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【#英语资源# 导语】据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间2021年9月16日8时56分,神舟十二号载人飞船与空间站天和核心舱成功实施分离。截至目前,神舟十二号航天员乘组已在空间站组合体工作生活了90天,刷新了中国航天员单次飞行任务太空驻留时间的纪录。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  In the Gobi desert, with towering towers and manned space launch site, the Shenzhou 12 ship arrow assembly is ready to go. After a lapse of five years, space is about to welcome another Chinese visit.

  At 9:22 on June 17, Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft is expected to launch. The flight crew was composed of astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo. Nie Haisheng served as the commander, and the backup astronauts were Zhai Zhigang, Wang Yaping and ye Guangfu.

  As the first manned flight in the construction of China's space station, Shenzhou 12 mission is very critical; It coincides with the Centennial birthday of the party. The manned space project draws experience and strength from the brilliant process of China's aerospace construction and development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, boosts confidence and fighting spirit, fully invests in mission preparation and writes a new chapter of China's aerospace.

  At 11 a.m. on June 16, astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo performing the manned mission met with Chinese and foreign media reporters and answered reporters' questions.

  On June 16, the astronauts of Shenzhou 12 manned mission met with Chinese and foreign media reporters at the Wentian Pavilion of Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center and answered reporters' questions. (from left to right) astronauts Tang Hongbo, Nie Haisheng and Liu Boming attended.

  This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. At this time, it is of great significance to carry out the first manned mission of China's space station. As astronauts, what are their special feelings and expectations?

  Nie Haisheng is an astronaut and a party member with nearly 35 years of Party age. In the more than 20 years since he became an astronaut, he has witnessed the development of China's manned space flight from "one person a day" to "many people and many days", from working in the cabin to spacewalking, and from short-term stay to medium-term stay. He has also personally experienced every glorious moment when the whole line of manned space project never forgets its original intention, remembers its mission, develops and innovates, flies to the sky and pursues its its its its dreams.

  The development of China's manned spaceflight has condensed the Millennium dream of the Chinese nation and added a magnificent chapter to the party's Centennial struggle. "Every step we take forward also carries the profound expectations of the party, the state and the people; every step we take forward also represents mankind's courage and perseverance in continuous exploration into space, and will contribute Chinese wisdom and strength to mankind's peaceful use of space," Nie Haisheng said.


  More than 60 years ago, China's space industry officially started. The success of each space launch mission is a true embodiment of China's continuous efforts.

  In the future, with the continuous development of the new generation of long march series launch vehicles, China's launch vehicle capacity will once again achieve a new leap: the development of a new generation of medium-sized launch vehicles such as long March 6 A, Long March 7 A and Long March 8 is being carried out as planned.

  To realize the "upgrading" of the launch vehicle as a whole; The Long March 5 rocket will successively carry out several important launch missions to support the steady implementation of major engineering projects such as the third phase of China's lunar exploration, lunar sampling and return, the launch of Mars probe in 2020, and the construction of the core module of the space station; The heavy launch vehicle is expected to make its first flight in 2030, making the level and capacity of China's space transportation system rank among the world's space powers... At the same time, China's space transportation mode will also achieve major breakthroughs from one-time use to reuse, from single space transportation to the combination of space transportation and space operation.

  It is not hard to imagine that with the continuous enhancement of China's comprehensive Aerospace strength, the long march series launch vehicles will carry China's aerospace dream, condense the struggle spirit of Chinese aerospace people, fly to space again and again, and open the "new Long March" of China's aerospace industry. Looking up at the stars, the journey is long.

  300 launches are only the first step in the "Long March" of China's aerospace industry, and there are 500, 1000 or even more breakthroughs waiting for us to make unremitting efforts. I believe that in the future, we will be able to create more space miracles, realize a new and greater "space dream" and leave a more wonderful Chinese mark in the vast universe.


  Since ancient times, people have been full of reverie about the vast universe. With the development of science and technology, human beings gradually move towards space. But the voice of doubt gradually came: is exploring outer space a waste of people and money?

  Today, due to the limited resources of the earth, the world's aerospace powers have stepped into outer space. The space is vast and has rich space resources, such as high vacuum, solar energy, moon, micro planets and so on.

  In addition, closely related to people's life, GPS navigation system is inseparable from the development of aviation. In recent years, space technology has made remarkable achievements in developing spacecraft high-position and high-speed resources to obtain, transmit and forward information, and has obtained great benefits, such as the wide application of communication satellites and remote sensing satellites.

  On the other hand, with the rapid development of military spacecraft, various new space weapons such as military satellites, manned spacecraft, ballistic missiles and anti ballistic missiles have formed an integrated space battlefield military system and will play an important role in joint campaigns. As we all know, without a solid national defense, it is difficult to guarantee our happy life.

  Without today's investment, there will be no tomorrow. The progress of aerospace industry will drive the development of relevant industries. The application of Aerospace Science and technology will have a significant impact on mankind. Only with the continuous progress of society and the continuous development of science and technology, our life will be more and more beautiful.


  At 9:22 Beijing time on June 17, the Long March 2 F remote 12 carrier rocket lifted the Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft into the sky with a red tail flame. "Double Twelve" joined hands to send Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming and Tang Hongbo into space. This is the first manned mission in the on orbit construction phase of China's space station, and the construction mission of the space station has taken another big step forward.

  At the same time, the second party branch of the fifth construction organization organized a party day activity with the theme of "learning party history, strengthening party spirit and being a pioneer". All Party members of the branch locked their eyes on the large screen of the video conference room. With the "ignition" command, the carrying fire arrows carrying Shenzhou 12 spacecraft soared into the sky and flew into the vast space.

  Escape tower separation, booster separation, primary and secondary separation, fairing throwing... Every process of rocket rise affects everyone's heart. With the separation of the ship and the arrow, the spacecraft entered the predetermined orbit and the news that the launch was a complete success came. The conference room suddenly burst into prolonged applause and cheers. Everyone's faces showed their pride and pride in the development of China's aerospace industry.

  Subsequently, according to the agenda of the event, the Secretary of the Party branch led everyone to study "winning the national victory of the new democratic revolution" in Chapter IV of the brief history of the Communist Party of China, mainly focusing on the renegotiation, smashing the Kuomintang's military attack and the formation of the second front.

  Weightier than Mount Tai, the TV series featured by general secretary Xi Jinping on safety in production, which is the promotional film launched in 20XX safety production month. The promotional film expounds that life is more important than Mount Tai from the following five parts: the first part is to face the risks and analyze the current risks; The second part is the concept of building a prison, talking about the concept of safe development; The third part is to strengthen the responsibility, which expounds the safety production responsibility from three aspects: the leadership responsibility of the Party committee and the government, the supervision responsibility of the Department and the main responsibility of the enterprise; The fourth part is to improve the system, which expounds how to solve the prominent problems in the construction of safety production responsibility system; The fifth part is to pay close attention to the implementation, and once again emphasizes the importance of implementing the responsibility of work safety.

  At present, we are in a critical period of deepening the study and education of party history and carrying out the activity of "safety production month", which coincides with the launch of "Shenzhou 12". The second branch of the fifth construction organization combines the study of party history with summing up experience, taking care of reality and promoting work, and with theory guiding practice, solving practical problems and improving business level, By organizing all Party members to watch the live broadcast of the launch of Shenzhou 12 and the "special film on production safety" at the first time, and by writing the "special film on production safety" by Party members and leading cadres, we can further stimulate the patriotic enthusiasm of Party members and cadres of the branch, enhance the awareness of production safety, imperceptibly cultivate a safety culture and nourish the safety environment, Spare no effort to practice the theme of "implementing safety responsibility and promoting safety development".


  The eagle strikes the sky and the white rainbow runs through the sun. We can only see it on the screen; Shenjian cave, the echo is roaring, we may not feel the vibration, but our hearts are also shocked. China will bloom the most gorgeous glory in the future space.

  Traveling in space again and again, I can't help asking, what is the real Aerospace spirit?

  Responsibility. Only by doing everything you should do with all your heart, how many years like a day, can you get the smooth launch of God 12. "It's your duty to do what you have to do," said Prince Charles of England. Some people may curl their lips and say, "it doesn't matter." but looking back on the past and looking into the future, the hard work of several generations can make the country prosperous and progress, and make you and me worry free about food and clothing. The word "responsibility" may be empty for us, but in China ten or twenty years later, our seedlings will grow into towering trees, "responsibility" This baton was handed over to us from the hands of previous generations. Since ancient times, responsibility and rights always coexist side by side. While enjoying interests, we must also do our due responsibilities. This is not only a necessary living condition for everyone, but also the key to the spirit of aerospace.

  Unity, only unity can turn a scattered plate of sand into an information team with high-tech technology and a base camp of world cutting-edge technology. No matter now or in the near future, unity is an essential success factor. Maybe you are full of confidence in yourself, but fighting alone will never have the power and wisdom of "everyone gathers firewood and the flame is high". Learn from each other and coordinate sacrifice. God 8, God 9 and God 10. China, a rising dragon, is unveiling the mystery of the universe step by step. Generation after generation of astronauts are working for this eternal. Feitianmeng adds another heavy color tone. The insurmountable scientific Everest is eagerly looking forward to one figure after another from China, unremitting upward and upward. In the near future, this burden will fall on you and me. Are you ready?

  Many people like to compare China to a staggering and weather beaten old man, but I prefer to compare this rising nation to a young man like us, a young man with the same vitality and maturity.

  "Youth wisdom makes the country wise, youth wealth makes the country rich, and youth strength makes the country strong." a country, a person, good times are always as precious as flowering. From bud to wither, they bloom only once, and young only once. We can't change the past, but we can make full use of our youth's time to lay a solid foundation for the future. Although some lives are short, they are wonderful, Full; Some people do nothing all their life and waste their time. Instead of regretting that "black hair doesn't know how to study early" in old age, it's better to make serious efforts for yourself and the motherland from every small matter now, so as to lay a solid foundation for meeting the scientific peaks in front of us.

