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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲是阐明事理或抒发情感,进行宣传鼓动的一种语言交际活动。演讲同时也是一种对自身沟通能力的提升。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Dear teachers and students

  Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "I love reading".

  Who is the happiest in the blue sky? It is the bird, because the blue sky gives the bird a pair of hard wings; Who is the happiest in the vast sea? It is the fish, because the sea gives the fish a vast world; If you ask me what I am happiest to do, I will answer without hesitation: reading!

  I love reading, because books can enrich my knowledge. I read and know that the motherland has a long and splendid culture; I read and saw the rapid development of science and technology in today's world. For thousands of years, I saw a wonderful and colorful world through the close window of the book.

  I love reading, because books can make me understand the truth of being a man. I learned to love. I sympathize with the little match girl. I care about the fate of little Fanka. I admire Mrs. Curie's rigorous and studious attitude and the patriotism of Qian Xuesen and Li Siguang;

  I love reading, because books can help me set up lofty ideals. The characters in the book are my role models, reading for the rise of China! A person who has not read a book is like a body without soul and a body without thought! Through the ages, no celebrity does not love reading. Similarly, no one who does not love reading will achieve something!

  Students, let's love reading! Let the fragrance of books grow up with us happily.

  With books, we have the whole world. With books, we have a better tomorrow!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Gorky said, "books are the ladder of human progress". The human brain is like a machine. Only knowledge can provide inexhaustible energy and power for this machine. Reading is one of the essential ways to learn knowledge well.

  Over the past few days, I have read a lot of books. For example, Chinese and foreign adventure stories tells many real and soul-stirring adventure stories at all times, at home and abroad. The spirit of explorers who are not afraid of hardships and never shrink back has inspired me to face difficulties bravely; "100000 whys" can provide accurate answers to some puzzles we encounter in life; The mysteries of the universe shows us scientific wonders and the mysteries of the universe that are still difficult to solve

  Among the books I have read, the one I love most is Aesop's fables. What is a fable? Fable is a genre of literary works. It conveys meaningful truth and enlightenment with figurative stories, which is often ironic or admonishing.

  In the process of my growth, books have become my close friends. It not only helps me broaden my horizons and increase my knowledge, but more importantly, it makes me find the fun of reading in the process of reading.

  Books, grow up with me!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Books, like a kaleidoscope, lead me into a colorful and strange world; Books, like a pair of thousand mile eyes, let me go back to ancient times and look into the future; Books, like a wise old man, enrich my knowledge accumulation and teach me how to be a man.

  I roam like a greedy child in the ocean of books——

  Reading composition books can make me incisive and improve my writing level. Reading a cartoon or funny can also make me more humorous and imaginative. Math books can make me think quickly

  Book, let me understand a lot of truth in life, from which I learned the great deeds of many proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation and some people who have made important contributions to society and mankind, and their lofty ideals and strong determination let me always remember.

  Books let me understand the true meaning of life. When I am confused and panic, books are like a bright torch to guide me in the direction of progress, solve problems for me and increase my courage and confidence; When I am sad and painful, the book tells me that sadness is short. Only when I have the courage to explore, will I find fun; When I was misunderstood, the book told me that if you go your own way bravely, people will find the real you.

  I love reading!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  I have always loved reading since I was young, but I love not only the spiritual enjoyment brought by reading, but also the special artistic conception and interest when reading.

  In kindergarten, I like reading at noon. Because noon is the loudest time in the kindergarten, everyone is playing with all kinds of toys. They are talking loudly, mixed with the beep of the sudden collapse of building blocks, the click of toys being kicked over, and the bang of marble collision. They are like an urgent and dark vortex. I don't know how many people are involved. This noise is like gum stuck to the heel. Although it is extremely annoying, it is difficult to get rid of it. At this time, when I read a book, the noise is like being blocked by a barrier. The more I see it, the less I can hear the strange noise. After I graduated from kindergarten, I no longer disliked noise, all thanks to reading.

  After primary school, I didn't study in the classroom at first. I love the big garden of the school more. Walking by the rose bed, sitting on the green grass for a moment, or wandering under the banana trees, or even meditating under the dragon claw locust, is more interesting than reading in a stuffy classroom. But sometimes I will take advantage of the good sunshine, sit on the porcelain stool and read Chinese books, and let the flowers disperse my Mahua discrimination. This is really a different kind of enjoyment.

  All kinds of special hobbies, plus the beautiful artistic conception of reading, make me fascinated. I love reading!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  My name is XX. I'm very happy to be here to share my happiness with you today. The title of my speech is - "I read, I am happy, I grow up".

  In daily life, I can experience all kinds of fun from many things. For example: painting, singing, dancing. Chase and play with the students on the spacious playground; During the holidays, I travel with my parents to appreciate the ethnic customs of various places. These can not only make me feel comfortable, but also strengthen my body. However, you know what makes me happy every day? Yes, that's reading.

  Whenever I get a new book, I will hold it and forget it. After dinner, my mother shouted seven or eight times, but I turned a deaf ear. I was reluctant to put down my book. As a result, I can imagine that my father's "little hammer" will be left on my head. But I am still happy to swim freely in the ocean of books.

  Students, let's love reading together. When one day you fall in love with it, you will feel the happiness and happiness it brings you like me.

  Reading will make our life full of sunshine.

  Thank you!


  Hello, everyone!

  Books are the food for the spirit, and reading is eating them. The joy of reading can make us forget all our worries.

  I remember once, my mother quarreled with me because of my homework. I was very happy. I beat my pillow in my room to vent my anger. After a while, his anger subsided a little, and he took a "Diary of children" and read it. The story in this is wonderful, as if it were around. Slowly, I understood my mother and left my mother's quarrel out of the sky.

  Reading not only brings me happiness, makes me forget my troubles, but also enriches my life.

  When I was a child, I liked to tell stories to my mother: puppet adventures, fisherman's story... Later, my mother bought me some comic books because she was busy with work and sometimes didn't have time to tell me stories. I read comic books all the way to the first grade of primary school. Since I went to primary school and learned Pinyin, I began to read books with Pinyin and spell words I couldn't. Later, my few books couldn't satisfy me, so my mother kept buying books for me. By the third and fourth grade of primary school, I had learned a lot of words, and those story books were no longer suitable for me, so I went to the bookstore with my mother and bought stockings Pipi and around the earth in 80 days... I like it very much.

  Students, let's love reading. Let's get more knowledge from books and enjoy reading!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  Good morning, everyone! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "I love reading".

  If I ask you what is the most important thing in life? Some people may say it's money, others may say it's health. Of course, there will be more answers. This is not surprising, because everyone has different life experiences and feelings, so their understanding is also different.

  And I will answer without thinking that the most important thing in life is reading.

  I love reading, because books are the crystallization of human wisdom and the treasure house of human thought. Reading can let me roam in the ocean of knowledge, and reading can enrich my knowledge.      "Books are the ladder of human progress." Gorky's famous saying once inspired countless students to study hard. Students, for our progress and growth, let's read together!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  I love reading. Books can help me solve my fear of death and help me control my temper. Book is a silent teacher, which enriches my knowledge more and more. Sometimes, book is a person to comfort me and let me resolve my troubles.

  After reading the book "I'm no longer angry", I corrected my temper. Because the book tells me that when I lose my temper, I can take a deep breath and read a favorite word again and again. Smile, happiness comes, when you encounter bad luck, think more about the good, it will make people no longer angry.

  When I read the book "education of love", I know how to love my motherland, teachers and classmates, and I can experience the love of others for me.

  Since I fell in love with reading, I have entered a colorful life. There are magical astronomical knowledge, rich geographical knowledge, wonderful historical stories and good fairy tales in the book. I suggest you read more and walk into a colorful world together.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  In my life, there has always been a friend with me - that is, books. It can be said that I have never changed my habit of reading since I was young. It is my inseparable good friend.

  There are many interesting things that happened between me and the book. Let me tell you! Once, my mother had something to go out. I was at home myself. I picked up a book and read it with interest. I only heard my mother say a few vague words and leave. I didn't care. Then I looked. I didn't know how many hours later, I just heard a "bang -" sound, as if it was "harmony". I hurried to the kitchen and saw that the rice in the pot had become yellow rice! I had to open Oreo to fill my hunger. I went on to read my book. I don't know when my mother came back. When she saw the dry pot and biscuits on the table, she immediately understood what. She immediately came over, smiled and said: since you like reading so much, I'll take you to the bookstore.

  This is me who loves reading!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  If I am a small tree, then the book is the brilliant sunshine, which shines on me and makes me grow happily; If I am a small fish, then the book is a clear stream, which moistens me and makes me grow up happily; If I am a bird, then the book is the blue sky. It supports me and makes me grow up happily!

  We can't measure the length of our life, but we can expand the width of our life. A good book that benefits people may be an expansion of life. I always hope that in the leisure of floating for half a day, what accompanies us is a cup of tea and a volume of good books; I always hope to leave a corner of books after the noise and complexity, so that friends can get together and sing

  Books enrich the simple people in the world; Books, let the world noisy people return to nature. In the rush journey, in the heavy luggage, on the red sandalwood table... Don't forget to leave a place for your favorite book!

  As the saying goes, "opening a book is beneficial". As long as we open books, we can get knowledge, find happiness and experience emotion in books. Opening a book is like swimming in the ocean of knowledge. It can make us happier, more confident and smarter. How many times have I been happy for the ugly duckling because she turned into a swan; How many times have I shed tears because snow white was tricked into eating poisonous apples by the vicious queen; How many times have I been proud of the little hero Nezha for defeating Shiji! Isn't it all because books provide me with the opportunity to read?

  The eagle wants to fight the wind and rain in the wide blue sky, and the fish wants to chop the waves in the boundless ocean. I also want to get spiritual food from rich books and grow happily in this vast sea and sky!

  Thank you!

