blood sugar 血糖 circulatory system 循环系统 Some scientists believe this is because of the increased blood flow through the circulatory system which carries oxygen to the brain as well as the muscles. freezing cycle 冰冻周期 After they've been frozen and thawed of course, they don't seem quite as vocal. They move slower and they seem to have a harder time recognizing a potential mate. So if the male frog could manage not to go through this freezing cycle, he'd probably have more success in mating. glucose n.葡萄糖 ice crystal 冰晶 The arrangement of water molecules in an ice crystal leaves small interstices, whereas the water molecules in liquid water are statistically cheek-to-jowl. internal organs 内脏 lung n.肺 liver n.肝脏 mating performance 交配能力 In studies, we found that when it comes to reproduction, freezing diminishes the mating performance of males. potential mate 潜在的配偶 puddle n.小水洼 But the geologic story it read there always spoke of an ancient martian wasteland of windblown dunes pocked by the occasional acid-laced puddle. pump v.(心)跳 Same thing is happening with geothermal," he said. "You’re running a pump and a compressor all of the time, and you get consistently high electric bills, but for 12 months, not just during summer. pulse n.脉搏 The video processor directs each electrode to transmit signals representing an object’s contours, brightness and contrast, which pulse along optic neurons into the brain. reproduction n.繁殖 spot v. 发现 Her husband lies in the same spot now; and they have each a simple headstone above, and a plain grey block at their feet, to mark the graves. territory n.领地 At this point, despite their not actually seeing each other, the two groups began distinguishing between “us” and “them” and saying “they (the other group) intruded on our territory”. thaw v.解冻,融解 In this application, you could freeze a collection of related processes at specific intervals (checkpoints), then thaw a particular epoch as a way to roll back to a known good state. trigger v.激起、触发 In this activity, you add documentation to every element in the model, including every column, every table, every constraint, and every trigger. vocal adj.发声的、鸣叫的
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