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  【篇一】参考书 Reference Book

When my teachers have class, they will make the comment of the exams, then they give the answers according to the reference book, most teachers ask students to fill in the forms according to the reference book. The function of reference book is to tell students the right answers, students can fix their mistakes and learn better. But the problem comes, students will rely on the reference book so much, they don’t want to think about the questions, they will be lazy in thinking, in the long run, they will be lack of creativity. We should use the reference book in the right way, there is not only one answer, we can create more answers. 当我的老师上课的时候,他们会对考试做评论,然后再根据参考书来给出答案,大部分老师叫学生根据参考书来填空。参考书的功能是告诉学生正确的答案,学生可以改正他们的错误,更好地学习。但是问题来了,学生会很依赖参考书,他们不会思考问题,变得懒于思考,长期下去,他们会缺乏创造力。我们应该正确地利用参考书,不是只有一个答案的,我们可以创造更多的答案。

  【篇二】绿色食品 Green Food

Nowadays, people pay great attention to the healthy diet, they want to keep healthy and can do a lot of things. Green food has become more and more people’s choice, in the market, all kinds of green food have emerged. The reasons for the popularity of green food are various, first, greed food is healthier than the ordinary food, the quality is highly certificated, so the green food is also safe. Unlike the vegetable, which is polluted by the medicine farmers use, green food is free from pollution. Second, the green food is more nutritious, the nutritious elements in the food are balanced and less lost, so green food remain good nutrition. Green food is good for our health. 如今,人们很注重健康饮食,他们想要保持健康,才能做很多的事情。绿色食品成为越来越多人的选择,在超市里,出现了各种各样的绿色食品。绿色食品受欢迎的原因是多样的,第一,绿色食品比普通食品健康,质量是经过了高度的验证,所以绿色食品也很安全。不像蔬菜,被农民使用的药水污染,绿色食品是不受污染的。第二,绿色食品更加的有营养,食物里面的营养成分均衡,较少失掉,所以绿色食品能保持很好的营养。绿色食品对我们的健康有好处。

  【篇三】沉默不总是金 Silence Is Not Always Gold

When I see the TV series, the image of good person is to keep silence all the time, so that they won’t get into the trouble or cause problem. It seems that silence is gold, it is good to keep silent. While I think silence is not always gold, sometimes people need to give their explanation, they should tell the truth, so that others won’t have to get the wrong information and do the wrong thing. Silence works when people get argued, to be silent can help them calm down and have time to clear their minds. At most of the time, people should express their thoughts and let everybody knows you, silence will make you nobody. 当我看电视剧的时候,好人的形象总是一直保持沉默,因此他们不会惹到麻烦或者引起问题。似乎沉默是金,保持沉默是好的。然而我不认为沉默总是金,有时候人们需要给出解释,他们应该说出事实,这样别人就不会得到错误的信息,做出错误的事情。在人们吵架的时候,沉默就起到了作用,沉默下来能让人们冷静,有时间弄清自己的思想。在大部分时间,人们应该表达清楚自己的思想,让别人了解你,沉默只会让你成为无名小卒。

初中英语作文:参考书 Reference Book.doc
