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【#GRE# 导语】在每一次发奋努力之后,必然有加倍的奖赏等待着我们。相信通过大家的努力,拿到2019年证书绝对没问题。以下为“GRE重点词汇解析:halcyon”,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  halcyon: 宁静的; calm and peaceful; tranquil; happy

  1) idyllically calm and peaceful those were halcyon days

  2) calm and peaceful; happy; golden; prosperous

  Synonyms: soothing, tranquil

  halcyon <> stormy, tempestuous

  1. The old man fondly remembered his halcyon days growing up on the

  2. I love the halcyon days of mid-August, while we are still on vacation
and before the mad rush of preparations for school begins.

  【考法1】adj. 宁静的,平静的: free from storms or physical disturbance

  【近】 hushed, peaceful, placid, serene, tranquil, untroubled

  【反】 tempestuous, stormy, agitated, inclement, restless, rough, turbulent,
unquiet, unsettled 暴风雨的,暴躁的

  【考法2】adj. 繁荣的,丰富的: prosperous, affluent, vigorous growth and well-being
especially economically

  【例】 halcyon years 丰年

  【近】 booming, flourishing, lush, palmy, prospering, roaring, thriving

  【反】 miserable, depressed, unprosperous 萧条的,少得可怜的

