

时间:2023-11-12 11:29:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载







  1、考题出现时间: 2015-6-13CN

  题目: Someone prefer to have classes on the day and do part time job in the evening while others prefer have classes in the evening and do a part time job on the day. Which would you prefer?

  2、考题出现时间: 2010-10-17CN,2014-3-22CN B套

  题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Artists and musicians are important to the society.

  3、考题出现时间: 2013-11-23 CN

  题目: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement, technology has made people’s life a lot easier than before? Give specific reasons and details in your answer.

  4、考题出现时间: 2013-3-30CN

  题目: Do you prefer to travel by car or by public transportation such as bus when you are traveling in a strange city?


  1、考题出现时间: 2016-6-25CN




  2)去music building找roommate拿钥匙,但是roommate是表演的核心角色她不想打断。

  2、考题出现时间: 2015-11-15CN

  【Solutions】一个女生快期末了,20页的research paper只写了个outline,说老师给他extra week to finish his research paper。但是因为临近期末所以就面临宿舍住宿问题,she does not know what to do。


  1)move to her parents' house. But, her parents and sister keep talking all the time.得没法学习(distracting而且two hours away from the campus and hard to get the school resource。

  2) rent a block near campus.优点是很安静而且可以去用学校图书馆,方便缺点就是房租好贵,2个礼拜的房租是400刀。

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