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【#英语资源# 导语】交通安全法就像一堵墙,耸立在危险和安全的边缘。在这里,我要大声呼吁:让我们小手牵大手,共走平安路吧!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《学习交通安全的重要性英语作文》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.学习交通安全的重要性英语作文 篇一

  Now, people's living standards have improved, many families have private cars, and the number of migrant population has gradually increased. Therefore, it has brought many troubles to traffic safety.

  That day, my grandmother took me home from school. Downstairs, I saw the aunt on the next stairs sobbing, her shoulder shaking, and crystal tears flowing down her beautiful cheeks. My grandmother and I went up to ask, and we learned that her mother was hit by a car and sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. That afternoon, the old woman next door picked up her granddaughter on her bike and went home. Before the zebra crossing, she consciously got off her bike and led her car through the zebra crossing. At this time, a taxi ran straight over and knocked the old lady and her granddaughter down on the ground. The old granny lost consciousness in an instant and didn't wake up. The old lady was rushed to the hospital for rescue, but she still died. Hearing this, I was shocked. Seeing the sad look of my aunt, I felt a burst of sympathy and compassion. I think: God is really unfair. Such a good person and such a kind old woman were killed in a traffic accident. If the taxi driver obeys the traffic rules, slow down before the zebra crossing, let the old lady and pedestrians pass first, and then drive away slowly. Will not cause this tragic accident.

  Through this matter, I hope that in the future, drivers and pedestrians can consciously abide by the traffic rules. If everyone understands the importance of stopping at the red light and walking at the green light, and if pedestrians and drivers can yield to each other in front of the zebra crossing, it can avoid the pain caused by traffic accidents to families.

2.学习交通安全的重要性英语作文 篇二

  The red light stops, the green light goes, and the yellow light goes on. Wait a minute. Everyone will say that everyone can sing, too. So have we done it?

  One morning, I got up early. After washing, I am ready to go to school. On my way to school, I found the traffic was very congested. Let's guess why? Let me tell you, because some cars don't obey the traffic rules and run the red light, and some electric cars don't obey the traffic rules and run the red light, so there is a traffic jam or traffic accident. Although we can't let those big cars obey the traffic rules, we can advise our children. When crossing the road, you should take the zebra crossing or the sidewalk and overpass. You should look at the traffic lights, and you should not rush around. That is very dangerous.

  And those drivers who drive cars cannot drive drunk or tired, which is very dangerous. In addition, those who ride electric vehicles cannot ride electric vehicles for three people, which is also very dangerous and forms overloading.

  There are many aspects of traffic safety. We should start from small things and abide by the traffic lights. Do not throw objects out of the window. Let's observe the traffic together!

3.学习交通安全的重要性英语作文 篇三

  Traffic safety is related to everyone's life. Once you violate it, you may pay your life. Life is precious. We should abide by the safety laws and regulations. Especially when crossing the road, remember to look at the lights, the lines and the traffic.

  I remember one weekend in the last semester of the second grade, Xiao Ming and Xiao Peng played catch in front of the rockery. When it was Xiao Ming's turn to catch people, he was going to catch people across the road. Just as he was running to the middle of the road, an electric car passed by Xiao Ming, and Xiao Ming was knocked down. We were scared out of our wits and stood aside for a while before we came back to our senses and ran to Xiao Ming. At this time, Xiaoming had stood up, but luckily he had just rubbed it without getting hurt. Fortunately, the electric car is relatively slow to ride. If it is a fast car, what will happen? Can't imagine

  Through this incident, we are told that even if we stop for three minutes when crossing the road, we will not grab that second. Don't cause a lifetime of pain because of a one-second car accident.

  We only have one life, please cherish life!

4.学习交通安全的重要性英语作文 篇四

  Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are going to play football in the park. They played football as they walked. Playing, the ball was suddenly kicked into the middle of the road. Xiao Ming rushed to pick up the ball when a car came quickly. Xiaohong saw it and ran to hold Xiaoming's clothes. The car sped past them. After the car left, Xiao Hong picked up the ball.

  She said to Xiao Ming, "Why do you run across without looking at the road? How dangerous it is!" Xiao Ming lowered his head and said, "Thank you for holding me in time just now, and never play on the road again." They went to the park with the ball.

  Children, we should pay attention to traffic safety in the future. Don't play on the road!

5.学习交通安全的重要性英语作文 篇五

  With the rapid development of society, the pace of life and work is also getting faster and faster, and cars have become the main tool of people. The number of vehicles on the street is increasing gradually, and they are speeding in front of you. Perhaps at this time, your negligence or violation will bring inconvenience to the traffic and also cast a shadow on your mind. There are countless disasters brought to us by cars, and the tragedies on the road are really one scene after another. Why is this? That's because people don't obey the traffic rules.

  I remember walking around the square with my family last year. Suddenly, a white van collided with a motorcycle. I learned from the passers-by that it was the motorcycle owner who drank too much at a friend's banquet. He was drunk and rode his motorcycle around, sometimes driving against the road. At this time, the owner of the van and motorcycle crashed into him and died. The front of the van was dented, and the owner was OK.

  Another time, a young driver did not obey the traffic rules and knocked down a little girl. The little girl's face was pale and her chest was jerking up and down. After a long time, she cried "wow". The young driver panicked. A middle-aged woman next to her leaned down and lifted up the little girl's trousers and sleeves. The bloody hands and feet were really painful. The woman made an emergency treatment, and immediately sent the driver to the hospital. The girl was carried into the car and sped away.

  From this accident, I felt the seriousness of not obeying the traffic rules. Traffic accidents happen all the time. It is like a powerful explosive. In a moment of carelessness, the explosive buried in our lives will explode, shatter our families and make people panic.

  Life is unique and precious. The world becomes wonderful because of life. Do you cherish your life? If you want to protect your life, please obey the traffic rules.
