I want to get a present from my parents.
  get up起床 get off下车
  get to到达 get on上车
  get back回来 get sth back取回某物
  get away离开 get sth out of把…从…取出来
  get into进入 get ready for为…准备好
  get in收获 get out of从…里出来
  What did you get ____ your husband?
  A in B on C to D from
  I often wear a dress.
  Mr Li likes wear a blue shoes.
  The girl wears long hair.
  My father wears a sad look.
  He wears his socks into holes.
  wear 和put on
  两者均可表示"穿,戴",在句中作谓语.但wear强调穿的状态,put on强调穿的动作.
  I like wearing blue shoes.
  He is wearing a white T-shirt.
  It's cold outside. You'd better put on your coat.
  Tom often _______ his black glasses.
  A puts on B wear C dresses D wears
  sometimes/sometime/some times/some time
  sometimes 不时,有时
  sometime 在某个不确定的时间,在某个时间
  some times 几次
  some time 一段时间,一些时间
  Sometimes I go to school on foot.
  He sometimes visits his uncle.
  My father will go to Shanghai sometime.
  (3)some times意为"几次".
  I met my friend some times last week.
  (4)some time
  I read English for some time every day.
  always总是 usually通常,常常
  often经常 never从不
  hardly ever几乎不
  I'll go to Hong Kong ______ next week.
  A some time B sometimes C sometime D some times

