
时间:2022-05-26 01:13:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】童年远去,童趣延续;烦恼抛弃,童真拾起;童心找回,蓬勃朝气;童颜大悦,给足勇气。愿六一的快乐永永远远陪伴你!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is children's day, the happiest day for children.

  My mother gave me and my brother 20 yuan early in the morning and let us learn gifts by ourselves. We took twenty yuan and ran out happily. When they came to the street, there was already a sea of people. Mothers took their children to the street to buy things. Some bought dolls, some bought toy guns, some bought colored balloons... There were cheering and active voices of children everywhere. As we walked and watched, we felt the lively atmosphere around us and felt very happy. Suddenly, we found a ragged child begging in the street, but no one paid attention to him. My brother looked down for a moment, then looked up and said to me, "brother, let's help him and give him ten yuan." What else can I do for him if he has ten yuan left My brother raised his lovely little face and said firmly to me, "we have a lot of things in our family, but he has nothing? I still want to give him the money." Then he ran to the child and gave him the money.

  Although we can't buy any decent gifts on this children's day, I learned kindness, compassion and consideration from my brother!


  This morning, Mr. Yu told us that we would receive a mysterious June 1 gift in the afternoon. We were all wondering what it was?

  Soon in the afternoon, the exciting moment came. Mr. Yu went out and called. When he came back, he said, "it's so fast! The gift has come." "Today I want to give you a gift that you will never forget. Usually, the gifts you receive are ready-made, including clothes, shoes, food and toys..." Teacher Yu said, "this time I want to give you an opportunity to make candles by yourself, that is, DIY candle." the students cheered and jumped up one by one. Teacher Yu said, don't be too happy. If anyone quarrels, please ask him (her) to go to the teacher's office to stop. So we all immediately calmed down and waited for the arrival of handmade gifts.

  After a while, the gift came, and the two uncles came in with a big carton. The students were all happy, but they didn't dare to make a sound, so they had to laugh in their hearts. At this time, the music of eye exercises sounded. The students looked at Mr. Yu. Mr. Yu said, "what are you looking at? Do eye exercises quickly. Now no one has gone to the penalty station in the office. I want to see who dares not to do eye exercises and who doesn't do eye exercises. I'll let him go to the office immediately."

  At this time, the two uncles opened the big carton, and we all held our breath to see what it was. I saw nine bags of colored sand and didn't understand what to do. Then I looked at what my uncle was going to take out. Then my uncle took out many plastic cups. Teacher Yu and one uncle tore up a bag of colored sand and sprinkled it evenly into the cups arranged in many rows. Another uncle took out many cups. I counted 20 short cups and 20 high cups, a total of 40 cups, The uncle took out a large bunch of flowers and many shells, and took out a large bag of wax like white fungus. Finally, the uncle took out an induction cooker and a large aluminum pot. The uncle plugged in the power supply, the induction cooker began to operate, broke the wax into uneven pieces, put it into the aluminum pot, put the aluminum pot on the induction cooker, and the induction cooker began to boil wax efficiently.

  Mr. Yu gave each group two high cups and two low cups, and asked the group leader to go to the podium and take four cups of colored sand. Mr. Yu asked two uncles to tell us what to do and how to do it correctly. He explained the use of various tools. After listening to his uncle's explanation, we began to make them.

  What I did was the undersea series, paved with colored sand of five different colors, used some small and exquisite shells and a intact starfish, and I asked my uncle to pour hot wax water for me. After it cooled down, I asked my uncle to plug in the candlelight for me, and the last step was completed.

  I'm very happy! I like this gift!


  Today is my dream International Children's Day. Last year, my father gave me a transformer model and my mother gave me a big meal. What gift do I expect this time?

  My father and mother waited for the bus happily. Along the way, how happy and excited I was. When the stop arrived, I got off the bus happily. Just want to enjoy mom and dad's surprise, mom and dad disappeared. No! Mom and dad should pick me up on time. I looked around again, and then walked home step by step with big and small bags in disappointment.

  After my efforts, I finally came home. Angry, I shouted, "Mom - Dad -" but I waited for a long time and didn't respond. What's up? Are they out? They won't forget this International Children's Day, will they? Alas, I sat down on the sofa and watched TV. Suddenly, my frustrated stomach began to cry. When I was hungry, I reluctantly found something to eat. Eh! Why don't you even have food? I had to go back to the sofa, drink water and continue to watch TV. It was getting dark, but before my mother and father came, I was very angry. I turned on the light and couldn't help but want to vent, so I tore up the paper angrily.

  Tearing, tearing, the light suddenly went dark. What's the matter? It can't be a ghost! A cold sweat came out of my hands. I was thinking that a remote-controlled car suddenly appeared next to me. Is this a gift from the ghost? Ghosts are better than Mom and dad. The light suddenly turned on, and mother and father shouted in unison, "happy holidays!" I was shocked. My father and mother were joking with me to surprise me. My anger was suddenly thrown out of the sky.

  It turns out that I don't want anything like gifts. As long as my family is around and say "happy holidays" to me, this is a good gift. I like this International Children's Day and this children's day full of family affection!


  Looking forward, looking forward, International Children's Day has finally arrived. I used to receive many gifts on children's day, but this year's gift is very special.

  In the morning, the sky is clear and cloudy. The sun father-in-law plated everything with gold. I walked out of the house excitedly and walked on the path beside the house. The road was quiet and my heart calmed down slowly. Suddenly, a chirp broke the silence. Oh, it turned out that the birds were singing with their necks stretched out. The air on the road is very fresh, with the fragrance of flowers, mixed with the fragrance of soil after bathing. Every breath is exciting. No wonder the birds sing so happily. Walking, I began to fantasize about the June day gift I would receive this year, whether it was a cool bike, a beautiful skateboard, a big ice cream, or countless imagination unfolding in my mind one by one.

  In the afternoon, the weather is not as cool as in the morning. The sun is burning the earth, the sky is clear, and the leaves are painted in the sun. Under the rich shade of trees, there are several old people sitting. The industrious bees still shuttle among the flowers. At this time, I was slightly moved by a trace of sleepiness.

  At night, I lay in the yard looking at the stars. The little star blinked, twinkling, very cute. The winding moon hides in the sea of clouds, like a cloud sail in the sea. June day is coming to an end. What is my gift?

  Looking back on the experience of the day, I was thoughtful. It turns out that this year's children's Day is not for parents, but for summer. Gifts are not bicycles and ice cream, but vibrant and renewed life in summer. This gift is very special. I am very satisfied with this year's June day.


  On International Children's Day, my mother took me to Nanshan book city to choose children's Day gifts.

  As soon as I got to the bookstore, I immediately ran to the place where the toys were sold. There are so many toys here that I was dazzled. I turned for several times and didn't see what I wanted. Suddenly, my eyes were attracted by some fancy cars in the corner. The appearance of the car is very novel, a bit like formula racing, with a board on the body. It turns out that these are several solar cars. WOW! How amazing! That's it, my 61 Day gift!

  As soon as I got home, I couldn't wait to open the box, carefully took out the parts, spread out the drawings, and assembled them together. I carefully compared the steps marked on the drawing and assembled them part by part. This car looks simple, but it's really a little difficult to put together!

  As time went by, the car slowly took shape in my hand. After three hours of unremitting efforts, I finally put the car together. Looking at its look, I don't want to mention how happy it is! I ran around the house with my car and shouted excitedly, "Yeah! Yeah! I've put the car together! I've put the car together!"

  I really like my June 1 gift. When the sun shines, I'll see it show off!


  I pulled off my blindfold and looked around at a loss. I was fooled by my parents!

  On the morning of June 1, my parents put on an eye mask for me and took me into a room where I didn't see light all year round. I thought it was a special gift, but it was really a surprise. There is only black and white in my heart.

  Suddenly, I saw a glimmer of light. I walked towards the light source. But the light, like a frightened little beast, disappeared in an instant. I reached out and touched the light source, thinking it was just paper or something blocking it. It's cool, but there's only one ice.

  I shouted in the room. But my parents just forgot that I was still in the dark room. When they remembered, they would naturally help me open the door of hope. I tried to shout loudly to force my parents to notice me. There was another sound of opening and closing the door, "Dong!" The door is closed and your parents are out? I was silent and my last hope was dashed.

  I felt the darkness around me seeping into my skin bit by bit. I felt as if I had fallen into the abyss, helpless, fearful, powerless and desperate. I thought about how I was starved to death and how I endured the pain of hunger; How to become a cold corpse and how to face the unknown death. I suffer, I have no

  I also use a knife to carve the door, hoping to carve a hole that I can pass through. I carve and scratch one by one. About ten minutes. "Pa!" The knife is broken, and my hope is broken like this knife. I slowly raised my head and sighed!

  Suddenly, I thought of something. Reach out, pull the door handle, press it, and then push it forward. A strong light fell on my face and I couldn't open my eyes. Calm down, I'm on the sofa. "You've got rid of your dependence on us." Mother said, "in fact, we have been around you. I'm glad you solved the problem yourself, and you didn't complicate a simple thing."

  I suddenly realized that this is my gift. It tells me: everything depends on yourself, and we should simplify the problem. This is a gift my mother gave me on International Children's Day.


  Today is our children's Day - International Children's Day! As early as a few days ago, my parents said they would give me a mysterious and special gift. I was puzzled: "what kind of gift is mysterious and special?"

  Two days before International Children's Day, I was doing my homework at home when someone knocked on the door. When I opened the door, it turned out that the uncle of the furniture store had come to deliver the furniture. I wondered: "when did our family order new furniture again? Isn't the furniture still good?" I asked my mother, who smiled mysteriously and said, "you'll understand in a minute." After the hard work of my uncle in the furniture store all morning, a set of beautiful children's furniture was displayed in front of me. I was stunned. It was so beautiful to use white as the main color and blue as the matching color! Is this the mysterious and special gift that mom and dad said? Mother saw my mind and said to me, "do you like it, Mingming? This is the June day gift from Mom and dad." "Yes, yes, I really like it. Thank you, mom and dad. I love you so much!" Mom and dad looked at me and smiled happily. I said, as early as a week ago, my mother was busy changing new blue curtains and buying bedding for me, and my father painted my room again. At that time, I was still thinking that it was not the Chinese New Year. What were you doing? It was all premeditated by them!

  Students have long said how expensive gifts they will receive on June 1. I think their gifts are more valuable than mine. Because my gift is carefully made by my parents, which has my parents' love for me. Mom and Dad, I understand your good intentions. In order to make me have a happy childhood and create a good learning environment for me, you don't hesitate to work harder. Mom and Dad, thank you. I will repay you with my practical actions!


  The annual "61" festival will bring us infinite joy, and we will also receive many lovely gifts. This year's June day is particularly unforgettable to me because I received a precious gift.

  On the day of June 1, I got up early and came to Fushan general school. I was very happy because I was honored to be rated as the excellent young pioneer captain of the district by my teachers and students. Today, I took this teacher and classmate to Fushan general school to receive the award with my affirmation and the honor I have earned.

  I went upstairs and came to the auditorium, where there were lights and decorations. It was very lively. With a smile, the teacher read out the list of three stars, two stars and top ten teenagers in Fukuyama for us. Finally, it was my turn. When I heard my name on the radio, my heart seemed to jump to my throat. I ran to the podium to pick up love, the most beautiful and precious gift in the world. President Yang of the garden campus presented me with an award, "Congratulations!" "Well," I nodded, "thank you!" At this time, I saw hundreds of pairs of eyes looking at me, which revealed admiration and trust. Holding this golden and heavy "honor" in my hand, I thought of the teachers' concern for me and the students' love for me on weekdays; Thought of every competition, every pay; I thought of what my parents expected of me. My eyes are wet. I think this honor is inseparable from your help to me. In the applause of the students, I am extremely proud. I am secretly determined that in the future, I will work harder and have more and further dreams to realize.

  With this precious gift, I returned to the campus of Zhengda to celebrate June 1 with my classmates. Surrounded by gifts and blessings, we sang and danced heartily! Our happiness rippled in every corner of the campus.

  On June 1, I got this precious gift, which makes me proud and inspires me to study harder and make progress every day in the future.


  Today is my dream International Children's Day. Last year, my father gave me a transformer model and my mother gave me a big meal. What gift do I expect this time?

  My father and mother waited for the bus happily. Along the way, how happy and excited I was. When the stop arrived, I got off the bus happily. Just want to enjoy mom and dad's surprise, mom and dad disappeared. No! Mom and dad should pick me up on time. I looked around again, and then walked home step by step with big and small bags in disappointment.

  After my efforts, I finally came home. Angry, I shouted, "Mom - Dad -" but I waited for a long time and didn't respond. What's up? Are they out? They won't forget this International Children's Day, will they? Alas, I sat down on the sofa and watched TV. Suddenly, my frustrated stomach began to cry. When I was hungry, I reluctantly found something to eat. Eh! Why don't you even have food? I had to go back to the sofa, drink water and continue to watch TV. It was getting dark, but before my mother and father came, I was very angry. I turned on the light and couldn't help but want to vent, so I tore up the paper angrily.

  Tearing, tearing, the light suddenly went dark. What's the matter? It can't be a ghost! A cold sweat came out of my hands. I was thinking that a remote-controlled car suddenly appeared next to me. Is this a gift from the ghost? Ghosts are better than Mom and dad. The light suddenly turned on, and mother and father shouted in unison, "happy holidays!" I was shocked. My father and mother were joking with me to surprise me. My anger was suddenly thrown out of the sky.

  It turns out that I don't want anything like gifts. As long as my family is around and say "happy holidays" to me, this is a good gift. I like this International Children's Day and this children's day full of family affection!


  Today is Saturday. My parents took me to the stadium to see the performance of the Russian circus. Dad said that this is a very famous circus show in the world, and it can be regarded as a gift given to me in advance for International Children's Day.

  With a warm-up dance with unique Russian style, wonderful circus performances began: all kinds of breathtaking acrobatics made everyone marvel and admire, shout and applaud; The little animals are also unwilling to be lonely. They have come up with their own housekeeping skills. The goat carries the little monkey on the tightrope, the little cat turns and hurdles, the naive big bear turns the hula hoop, and so on. What surprised me most was the appearance of the alpaca. This is the first time I saw its dignity. It's really stupid, cute and lovely! How can such a big circus be without tigers and lions? In my anxious waiting, they finally appeared at the same time. Although they are huge and powerful in appearance, they can complete all kinds of movements well under the command of the animal trainer and win everyone's warm applause.

  The most interesting thing for me is monkey cycling. When the thin little monkeys ride their bikes, they shake left and right. It's hard to resist the sight. And they are very obedient. They go wherever the trainer asks them to ride. Some of the monkeys are too small to reach the ground on the bike. They fall every time they stop. There are also some little monkeys riding and bumping together. They fell and accidentally staged a performance of "monkey gnawing mud" for us.

  The finale of the show is the Russian equestrian show. Although the venue is very small, several fine horses still run around the field quickly. The riders still make all kinds of breathtaking actions on their backs, which makes me sweat for them all the time.

  Under the guidance of two clowns, the wonderful performance of more than two hours ended unknowingly. I still have more meaning to see. This is really a special gift for June 1!

