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【#英语资源# 导语】在日复一日的学习、工作或生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,写作文是培养人们的观察力、联想力、想象力、思考力和记忆力的重要手段。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Inadvertently, the sky blue umbrella, which has become dim due to the passage of time, leads my thoughts to the past

  I remember it was a dark evening, surrounded by a dark and terrible atmosphere. Suddenly, the sound of "boom", coupled with the exciting lightning, scared me half to death. Then, the sky was like a big "hole" and pouring rain. I couldn't help crying with a cry of fear. I thought: Oh, it's such a heavy rain that my mother can't come! When I was more and more sad, a familiar figure was mixed in the wind and rain, and the hair was "Dancing". In the lightning, I saw it more clearly. It was my mother!

  I was very excited. I saw my mother waving to me not far away. I rushed towards her recklessly. Seeing that my clothes were wet, she scolded painfully: "Oh, you little girl, if you don't know how to protect yourself, you will catch a cold!" Then she held my little hand tightly. I looked up and said to my mother, "Mom, the umbrella is crooked!"“ No, hey, speed up! " Mother's vague answer made me seriously point to the umbrella with my tender and short fingers: "Mom! It's really crooked! " Mother still stubbornly said, "it's not crooked, it's on!" He picked me up with one hand and walked home with big steps. It rained more and more heavily, and I trembled with fear. Mother stroked my head and said gently, "don't be afraid, mother is here!" Her loving eyes calmed me down gradually.

  When I got home, I clearly saw that my clothes were almost dry, and my mother's clothes were wet. I smiled proudly and said, "Oh, I said my umbrella was crooked? You don't believe me! " Mother smiled quietly, but did not speak.

  Now that I have grown up, I finally understand my mother's intention, and this sky blue umbrella has become a bridge for me to understand my mother's details. That bunch of loving eyes, that pair of warm hands, that encouraging words, anxious tears when I was ill... All the details of love are only due to my mother's fiery heart. Tears, unknowingly across my face, are so warm.

  Details are not remarkable in life, but the best way to transfer love between people. It is so unknown, but only for each other to live happily and happily. How great this subtle move is!

  Now, this little umbrella has lost its luster in the past, and my mother is no longer young with the passage of years, but the only constant is my mother's love, because I read her details!


  When we were young, our parents often accompanied us. Sometimes our parents doted on us, sometimes kindly taught us, and sometimes seriously criticized us.

  When we went out as children, our parents always told us to pay attention to safety on the road, get along well with our classmates and study hard according to the teacher. At that time, we thought our parents were nagging. Mom increases or decreases our clothes according to the changes of the four seasons, and often buys us delicious and beautiful clothes. Dad often sends us to school. On the way to school, we ask Dad some strange questions and want dad to hold us. In winter, after riding a bike, my father or mother let us put our hands in their pockets. It's very warm!

  But years are like running water. We grow up slowly and begin to rebel. My mother wants to add clothes to us for warmth, but we are not obedient for beauty. In winter, my parents let us put our hands into our pockets. We think that such behavior is very childish, so we grabbed our parents' cotton gloves. When we arrived at school, our parents' hands were red, but smiled and said to us that it was all right. We didn't care too much. When we had dinner, when mom and dad put food in the bowl, we were angry and took it back. When we didn't do well in the exam, our parents' eyes made us ashamed. Sometimes our parents' blame would make us angry and talk back.

  As a middle school student, there are many assignments, teachers are strict and subjects increase. Let us begin to recall childhood, childhood carefree and freedom is what we yearn for. Parents' words, actions and eyes... Scenes are replayed in our minds. Now we finally know that everything of our parents is for our good. We regret that we didn't study hard and listen to our parents when we were young. Think of our back talk at that time, we blame ourselves. Looking at the white hair on our parents' heads, our noses are sour and tears flow down. In middle school, everything is at a new starting point. We will come on! Study hard and repay your parents with your grades!

  Finally, I want to say to my parents, "Mom and Dad, you've worked hard! I will certainly use all my efforts to repay your love in details! "


  "Then I'll go out first. You write slowly. I won't disturb you." Before I could answer, my father walked out of my bedroom quickly and gently and closed the door. I looked back at the door and looked at the place wet with tears on my homework book. I felt guilty.

  It was Monday, more than a day before the mid-term exam. I got several test papers "given" by the teacher. I watched as the time passed. The questions on the paper jumped out one by one, jumped onto the table and laughed at my stupidity. It was gloomy outside the window. Occasionally, a few pedestrians or cars passed by. The sound of footsteps stepping in the puddle and the sound of the body piercing the cold wind were clear to my ears.

  For a long time, it was quiet.

  I patted myself on the face and was ready to give up this problem. When I went to the cram school to ask the teacher tomorrow, a clear sound of opening the door sounded. When I turned back, my father came in with my cup, because there was no cup cover and the water was poured. It was a little full. He walked over carefully. When he saw me looking, he smiled back, "I don't drink water for most of the day. I still have to have a rest if I have more homework." Take a look at the cup - medlar and cassia seed, "eye protection, drink more." Dad reminded me. I was a little impatient and went to get another assignment.

  "How did your classmates finish it so quickly? You see, all the photos have been taken in the group. How much homework do you have? " The father who didn't go out of the door looked at his cell phone and asked again. I'm too lazy to answer, "Hmm" means I heard it and there was no other response.

  Dad probably didn't hear it. He repeated it again. I couldn't help it. My voice was louder: "I know! It's none of my business if they finish writing! " Dad was obviously shocked by my reaction. His eyes were full of surprise. He turned to apologize. He was stunned for a few seconds and replied softly: "I... I just want you to write faster and go to bed earlier."

  "I want to! I... i... i... I... Write fast enough! You... "In a hurry, I cried out and said a lot. There was only one meaning, that is, I wanted to break out. Finally, I roared and directly lay on the table and began to cry loudly.

  I haven't cried many times since I was a child. It's easy to coax me every time, but this time it may be a long-term resentment. The river will never lift it. The sleeve under my face soon got wet. My father was also flustered. He wanted to comfort me, but I patted him away. He stood helpless aside, neither walking nor staying, holding his hand in his pocket, nor taking it out to pat me, He had to keep pacing back and forth and comforting: "well, don't cry, I won't say that, okay? Don't cry. "

  I quietly raised my head while crying, but it happened to be opposite my father's eyes. The fragility and worry in his eyes were clear. I immediately trembled, but my mouth didn't listen to me and said, "you go out..." my father frowned and looked more worried, but finally walked out, "then I'll go out first." There were not too many words. It was like a fallen leaf falling to the ground. The subtle but thunderous sound of closing the door was silent. I listened to the movement and looked at the dense folds on my homework book because of tears being wet and roughly wiped away. My heart was very complex.

  I regret it. I regret it when I catch vulnerability in my father's eyes. However, because I die to save face, I firmly fought with my father to the end of the cold war, broke the heart of the people who love me most, and felt that I was the victim. I spit on myself, but I feel more guilty about my father. When I recall the details of the scenes just now, I suddenly realized that people who are usually careless and careless become careful at this time. Why? It's a father's love that I've always ignored and taken for granted.

  Drop the last stroke of homework, close the pen cover, get up, open the door and hug.

