

时间:2023-12-06 21:41:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

  一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分)
  (    ) 1. A. classroom       B. classmate           C. clean
  (    ) 2. A. book           B. box                C. fridge
  (    ) 3. A. soup           B. study               C. sofa
  (    ) 4. A. your           B. you                C. me
  (    ) 5. A. farmer         B. driver               C. nurse
  (    ) 6. A. fish            B. beef               C. vegetable
  (    ) 7. A. forty           B. thirty              C. thirteen
  (    ) 8. A. ruler           B. pencil              C. pencil-case
  (    ) 9. A. strong          B. quiet               C. thin
  (    ) 10. A. music         B. science             C. snake
  1.            2.              3.              4.              5.
  (   )     (   )        (   )         (   )         (   )
  (   )6. I have a new schoolbag.
  (   )7. I‘d like some beef and soup.
  (   )8. My father is a driver.
  (   )9. Where are the keys?
  (   )10. She has long hair, big eyes and big nose.
  三、根据你听到的问题,选出最合适的答语,将其编号填在题前的括号里。 (10分)
  (   )1. A. Here you are.       B. It’s near the window.    C. It‘s big.
  (   )2. A. He is Zhang Peng.   B. He likes sports.        C. He is strong.
  (   )3. A. His name is Mike.   B. She is a nurse.         C. He is a teacher.
  (   )4. A. Good idea.         B. Sure, here you are.     C. Good night.
  (   )5. A. I’d like some chicken.   B. I have a bag.       C. I can see a bed.
  四、听音,将句子补充完整,每空一词。 (5分)
  1. What would you like for breakfast? I‘d like some _______and milk.
  2. There are six lights and two ______s in the classroom.
  3. This is my _______. You can see a living room.
  4. My father is a ______and my mother is a nurse.
  5. There is a _______and a shelf in the bedroom.
  五、根据你听到的短文判断对错。对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (10分)
  (   )1. My family has 5 people.
  (   )2. Sarah is a Chinese girl.
  (   )3. My mum is a nurse.
  (   )4. My brother is tall and thin.
  (   )5. My sister likes sports.
  A. My father is a teacher.                  B. Can I have some rice?
  C. How many rooms do you have?          D. What would you like for dinner?
  E. Is this your bedroom?
  A: Welcome to my home.
  A: We have six rooms. A living room, a study, two bedrooms, a kitchen and a bathroom.
  B: ______________________________
  A: No, it’s my study.
  B: What‘s your father?
  B: Where is your mother?
  A: My mother is in the kitchen.______________________________
  B: I’d like some fish and soup.
  A: Dinner Is ready. Help yourself.
  B: Thank you. ________________________-
  A: Sure, here you are.
  七、阅读短文。   (15分)
  Hello, this is the photo of my family. It‘s on the wall. Look! This is my grandma and grandpa. They are farmers. My father is here. He’s a doctor. He‘s strong. My mother is a teacher. She’s thin. Oh, this is my sister. She‘s quiet. She’s 10. She‘s a good student. Who is he? Guess! Yes, it’s me. I like music and books.
  (   ) 1. I am a girl.
  (   ) 2. My father is tall and strong.
  (   ) 3. My sister is a good teacher.
  (   ) 4. I like reading books and listening to the music.
  (   ) 5. There are 5 members in my family.
 Ⅱ. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案,并将其编号填在题前的括号里。
  My friend is a girl. She is fourteen. She is Chinese. She is thin and tall. She has long hair. She has big eyes and a big mouth. She is quiet and cute. She likes music and painting very much. Her name is Sarah.
  (   )1. My friend is a ___________.
  A. man       B. girl       C. boy
  (   ) 2. My friend is from_________.
  A. China      B. America       C. Canada
  (   ) 3. How old is my friend?
  A. 12       B. 13       C.14
  (   ) 4. My friend has long hair, big eyes and big          .
  A. nose     B. ears       C. mouth
  (   ) 5. What is my friend‘s name?
  A. Her name is Amy.   B. His name is Sarah.
  C. Her name is Sarah.
  八、选词填空,使短文内容完整,每个词只能用一次。 (10分)
  [ family, mother, teacher, driver, father ]
  Look ! This is a photo of my________. This is my _______, he is a _________.And this is my
  ________, She is a ________.
  九、看图,根据答句写出问句。 (10分)
  1. A:                                       ?
  B: I’d like some noodles.
  2. A:                                       ?                1
  B: She‘s in the study.                                                       2
  3. A:                                       ?
  B: His name is Mike.
  4. A :                                         ?
  B: I have many pens in my bookself.                            3                4
  5. A :                                            ?
  B: He is a baseball player.
  A                                        B               C
  fork                               spoon                      bathroom
  D                                E                                 F
  kitchen                           bedroom                     fish
  G                       H               I                   J
  egg                eye              sofa              desk
  与图不一致的是:__________   _________   _________   _________   _________</P><P>

