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Section A 词汇:exercise, hardly, ever, once, twice, time, Internet, program, result, active, about 短语: watch TV, go to movies, surf the Internet , go shopping, read books, once a week, twice a year, three times a day, the result of, as for, 句型:1. —What do you usually do on weekends? —I often go to the movies. 2. —How often do you shop? —I shop once a week. 3. —How often does she exercise?—She exercises every day. 一、重点词汇运用 1. I went to the zoo t __(两次). 2. He often s __ the Internet at the weekend. 3. The boy is a __ (活跃的) at school. 4. —What’s your favorite p __ ? —Chinese Cooking 5. Children like to s __ (踩滑板) after school. 二、重点词组识记 1. 至于_____________________2. How often ___________________3. 上网________________________ 4. high school ___________5. 一周三次_______________6. once or twice a year ____________________ 7. 在周末______________________ 8. most students ____________________ 三、重点句型体验。连词成句或造句子,标点符号已给出。 1. he, usually, in the morning ______________________________. 2. he, how often ______________________________? 3. twice a week ______________________________. 4. Mike, hardly ever, ______________________________. 5. My mother, sometimes ______________________________. 知识要点 1. How often多久(一次):How often do you exercise? 你多久锻炼一次身体? How often does your mother go shopping? 你妈妈多久购一次物? 【区别】How often和How many times ① How often用来提问某个动作间隔多久发生一次,即询问动作发生的频率。通常对一些表示频率的副词进行提问;也可以对频度短语进行提问。 ② How many times意思是“多少次”,是用来提问做某事的次数的,往往就once, twice, three times等词语进行提问。 典型例题: 1)Li Ming does his homework every day. 就划线部分提问)→How often does Li Ming do his homework? 解析:every day属于频度短语,就频度短语提问用How often. 2)The old man went to the zoo three times this year.(就划线部分提问)→ How many times did the old man go to the zoo this year? 解析:这里就次数提问用how many times. 2. hardly几乎不,简直不 There are hardly any students in the classroom.几乎没有学生在教室里。 There is hardly a cloud in the sky. 天空中几乎没有云。 【区别】hardly与hard ① hardly不是hard加后辍所构成的,它是副词,常与can或any连用。 ② hard可用作形容词,意思为“艰难的,困难的,勤奋的”可等同于“difficult”。它也可用作副词,意思是“努力地,刻苦地,猛烈地”。 典型例题: 1) 学好英语不难。(翻译成英语)→ 解析: 答案是It’s not hard to learn English. 这里hard为形容词,艰难的,困难的。 2) We must (努力学习). 解析:在英语中努力学习或努力工作,我们常用work hard来表示,这里hard是副词,修饰前面的动词work.故答案为:work hard 一、单项选择 1. —How often does Kate go hiking?— . A. I guess she’s OK. B. About an hour. C. Once the week. D. Twice a week. 2. There are 50 students in our class. 75% students like going hiking. What does “75%” mean? A. None of the students. B. All the students. C. Most of the students. D. Some of the students. 3. They usually do some office work weekdays.A. in B. on C. at D. both B and C 4. I have time to have lunch. A. sometimes B. hard C. hardly D. already 5. — do you go shopping?—Every Sunday. A. How soon B. How many times C. How much D. How often 二、用单词的适当形式填空。 1. My father plays basketball _______ (two) a week.2. Jodie often _______ (exercise) in the park. 3. Maria is _________ (act) at school.4. He ____________ (watch) TV every night. 5. —How often does your mother exercise?—____________ (one) a week. 三、完成句子 1. —你周末通常做什么?____________________________—我通常踢足球。______ _________________ 2. —他多久看一次电影? —他一周看一次。_________________________ 3. 你最喜爱的电视节目是什么?____________________________________ 4. 我妹妹一周看二至三次电视。____________________________________ 5. 至于家庭作业,大部分学生天天做。____________________________________ 四、短文填空 A: Hi, Li Lei. What are you (1)____________?B: I am reading a letter (2)____________ my pen pal. A: How (3)____________ does she write to you?B: Once a month. A: (4) ____________ she like China?B: Yes, she does. A: Do you get together during the summer holiday?B: Yes, and we always have a good time. A: What do you usually (5)____________ during the summer holiday? B: We often (6)____________ some places of interest. A: What does she (7)____________ of them?B: She thinks they are great. 语法练习 A. 单项选择 1. — do you have a class meeting?—Once a week. A. How much B. How often C. What time D. How long 2. I see her in the supermarket.A. sometime B. some time C. Sometimes D. some times 3. — did you watch TV?—About two hours.A. How far B. How often C. How soon D. How long 4. The results “watching TV”are interesting.A. at B. in C. for D. on 5. He’s a good student.He late for school.A.isn’t never B.is often C.is always D.is hardly ever B.句型转换(划线提问) 1. Most students exercise three times a week. do most students exercise? 2. I sleep nine hours every night. hours do you sleep every night? 3. My favorite program is Animal World. your favorite program? 4. My sister often goes to a movie on weekends. your sister often on weekends? 5. She sometimes does her homework at school. does she her homework at school? 中考链接 ( )1. —______ is “Lucky 52” shown on CCTV-2?—Every week.(2006年,黄冈) A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many times ( )2. —How was the weather yesterday? —It was terrible. It rained ______. People could go out. (2006年,甘肃) A. hardly; hardly B. hard; hard C. hard; hardly D. hardly; hard ( )3. — do you exercise?—Four times a week. (2006年,宁夏) A. How much B. How often C. How long D. How many 快乐阅读 Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.   This is an old English saying. Have you heard of it before? 3.It means that we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. We shall also be rich (wealthy) and clever (wise). This is true.4.The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. Children of young age should have ten hours’ sleep every night. Children who do not have enough sleep cannot do their work very well. They will not be wise and they may not become wealthy! The body also needs exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming and playing games are all exercise. Exercise keeps the body strong. Exercise also helps the blood (血液) to move around inside the body. This is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The head also needs blood .Exercise helps us to think better! 回答下列问题: 1. What’s the meaning of “Early to bed, early to rise” in Chinese? ___________________________________________________ 2. How many hours should young children sleep every day? ___________________________________________________ 把文中划线的句子翻译成汉语。 3. ___________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________ 根据短文内容填空: 5. ____________ is another way of saying “rich”. 6. The head also needs ____________. Section B 词汇:milk, junk food, coffee, chocolate, drink, health, habit, try, lifestyle, grade, better, same, as, different, difference, unhealthy, maybe, although, keep, must, less 短语:how many, of course, look after, a lot of,drink milk,be good for,eat junk food,eating habits 句型:1. My mother wants me to drink it.2. She says it’s good for my health. 3. I try to eat a lot of vegetables. 教师寄语:In prosperity, our friends know us; in adversity, we know our friends. —C.Collins 在顺境中,朋友结识了我们,在逆境中,我们了解了朋友。—C.柯林斯 一、词语检测 根据句意及所给的首字母或汉语提示,完成单词。 1. Children like drinking ____________ (牛奶).2. What would you like, ____________ (咖啡)or cola? 3. I’m i____________ to keep healthy.4. Eating a lot of fruits is good for our h____________. 5. There are some ____________ (不同) between you and me. 二、短语互译 1. 对……有益____________________2. drink milk________________3. 我的饮食习惯_______________ 4. pretty healthy ____________5. 努力干……_____________6. get good grades____________________ 7. 照顾____________________8. eat less meat____________________ 三、根据提示完成句子。 1. 吃得太多有害于我们的健康。(be good for…) ___________________________________________________ 2. 我将尽力把这份工作干好。(try to do sth.) ___________________________________________________ 3. 他也许是一位老师。(maybe) ___________________________________________________ 4. 我有许多作业要做。(a lot of/ lots of) ___________________________________________________ 5. 虽然他已80岁了,但他还相当健康。(although/ though) ___________________________________________________ 知识要点 1. 【区别】maybe, may be maybe是副词,意思是“也许,可能”,相当于perhaps, 常用于句首。如: Maybe he will call you tomorrow. 或许他明天给你打电话。 may be是由情态动词may和系动词be构成,译成汉语为“可能是”,在句中作谓语。如:Tom may be at home. 汤姆可能在家。 Maybe和may be有时可以互相转换。如:Maybe he is right.可等同于:He may be right. 2. although的用法 although表示“虽然”,是从属连词,引导让步状语从句,语气较重,且比较正式,所引导的从句放在主句前后均可,可用though替换。注意:though/ although不能和but同时出现在一个句子中,但可以和yet连用。如: Although/Though it is snowing, it is not very cold.=It is snowing, but it is not very cold.= Although/ Though it is snowing, yet it is not very cold. 虽然下着雪,但并不是很冷。 一、单项选择 1. “I don’t try mistakes again. ”She said. A. make B.to make C. making D. to making 2. Would you like to eat? A. something healthy B. anything healthy C. something health D. healthy something 3.Doing morning exercises your health.A.is bad to B.is good for C.is bad forD.is good to 4.My mother me healthy. A.want,is B.wants,is C.want,to be D.wants,to be 5. he works very hard, he fails.A. Because B. Since C. if D. Although 二、用单词的适当形式填空。 1. A lot of vegetables help you ____________ (keep) in good health. 2. My mother wants me ____________ (drink) some milk every day. 3. His ____________ (eat) habits are pretty good, so he’s very healthy. 4. You must try ____________ (eat) less meat. 5. Good sleep can help you to study ____________ (well). 三、完成句子。 1. 妈妈想让我天天喝牛奶。My mother wants me ____________ ____________ ____________ every day. 2. 天天跑步对我们的健康有好处。Running every day is ____________ ____________ our health. 3. 我努力吃大量的蔬菜。I ____________ ____________ ____________ a lot of vegetables. 4. 我健康的生活方式帮着我取得好成绩。My healthy lifestyle helps me ________ ________ _______. 5. 我相当健康。I’m ____________ ____________. 6. 你多久吃一次垃圾食品?____________ ____________ do you eat ____________ food? 四、短文填空。 A: Hello, Sally. Welcome to my house. B: Thank you. A: (1)____________ you like a cup of tea? B: Yes, please. A: Would you like some fruit? B: Some bananas , please . It’s my (2)____________. A: Eating fruit is good (3)____________ your health . (4)__________ (5)_________ do you eat fruit? B: Every day. A: It’s a good eating (6)____________. Eating a lot of vegetables and fruit can help you (7)____________ good grades. They can help you to study better. B: You are (8)____________. A: Oh, (9)____________ (10)____________ do you play ? B: I often play basketball. A: Oh, good. Let’s play together. B: OK. Let’s go. 【能力提升】 语法练习 1. She does her homework at school.(变成否定句) She __________ __________ her homework at school. 2. He reads English books every day. (变为一般疑问句) __________ he __________ English books every day? 3. Sandra goes shopping once a month. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ __________ Sandra __________ shopping? 4. Frank sleeps nine hours every night. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ __________ __________ Frank __________ every night? 5. He likes playing volleyball. (对划线部分提问) __________ __________ he __________ playing? 中考链接 ( )1. You are so busy. What do you want me ________ for you? (2006年,重庆) A. do B. done C. to do D. doing ( )2. Alice was ill, so her mother ________ her at home. (2006年,广西梧州) A. took after B. looked for C. looked after D. took care 小试身手 你有健康的生活方式吗?请根据下面表格内提供的信息,用第一人称介绍一下自己健康的生活方式,不少于60字。 Exercise Every day Eat vegetables Twice a day Eat fruit Four times a week Have milk Once a day Eat junk food Once a week Sleep About eight hours

