

时间:2022-09-10 23:25:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】读书,是知识的海洋;读书,是精神的世界;读书,是历史的梦想;读书,是文化的天堂!下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  Reading makes my life more fulfilling and makes me feel better. How wonderful and intoxicating.

  Reading can make people calm and cultivate their self-cultivation. Imagine sitting on the balcony on a warm afternoon, holding a book, feeling the sun slowly slipping away from you, or drinking milk tea, reading under the sun and rain, and enjoying this "bourgeois" atmosphere. Or go to the bookstore to feel the fragrance of books, listen to music with books in your spare time, and feel the perfection of notes and words. This is the fun of reading. Reading can teach us how to see the society clearly, feel the legendary stories of the people in the book, and feel their different joys, sorrows and sorrows.

  At noon, sitting on the balcony with enthusiasm, holding a good book in hand, reading articles comfortably in the sunshine, allowing yourself to absorb nutrition from books and forget the pressure of work and study in the morning, which can also improve your work efficiency. Before falling asleep, pick up a book, read all kinds of current affairs and news at the head of the bed, and fall asleep with the concept of these things. Is it more elegant than playing games and chasing online dramas.

  Reading can make me cross thousands of years and let me drink with Li Bai under the moon; Can make me cross the world and feel the vast universe; It can let me break the dimension and feel the thrilling love with shushouzhen in Tokyo, Japan.

  In kindergarten, we sat on a small stool to taste the Tadpoles Looking for our mother; In primary school, we read in the classroom. "Puppet adventures" to see how a living puppet creates miracles; In junior high school, we read the outlaws of the marsh and the romance of the Three Kingdoms, watched Li Kui's decisive battle against the white bars in the waves, and watched how Liu Guanzhang fought Lv Bu against the three British; In high school, we hold all kinds of books, watch Bill Gates get married, watch Yue Fei serve the country, watch all kinds of books and taste all kinds of life.

  Once I thought that nothing in the world is eternal except heaven and earth. Sooner or later, the people and things around me will fulfill their fate. Now I know that books can accompany me forever. When I feel confused, I will read. I believe I can find the answer from books. Reading will not get off on the road of my life.


  Some people say that reading more can experience different lives.

  I didn't think so, but after reading some books, I suddenly really understood this sentence.

  After listening to Mo Yan's frog in the morning, I just heard a general idea, but I was very impressed with the characters constructed in the book, their background and their lives.

  This is a novel, but artistic creation itself comes from life. Sometimes we think novels are exaggerated, but in real life, sometimes there are more dramatic things, but we haven't heard or seen them.

  This novel is exactly what the writer saw when he grew up, and created vivid characters. Maybe we can't compare them with people in real life one by one, but how can we not easily see the shadow of some people from them.

  I saw that the aunt of the master's corner was a proud woman in such an era. She was capable, educated and had a background. She was too excellent, but no one dared to pursue. She talked about a tall pilot. As a result, people "fled" to another country and married another more beautiful woman. She spent her whole life in delivering children and participating in family planning. It can be said that later she was a bit gnashing her teeth, Finally, I married a clay figurine after I retired.

  There are also women in the novel who have lost their lives because of their secret transcendence. When listening to them, people really feel the changes of the times and ideas.

  Reading can really let us see different lives, learn to think, and take our lives more bravely and seriously.


  Every weekend, as long as I finish my homework, I beg my mother to let me read. As long as she agrees, I will be alive and happy.

  Reading bar, on the first floor of the culture building, is an antique cabin. The environment here is elegant and quiet. Several pots of flowers and plants are planted in the room. When you walk in, a faint fragrance pours on your face. There are many kinds of books here, including culture, science, adults, children, etc. However, what I like most is comic books. The contents are rich and interesting. I often get fascinated. I don't even know if I was bitten by mosquitoes. I also like story books. The words in them are rich and colorful, and the sentences are beautiful and moving. I can't read enough no matter how I read them.

  My mother stood outside the door and said, "I'm leaving. It's already five o'clock. Reading is going to close!" after a long time, I reacted and said reluctantly, "wait a little longer." after that, I indulged in comics again, and even forgot my mother waiting for me outside.

  Oh, I forgot to tell you, I'm still a little librarian here!


  Speaking of books, I have a lot of insights.

  From the first time I read a book in my life, I fell in love with this object that can make me cry and laugh. Strange to say, I don't like difficult classical Chinese and too easy to understand vernacular, but I especially like the popular words during the new culture movement. It is probably because classical Chinese is too complicated and vernacular Chinese is too simple, while the characters in the new culture period are not complicated or simple. It will not be too difficult to study, but it is also quite interesting.

  The favorite authors are Lu Xun and Bing Xin. Many of Lu Xun's articles advocate patriotism. Every taste makes me passionate. I want to get into the book and scold those rich landlords. I also admire Lu Xun's behavior. He is upright and upright. He is not afraid of danger and threat. He is angry for the country and the people. On the contrary, Bing Xin's article has a special tranquility, which makes people feel relaxed and happy and linger. I also respect her, because she let me understand a lot of truth when I feel childlike innocence, and gain a lot of noise when I feel quiet.

  Taking books as medicine can cure irritability. This sentence just confirms my life. When I didn't read, I was a girl who couldn't sit still, couldn't stop and only knew how to play all day. Since I came into contact with books, I began to be delicate. As long as you give me a book, I can sit in place for an hour or two, or even stay there for most of the day.

  If the heart can also be divided into pieces of land, then I will -- half an acre of the heart will grow the fragrance of books.


  When it comes to reading, there are many stories about celebrities studying hard, including Shi Yang rubbing his feet at night, Hou Baolin copying books, Qu Yuan studying hard in the cave

  I also have my own reading story. If you don't believe it, listen to it:

  It was a winter night, and the north wind howled. Maybe the new extra-curricular books gave me motivation. I finished my homework at 7:30. After finishing my schoolbag, I couldn't wait to pick up the love book "I want to be a good child" and read it with interest. I immersed myself in the book and spent happy minutes and seconds with the protagonist Jinling, catching mice, managing money, raising silkworm babies, exams. Happy time is always so short. In the blink of an eye, the clock pointed to nine. My mother also "fell from the sky", took away my extracurricular books and said, "reading at night is bad for my eyes! Be obedient, turn off the light and sleep." I only reluctantly turned off the light and slept obediently.

  I lay in bed, tossing and turning. I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking about the contents of the book. Finally, after my mother's room turned off the light, I crept into the living room barefoot. It was winter, very cold, and my feet and hands were cold. I gently picked up the book and tiptoed back to the room. "Great!" I was so excited that I finally got the book! I read the rest of the story with great interest and found the answer I wanted. I had already yawned and fell asleep before I put down my book.

  In my dream, I continued to chat, study and play with Jinling... I slept soundly this night.

