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【#英语资源# 导语】除夕到来挂灯笼,满堂结彩人更红。全家上阵包饺子,齐聚亲朋欢笑声。晚间助兴烟花舞,伴有晚会乐逍遥。福禄寿全今宵到,来年万事笑弯腰。祝你阖家欢乐,大吉大利!®文档大全网为大家准备了《有关年夜饭的英语作文范文》,希望对大家有帮助。

1.有关年夜饭的英语作文范文 篇一

  What is the "highlight" you most expect on New Year's Eve? Then I will not hesitate to tell you, of course, it's dinner. The kitchen at the New Year's Eve is warm and busy. Let's go and have a look. Hey hey, I am the "protagonist" of this New Year's Eve dinner. Let's get to the point. In fact, Mom is the one who controls the overall situation of the New Year's Eve dinner. At three o'clock in the afternoon, my mother began to prepare the New Year's Eve dinner. I also slipped into the kitchen to be my mother's assistant. My first task is to string meat skewers. My mother demonstrated to me once, first prepare the bamboo sticks, and then string the cut meat onto them. It's easy to say, but difficult to do. No, I have a new problem. I always like to string my own meat when skewering. I don't want to be "human". So I changed my strategy - cross the skewer. In this way, the speed was also improved a lot, and soon a bowl of meat was finished. My first task is perfect "completion". My next task is to wash cabbage. The washing process was very smooth. Unexpectedly, a meat bug was killed on the way. I threw the cabbage hard in a hurry. The bug was thrown into the water, and the water was poured out.

  Another task is to cut the radish. The radish is very slippery, and I can't obey in my hands. I simply hold the radish hard, cut the radish in half with a knife, and then cut it again. The effort is not bad for the intentional person. The radish is finally cut. Next, I have to do the chores - that is, pass the seasoning to my mother. My mother is making fried mutton. First, fry the mutton. The fire in the pot has become "a string of red" and "red peony" in my eyes. After the New Year's Eve dinner, it's time for me to be laid off.

  Don't mention how happy you are today. It's a happy thing to be with your family. I have grown up another year. In the new year, I will do more meaningful things. In the new year, I hope my parents are healthy and make progress in their study.

2.有关年夜饭的英语作文范文 篇二

  On this day, there were snowflakes floating outside the window. The streets and alleys are full of holiday atmosphere.

  My father, mother and sister went to my grandmother's house for New Year's Eve dinner. The food there is so rich! There are lobsters, crabs, fish... I can't help but drool when I watch these delicious dishes. So I took a big mouthful and felt happy. Our family ate with relish.

  It's a new year again. I'm a year older. I must be more obedient, more careful, more lively and more bold

  Spring Festival is the first traditional festival of the year for Chinese people. It marks the end of the old year and the beginning of the new year. The New Year's Eve dinner is one of the important activities of the Spring Festival, and Chinese families attach great importance to it. On the second day of the first month, my parents and I went to my grandmother's house for New Year's Eve dinner.

  Today, there are so many people coming. Grandma's family is very lively and has a strong New Year flavor. My aunt, uncle and my father are talking very hot. They were talking about various topics while eating melon seeds. Cousin and sister-in-law amused baby in the room. Looking at the baby's smiling face, they were very happy. And my two cousins and I are more "unbridled". The three of us sat cross-legged on the sofa, leisurely and contentedly playing with the cutting rope on the iPad, and from time to time we heard bursts of hearty laughter.

  After a while, Grandma kindly led us into the room and gave us each a red envelope with a "horse" printed on it. We took the red envelope and thanked Grandma with a smile.

  It's six o'clock in five minutes. My uncle arranged us to each seat on the round table, and I sat next to two cousins. Start with a dessert "vegetable salad" for appetizer. The three of us took spoons of salad one after another, and in a moment, the salad was almost finished. The aunt smiled and said, "Eat slowly, everyone will fight with you." At this time, the second dish, "fish every year", came up. The color, flavor and taste of the sauce are all right. With the addition of green onions, this dish is very beautiful. After the fish is served, it is followed by "boiled shrimp". This dish is sweet and delicious. With a bowl of balsamic vinegar, it makes people drool. Later, we served a lot of good dishes. The top one was delicious food. It's really delicious to come today.

  In the evening, after dinner. We all broke up again and again, and my parents and I had to reluctantly say "goodbye" to my grandmother. It's a happy thing to have fun with my family today.

3.有关年夜饭的英语作文范文 篇三

  The Chinese New Year's Eve is my happiest day. On that night, I can eat a big meal, set off firecrackers and watch the Spring Festival Gala.

  My mother didn't buy many dishes that day, but they were all my favorites. There are crabs, cuttlefish, small yellow croaker, potatoes, beans and so on. My mother started cooking at three o'clock in the afternoon. At that time, we were watching by the door. Because the aroma wafted from the kitchen made me hungry and drooling. I wanted to go in and steal, but I didn't have a chance. After waiting for half an hour, I finally saw that my mother had cooked a dish. I saw that it was bamboo shoots. When my mother didn't pay attention, I grabbed one and put it in my mouth immediately, but burned my tongue.

  Wait a minute. After about three hours, we began to eat New Year's Eve dinner. I was the first to go to the kitchen because I was so hungry that my mother brought chopsticks. When our family came into the kitchen, you spoke to me and laughed. We talked about our life experience in the year. We could not finish it for three days and three nights. What about me, I just ate without speaking, and the food cooked by my mother was too delicious, My personality is potatoes, soft and small. I can eat several at a time. My mother asked me, "Is the food delicious this day?" I said loudly, "It's delicious, it's delicious." I said again, "Mom, you can cook some rice this evening and put it tomorrow. It's called annual surplus." My mother said, "OK, I'll cook it later."

  After dinner, grandpa and grandma went to their room and brought out a big red envelope. I took the red envelope and repeatedly said, "Thank you, thank you!" My mouth closed with joy.

  This year's New Year's Eve is really happy!

4.有关年夜饭的英语作文范文 篇四

  On the eve of the New Year's Eve, every family lights up and lights up, the streets are full of joy, and then the traffic is bustling and bustling. The "crackling" sound of firecrackers was deafening.

  This year, many people come to my house for dinner, so the dishes on the table are more plentiful than ever. You see, there are red crabs, nutritious rice fish, crispy and delicious French fries, green vegetables, and delicious chicken soup... My favorite is crucian carp, which has many bones, but the soup is delicious and thick, which makes people want to drink.

  "Dinner!" cried the little brother. As soon as we heard the sound, everyone could not wait to eat. I put my chopsticks to the cuttlefish, put a lot of them in, and ate them with relish. Ha ha, fish soup. I ate a bowl of fish soup while chewing cuttlefish. Ah! This soup should only be available in the sky, and can be tasted several times in the world. Look at my brother. As soon as the French fries came up, he kept munching. Soon, the plate was empty. I yelled, "Chen Lingyi, how can you!" Fortunately, my mother fried another plate, and my brother and I began to scramble to eat, you two and I three. In a short time, this plate of chips was destroyed by us again. The poor brother just came back to his senses, looked at the last bit of food on the plate, and rushed to grab it. After eating it, he licked the plate again with his tongue, and then gave up. His appearance made everyone laugh. Grandpa smiled and said, "This plate of chips was eaten up first, and then licked up!"

  Eating and eating, my uncle raised his glass and said to me, "Duoduo, I wish you good health and progress in your study." "Uncle, I also wish you a happy new year and a high career." As soon as I finished speaking, my brother stood up and learned the look of my uncle. He raised his glass with one hand and inserted his waist with one hand, and said seriously, "Duoduo Wu, I wish you good health and progress in your study." I almost laughed, Then he said, "Make progress together." Then he drank the drink.

  The sound of blessing, clinking glasses and laughing is pleasant; Old people, adults, children, everyone is happy! This is a perfect party!

5.有关年夜饭的英语作文范文 篇五

  Fish, an essential dish for the New Year's Eve dinner, is usually cooked in brown sauce, boiled in water or fried in oil to show that the coming year will be "prosperous" and "surplus".

  I like fried sweet and sour fish very much. They are sour and sweet. They are especially appetizing. Every time I eat this dish, I always have a big appetite and can eat a lot of food.

  The method of sweet and sour fish is very simple: first fry garlic in hot oil, then add sour vinegar, white sugar, and water starch to make sauce, boil the sauce, then put the fried fish, onion, ginger, and tomato into sauce, add a few drops of yellow wine, cover the pot lid, and stew the fish for a few minutes. A delicious sweet and sour fish is finished!

  On the dinner table of the New Year's Eve, hot pot is a must, which indicates that the coming year will be "prosperous". In addition, the rice will be cooked twice as much as usual. When eating the New Year's Eve, each person will leave a little rice in the bowl, which means that the New Year will be "more than enough" every year.

  Now our country's living standard is relatively high, so even the New Year's Eve dinner is not much more special than usual. However, the same dishes have different meanings in the New Year's Eve dinner. The whole family get together to have a happy New Year's Eve dinner, which symbolizes "family reunion", "happiness and peace".

  The boiling hot soup, steaming water vapor, bright lights, and the beaming smile of my family make me feel the warmth of my home and the happiness of family love. It's good to spend the New Year at home!

  I finally understand why there are billions of people traveling during the Spring Festival in China. We Chinese people are not afraid of trekking through mountains and rivers, waiting in line to buy tickets all night long, and carrying heavy baggage on our shoulders, in order to enjoy the warmth of the family, to see the family's long-lost smile, and to enjoy the family's warmth.

  The New Year's Eve dinner is the expectation of the family for the whole year, and the New Year's Eve dinner is the reward of the family for the whole year. During the New Year's Eve, the family is the New Year's Eve dinner, and the New Year's Eve dinner is the home. This is the inner spiritual power of our Chinese people to go home for the New Year. This spiritual power has been passed down for three thousand years, and it will be passed down through the ages with the reproduction of the Chinese nation.
