

时间:2022-02-10 11:47:29 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#三年级# 导语】国庆节是由一个国家制定的用来纪念国家本身的法定假日。它们通常是这个国家的独立、宪法的签署、元首诞辰或其他有重大纪念意义的周年纪念日;也有些是这个国家守护神的圣人节。以下是©文档大全网整理的《小学三年级关于国庆节的英语作文》,希望帮助到您。 【篇一】

  The National Day in the afternoon, I was walking along the bridge, saw an uncle in the trash can pick up something to eat. I immediately compassion, took out 50 dollars to him, and then crossed the left.

  The next day, and I have also come to bridge when he saw his pick up there. I was surprised, how he is still there to pick up something to eat? So I go to ask next to the aunt, she said: "you are he cheated, actually he used every day after you give the money to buy the lunch box in the trash can, and then take out to impress your compassion."

  I was listening to, fire emit three zhangs, the spirit also useless. I don't love dearly me fifty dollars, but is a shame for his actions. As human beings, can be hard work life than others, and you cheat for a living, don't you feel ashamed?

  People's kindness is not available, but for the help. 【篇二】

  National Day is coming,in order to spend it meaningfully,I have made a plan for it.I'll have a 8-day holiday for the Nation Day,so first of all,for the first two days,I would like to stay at home to have a good rest,getting enough sleep.For I am very tired due to the heavy study.Then after two days' rest,I'm going to take a trip to Shanghai with a couple of my classmates.Shanghai is a very beautiful city with many places of interest.That will take me four days.Finally,returning from Shanghai,I will do my homework at home and have some exercises.That's all. 【篇三】

  Suddenly, the National Day has arrived. The seven days I can not waste time, so I have to arrange for each day!

  In seven days, I want to finish work, and to double-check again. We need to do to buy their own practice, what to do after the reference to the answer.

  I would also do more to help my mother home, like vegetables to help his mother. Every day will drag on the floor at home.

  This is my National Day plans.

