
时间:2022-06-28 20:43:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#四六级考试# 导语】因为坚持,才会有破茧成蝶这样美好的故事。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。





  On job interviews when first conversing with an individual and when addressing small or large groups, the first few seconds are critical in setting the tone for how you’ll be perceived. If she has an annoying regional accent, uses incorrect grammar, has a limited vocabulary, and if she has an irritatingly sharp piercing voice, sounds whiny or bossy or doesn’t articulate her words clearly, it’s an immediate turn-off. This isn’t someone who you would hire or proudly introduce to your friends and business associates. This doesn’t mean that everyone should try to sound like a professional actor or broadcaster. All of us have qualities unique to our own way of speaking, our individual voice print as distinctive as our fingerprints. Our voice is very personal and an important part of our identity. Some natural characteristics of our voice may be very appealing.

  The idea is to take the voice with which you’ve been gifted and give it the very best sound that you can. With the right type of practice, by paying attention to the quality of your voice and by knowing how to properly express yourself, you’ll almost immediately improve your opportunities in job interviews, social situations, in selling, and in running a meeting or addressing groups of people.

  Let’s say it again, it all begins with the instrument, your voice. If its sound and quality is flawed and needs improvement, that’s where you start. that’s what everyone hears whether in casual conversation or in making a major speech to a large audience. Pure vowel sounds, articulation, proper breathing, expressive speaking patterns, a pleasing vocal range, naturalness, all these will make you get twice the result with half the effort.


  Travel-mate Wanted

  I’m a 19-year-old female sophomore named Fu Ping. I hereby earnestly invite a foreign young lady—college student preferred—to make a three – week touring trip with me.

  My plan is to set off next weekend, when the vacation officially begins. The first stop is Kunming, the world-renowned city for its beauty and mild temperature. We’ll get there by train and stay there for 2 days, and then we’ll head for Jinggangshan, a former revolutionary base as well as a natural beauty spot. After a 3-day visit there , we will take a long-distance coach to a nearby port city by the Changjiang River and board a downstream ship to Shanghai, so that we can enjoy the great scenery alongside the third longest river in the world. As everybody knows, Shanghai is the busiest and fastest developing city in China. I’d like to have a look at its prosperity, so the stay there will be about half a week. And a famous Chinese saying goes, ”Just as there is Paradise in heaven, there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on Earth ”, so a 4-day visit to these two cities near Shanghai is must. All together, our trip will last about three weeks.

  I only expect that my travel-mate could split the expenses with me and talk with me in beautiful English, and I would be an excellent guide for her since I major in tourist guiding.

  Those interested please contact me either through email (fuping@126.com) .





  Nowadays a fashionable street scene is the buying and selling of lottery tickets. People crowd around either in front of big buildings or at street corners, purchasing coupons of various kinds, such as those of social welfare, sports industry and football games.

  Investigations made among those "lottery citizens" show that they do it for different purposes. Some say that they play the game just for fun, others insist that they want to sponsor athletic development, still some others simply decide to try their luck.

  However, I believe the aim behind the game, if fully exposed, is to make easy money, as it is said the prize winner can get millions of yuan in an instant, which is obviously great temptation. In my mind, lottery is much the same as gambling in nature and it certainly brings more negative effects than positive effects, if any.

  First, the overwhelming majority, being misled by earning-quick-buck mentality, are impatient and impulsive to put their time and money into wrong investment.

  Secondly, not a few people, being indulged in lottery, lose not only initiative for work but also interest in life.

  Thirdly, some individuals, having gambled away all their money, may commit crimes.fourthly, young people, particularly students (even pupils) may step by step become addicted to lottery and finally leave their studies. I think the cliche "reaping what one sows" is still applicable today and "sowing" takes time and hard work to have instant reaping is definitely one's wishful thinking.

  Last of all, since gambling and lottery both mean risking money on luck, why the former is forbidden by law and the latter is so much encouraged?
