【#英语口语# 导语】俗话说的“一分钱一分货”,在经济学中的价值规律是:商品的价格在一定程度上体现了该商品的价值。今天®文档大全网主要给大家分享怎样用英语口语形容东西贵,希望对你们有帮助!
1. can't afford: if you can't affordsomething, you do not have enough money to buy it or pay for it 买不起,付不起钱
I really need a new coat, but I can'tafford one. (我很需要一件新外套,但我买不起。)
We couldn't afford to go on holiday lastyear. (去年,我们没钱去旅行。)
Hiring a lawyer would be expensive, and shejust couldn't afford it. (请律师很贵,她没那么多钱。)
2. exorbitant/extortionate: prices,charges, rents etc. that are exorbitant or extortionate, are very much higherthan they should be, and you think they are unfair 价格多少钱高得过分
The restaurant charges exorbitant pricesfor very ordinary food. (这个餐馆非常普通的菜价格多少钱都很贵。)
Interest rates for some of the credit cardsare extortionate. (有的信用卡利息很高。)
Many local taxi drivers charge extortionaterates. (这里很多出租车收费都很高。)
3. be a rip-off: you say somethingis a rip-off when you think someone is unfairly charging too much money for it 太贵了,宰人
备注:''be arip-off''常用于口语中。
Eighty dollars for a pair of jeans? What arip-off! (一条牛仔裤80美元?宰人啊!)
The meal was a rip-off and the service wasappalling. (这顿饭好贵,服务又差!)
The vacation package we bought ended upbeing a total rip-off. (这个旅行套餐我们买贵了!)
补充:还有''rip-off''的动词形式''rip off'',也可以用来表达很贵这个意思。
The agency really ripped us off. (中介把我们狠宰了一顿。)
4. prohibitive/prohibitively expensive: prices or costs that are prohibitive or prohibitively expensiveare so high that people cannot pay them or decide not to pay them because theyare too expensive 太贵,人们支付不起
For most people, the cost of living in thecenter of town is prohibitive. (对大多数人来说,市中心的生活成本太高。)
The cost of land in Tokyo is prohibitive. (东京房价很贵。)
The computer was superior to others, but itwas prohibitively expensive. (这种电脑比其他的好,但是太贵了。)
5. inflated prices: prices that aremuch higher than usual and much higher than they should be, so that the personwho charges them can make a big profit 暴利价,比实际价值高很多的标价
Nightclubs often charge inflated prices fordrinks. (酒吧的酒很贵。)
Some people buy large blocks of tickets andthen try to sell them at vastly inflated prices. (有些人先买了很多票,然后再高价卖出。)
6. steep: prices, charges,rents etc. that are steep seem unusually or surprisingly high 贵得吓人
I think 7 for a drink is a bit steep,don't you? (我认为7英镑一杯饮料太贵了吧,你认为吗?)
It's hard to find an apartment around here,and when you do the rents are pretty steep. (这附近很难找到要出租的公寓,即使找到了,房租也很贵。)
7. be daylight robbery / be highway robbery: if you say that a price or charge is daylight robbery or highwayrobbery you mean it is very much higher than it should be 卖得太贵,简直像是抢钱
备注:''bedaylight robbery''是英式英语的用法,''be highway robbery''是美式英语的用法。
I'm not paying 5 for an ice-creamthat'sdaylight robbery! (冰淇淋5英镑一个?!简直是抢钱啊!)
We knew it was highway robbery, but we hadno choice but to pay. (我们知道这摆明就是要宰人,但没办法,也只好买单了。
8. price something out of the market:to make something so expensive that people will no longer buy it because theycan buy something similar at a lower price (便宜货)把某贵价物品挤出市场
British electrical equipment is likely tobe priced out of the market by cheap imports. (英国产的电器可能会被便宜的进口货挤出市场。)
Ford don't want to raise its prices anymoreit's worried about pricing itself out of the market. (福特不敢再涨价了,怕贵到没人买。)
9. overcharge: to charge someone toomuch money for something 收费太贵
They were being overcharged for cheap beer.(他们啤酒买得太贵了。)
10. overpriced: something that isoverpriced is more expensive than it should be 标价太贵
The DVDs were vastly overpriced. (这些DVD太贵了。)
要表达“价格偏贵”这个意思,你会怎么说?有同学译成the price is expensive,告诉你,这个绝对是错误。你高中英语老师要跳出来说你啦!外企老板也会无语!老师强调过上百次,在英语里面,千万不要用expensive 来形容价格price,expensive是形容物体价值,比如说the car is expensive,或者 the book is expensive,cheap也是一样的用法。要表达价格高低,应该用high 和low,“价格偏贵,价格偏高”的地道表达是the price is on the high side,价格偏低就是the price is on the low side。
我们通过例句来学习on the high side 的用法:
I like the house but I think the price is on the high side.
Your price is still on the high side even if we take quality into consideration.
要记住了,在中文里面“价格偏高”和“价格偏贵”是一个意思,在英语里面,价格不能用expensive 形容。我们总结今天内容:双方都做让步,meet each other half way;“流行价”,prevailing price;“大路货”,goods of fair average quality;说“成交,达成协议”,strike a bargain。
What a good deal!
字面意思就是“一桩好交易”,即 “划算、便宜”
Really? What a good deal! Where did you get it?
That is a (real) bargain/What a bargain!
bargain 有“特价商品” 的意思,则指廉价出售的商品
What a bargain, let's buy it.
That's a steal!
The meal only cost 200 Yuan, that's a steal!
for a song
价格不贵,特别便宜。这个习惯用语可以追溯到十六世纪晚期。ZUI早的时候,For a Song是指给街头艺人的便士,也就是几个小钱的意思。
We bought this car for a song.
Now's your chance to buy these items at knockdown prices.