
时间:2023-06-18 15:51:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

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  一、 这一大题中有6幅图画,请你仔细听录音,根据录音的先后顺序给下面的图画从1到6标上序号。每个句子连读两遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。(12分)



  二、听录音,判断每小题中的陈述与录音是否相符。若相符,在相应题号前面的括号里写 “T”;反之,写 “F”。每个对话连读两遍,请仔细听。好,现在开始。

   1. Mike’s principal is thin and short. She’s very kind.

   2. Amy has onions and mutton for lunch on Tuesdays.

   3. Sarah’s favourite food is cabbage.

   4. Wu Yifan can clean his room and cook the meals at home.

   5. Zhang Peng has Chinese, English and science on Fridays.

   6. John has four new teachers.




  Watch TV

  Read books

  Do homework

  Do housework

  Play computer games




  1. My English teacher is y_________and t________. She’s very a_________.

  2. We have m_________, E_________ and s_________ on Mondays.

  3. Peaches are very s_________. Oranges are very s__________..

  4. I like the cucumbers. They are t__________ and f__________.

  5. Look! There are many t_________ and f_________ in the village.

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  五、 下列每小题中有4个单词,其中有一个跟其它三个不同类,请你把这个单词找出来,将其字母标号填入题前的括号里。

   1. A. noodles B. beef C. Thursday D. rice

   2. A. principal B. mutton C. pork D. chicken

   3. A. apple B. fruit C. pear D. peach

   4. A. curtain B. closet C. sofa D. sky

   5. A. forest B. kitchen C. bedroom D. bathroom


  1. Mike has ____________ and ___________ for lunch on Mondays. Amy has ___________ and __________

  on Sundays.

  2. I’m helpful. I can ___________ the __________ and _________

  the ___________ .

  3. There is a ____________ and a __________ in

  the nature park.


  What do you have for lunch on Mondays?

  What day is Sarah’s favorite day?

  What’s your father like?

  What classes do you like?

  What classes do you have on Fridays?

  A. Wednesday.

  B. We have Chinese, art and P.E on Friday.

  C. We have fish and tomatoes on Mondays.

  D. I like Chinese, art and music.

  E. He is very young and kind.


  1. day, what, it, today, is ( ? )

  2. houses, are, my, there, in, many, small, village ( . )

  3. now, I, my, own, have, room ( . )

  4. food, favourite, what’s, your ( ? )

  5. computer, can, I, a, use ( . )


   1. There is a _________ over the bed.

   2. There is a _________ under the air-conditioner.

   3. There is a cat _________ the curtain.

   4. There is a _________ _________ near the desk.

   5. There is an _________ _________ near the bed.

   6. There is a _________ in front of the desk.

   7. There is a ruler _________ the pencil case.

   8. There is a lamp _________ the desk.


  He’s our art teacher. He’s young. He’s tall and strong. He’s very funny.

  He’s our Chinese teacher. He’s short and strong. He’s very kind.

  He’s our math teacher. He’s short and thin. He’s very young.

  He’s our music teacher. He’s old. He’s tall. He’s very kind.

  十一、下面是Wu Yifan的加拿大笔友Peter写给Wu Yifan的一封信,请你认真读一读,回答后面的问题。

  Dear Wu Yifan,

  My name is Peter. I am 9 years old. I study in Willow School. My favourite class is P.E. I like sports very much. And I like computer. My favourite teacher is Mr. zhang. He’s our P.E teacher. He is tall and strong. He’s very funny. My favourite day is Friday. We have P.E and computer class on Friday. And we have chicken and tomatoes for lunch on Friday. Chicken is my favourite food. Friday is a great day! Tell me about your school, please.

  Your pen pal,



  1. Who’s Peter’s favourite class?

  His favourite class is _________________.

  2. What’s his favourite day?

  His favourite day is ________________.

  3. What school is he study in?

  He study in __________________.

  4. What’s his P.E teacher like?

  He’s _____________________.

  5. What’s his favourite food?

  His favourite food is ____________________.

  十二、 读对话,判断后面的陈述是否正确,若正确,在相应的括号里划“√”表示,反之,划“×”表示。

  John: I like my village. It’s beautiful(美丽的). There are many rivers and bridges in the village. The water is clean. The air is fresh. The sky is blue. The clouds are white.

  Chen Jie: I like my city. There are many tall buildings and roads in the city. And there is a big bookstore(书店)in the city. I can buy(买) books in it.

  John: Are there any rivers in your city?

  Chen Jie: No, there aren’t. But there is a bueatiful lake. Are there any mountains near your village?

  John: Yes, there are. There are many mountains.

  Chen Jie: Are there any monkeys in the mountain?

  John: No, there aren’t.

   1. John’s village is very beautiful.

   2. There are many cars and buses in John’s village.

   3. There aren’t any rivers in Chen Jie’s city.

   4. There is a bookstore in Chen Jie’s city.

   5. There are many monkeys in the mountain.

   6. There is a lake in Chen Jie’s city.


   1. There ________ many balloons in the sky.

  A. is B. am C. are

   2. --- Is she quiet?

  --- No, she ________.

  A. is B. isn’t C. not

   3. What do you do ________ Saturdays?

  A. in B. on C. at

   4. Are there ________ pandas in the mountains?

  A. some B. any C. many

   5. There ________ a pen and two books on the desk.

  A. is B. are C. am

