

时间:2021-07-30 22:29:07 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】在平日的学习、工作和生活里,大家对作文都再熟悉不过了吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。那么你知道一篇好的作文该怎么写吗?以下是©文档大全网整理的九年级写景英语作文,希望对您有所帮助。


  In my memory, my hometown is full of water, rippling with intoxicating breeze, full of reeds, boundless, can't see the end at a glance

  I remember when I was a child, I used to sit in a boat, stroll in the lake, and have fun with the fish. Suddenly I picked a lotus, picked off a piece of petals, and threw them in the water to enjoy the fun. Sometimes there are one or two cranes in the lake, whose pupils are as pure as babies and as narrow as a bamboo leaf. Their feathers are always white, like a lotus, "out of the mud and not dyed, Zhuo Qinglian but not demon." Like a fairy falling into the world.

  Sometimes I would run to the river, fish with a fishing rod, and sit on a tree stretching to the middle of the river. As soon as the pole sank, I was pleasantly surprised. When I lifted it up, it turned out that it was water plants. The lost ones were loaded with rice grains and thrown into the river. Sometimes I would step into the reeds barefoot, fold a reed flower, blow all over the sky, fall on the river, and be rolled far away with the water wave. Pick up an iron basket, tie a rope, throw it forward, wait for a while, pull it slowly, as if it had been a century, as heavy as iron stone. As expected, some screws and beautiful shells. Carefully wash, take home, put in the sun, shining soft and warm as pearly light, heart get great satisfaction.

  The murmuring River, with my yearning, flows slowly along the stone steps that I passed when I was a child to my hometown filled with Dai Yan. Everything starts from my dream and returns to the original place after reincarnation. The wind wakes me up. I am still in the high-rise city, but my thoughts fly back to the water town where I was raised and nurtured


  How beautiful our campus is! Look, there are four charming seasons in the campus: peach blossom and willow green spring, blooming summer, maple red and chrysanthemum fragrant autumn, pine green and snow-white winter.

  In front of us is a wide grassland, 300 meters from east to west and 200 meters from north to south. The Qingpu road under my feet leads directly to the four story I-shaped building behind the playground, which divides the playground into two parts. In the west is the football field, with white goals facing each other.

  In the middle of the playground, there are two big locust trees. They have dense branches and leaves, just like an umbrella, which can keep out the wind, rain and sun. The students play happily under the trees. We went into the classroom, the spacious classroom, all of a sudden attracted our attention. The trees in the campus are lush. There are branches and leaves of the Wutong, with a magnificent poplar, and

  Our school is like a big garden. How beautiful and lovely it is. We thrive here!


  At night, a round of bright moon hanging on the tree top, soft and clean moonlight, through curtains, sparsely sprinkled on the bed. I have no sleepless eyes, and I can't be calm in my heart. I know it's for the painting.

  Today, I went to Xiaoyan's home to play, and I was moved by a painting of her family. What a familiar ink and blue! The picture is five towering bamboo and a flying stone like rockery. Although all the five bamboo are tall and upright, one of them is even stronger and hard, as if it were the mother of the other four. Its stem is straight, and has such a tenacity from the bone. Although its leaf shape is like willow, it has abandoned the vulgarity of willow floating with the wind, and it appears to be strong and firm, luxuriant and not miscellaneous. The scene with the rockery is a small bamboo with a pavilion. Although she is long and much taller than her mother, her stem and leaves are still a little delicate. The remaining three are even more immature, and they may have just been born soon. The two stood on the left side of their mother, and the other on the right side of their sisters. They looked up at their mother and sister, and grew up with indomitable tenacity. It is said: "there is no Festival before we are born, and Lingyun, a high-level man, is always empty hearted."

  The reason why I say this painting is familiar with it is that it has sparked hope in my young heart.

  My childhood was spent by the Songhua River, which is always snowy. It was in a turbulent time. The universities that parents teach make "revolution" every day. Dad also suffered from the war every day because he studied in the Soviet Union. My mother wants to go to the countryside to run a school, really have no time to care for me, send me to a kind "grandma" home to look after. How I miss my mother! Whenever I cry and ask my mother, my "grandma" looks after me and points to the calendar card drawing several bamboo and says to me, "when the calendar is torn, your mother will come back I." since then, I will tear the calendar every day, and I hate to tear it off at once. I think that tall bamboo is like mom, and the young bamboo on the right is just like myself. I often cry in my heart silently: Mom, how I miss you I

  Later, I grew up to know that the bamboo painting on the calendar was from Zheng Banqiao, a famous painter of Qing Dynasty. At that time, although the calendar card was old and the painting was a little fuzzy, it still placed my childlike infinite hope.

  Today I see it again, not in the lonely hope, but by my mother, not in the turmoil of fear everywhere, but in this harmonious life. How can this calm me? I look at the bright moonlight, and the elegant guqin music sounds in my ear. It accompanied me into the world of green bamboo, and returned to my childhood, and realized my long cherished wish.


  Rural areas, which we call countryside, are familiar to many people in the country with swarms of mosquitoes and heat, but it is not.

  In the morning, the birds made a soft voice, woke up the people who lived here, and then woke up the chickens, ducks, dogs and pigs. The day of peace began in the whole village. Morning is often the quietest time, the countryside is different from the city, in the morning, the noise pollution is very serious, so people can not sleep, but in the countryside, this situation will not occur.

  At noon, when the whole village people have eaten after dinner, they have reached the quietest time. In this case, the whole village people begin to take a lunch break, without snoring, and no one wants to wake up. Who is uncomfortable sleeping at home when the sun is hottest!

  In the evening, the sun was still falling, and a silk of wind rushed in. The country in the evening is very cool, even if you are wearing a coat, you don't feel hot. The sun setting is the most charming scene. The red sun is like a wheel, slowly sinking, as if we can not let us go.

  It was late in the night. When the chickens, ducks, cows, dogs, dogs and sheep were asleep, people could relax after a hard day. At this time, the village was often the most lively.

  This is the country, the beautiful countryside. He is different from others' expectation. It is a charming country!

