>>>免费试听:【超值特惠】雅思临考预测四科联报 核心考点大放送
Some people think the main reason for success is hard work and determination. While other people think factors like money and personal appearance are also important. Discuss both views and give your own opinions. 有人认为成功来自努力和决心,有人认为财富和美貌对于成功更加重要,讨论两种观点。
匧漀洀攀 people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 有人认为幸福和经济成功相互关联,有人认为幸福取决于不同的因素,讨论两种观点,给出你的意见?
【新东方雅思课程推荐】新版雅思讲义 更轻松 更容易>> 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/jp6n.html 正在阅读: [2019广东佛山顺德区初二英语期末考试听力音频]2019广东佛山顺德区伦教新民幼儿园招聘幼师公告01-29 2019广东省广州小马智行科技有限公司校园招聘公告09-30 2018年云南大理中考历史试题及答案05-16 严厉的“幽默师”作文400字11-02 2019年执业药师考试要点:《中药学综合知识与技能》09-07 网络管理实习周记【五篇】03-23 护士检讨书800字范文三篇10-17 小学生描写民族风俗的作文【三篇】04-30 岑溪中学介绍英文-岑溪中学介绍02-21