
时间:2023-05-23 01:48:02 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】端午节,又称龙舟节、端阳节,是中国传统节日之一。这个节日的起源有很多种说法,其中最广泛的一种是纪念屈原。端午节有吃粽子、赛龙舟、挂艾草等传统习俗,是中华民族的文化瑰宝。在这个节日里,人们重温传统文化,强化家庭情感,增进彼此之间的友谊。®文档大全网为大家准备了传统节日端午节英语作文,让我们一起来了解这个美丽的节日吧!

1.传统节日端午节英语作文 篇一

  I like many traditional festivals, such as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Yuanxiao (Filled round balls made of glutinous rice-flour for Lantern Festival) Festival, the Tomb sweeping Day... but I like the Dragon Boat Festival best. Dragon Boat Festival customs include dragon boat racing, making Zongzi and eating Zongzi.

  There is a magical legend about the Dragon Boat Festival: during the Spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, there was a great patriotic poet - Qu Yuan. When he heard that his country was about to be destroyed, he was filled with grief and anger, and his heart was cut open. He picked up a large stone and jumped into the river. In order to commemorate Qu Yuan, people row boats to the river every year on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month and throw their meals into the river. But people found that the fish in the river wanted to eat the rice that people had left behind, so people came up with a way to wrap the rice with very long leaves, which looked like diamonds. This is what people call Zongzi.

  Zongzi has many shapes: two horns, three horns, four horns... Zongzi has pork, dates, sugar... It has a good aftertaste. Every Dragon Boat Festival, my family will also eat the Zongzi that has a great aftertaste, and then dip some sugar on the Zongzi, it will taste better.

  There are many traditional festivals in China where there are unique foods, each of which is delicious.

2.传统节日端午节英语作文 篇二

  The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown has many exquisite traditions. Wrap Zongzi, zongzi leaves have requirements, fresh bamboo leaves; Green and turquoise; Emitting a faint fragrance. If the Zongzi wrapped with dry bamboo leaves is cooked, it will not have the fragrance of bamboo leaves. In the afternoon before the Dragon Boat Festival, all the raw materials were ready. The white glutinous rice was soaked in water. The full red beans and peanut kernels had already been soaked, or the cut pork pieces had already been soaked with ingredients. The industrious hostess was folding her dexterous hands left and right, and then winding them with ropes layer by layer. Soon a delicate Zongzi was born. After cooking, the house was filled with the aroma of bamboo leaves and Zongzi. In addition to eating Zongzi, eggs are also indispensable. When these two kinds of food are put together, you can enjoy them even if you don't eat them. The meat red oval eggs and the green irregular Zongzi are beautiful from the combination of colors to the combination of shapes. Xun, hang mugwort on the lintel on the Dragon Boat Festival. Hanging sachets, colorful fabrics are made into various shapes of decorations, and spices are placed inside. Every year, my mother helps me buy one to hang on my chest.

  It's the Dragon Boat Festival again. Zongzi is too lazy to wrap it. It can't eat a few. Why bother? Just buy some. But is the care and joy hidden in various processes that money can buy? Don't buy when you can do it yourself, because a simple 'buy' word can cost us so many beautiful things!

3.传统节日端午节英语作文 篇三

  The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China, which falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year.

  Dragon Boat Festival has customs such as eating Zongzi and dragon boat racing. Zongzi is eaten in memory of Qu Yuan, a great poet in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. It is said that Qu Yuan threw himself into the Guluo River on the fifth day of May. After his death, he was trapped by Jiaolong. The world mourned. Every day, he threw colorful silk Zongzi into the water to drive away Jiaolong. The great poet Qu Yuan also wrote a poem about the world called 'Li Sao'.

  The Dragon Boat Festival, also known as Duanwu, Chongwu, Duanyang, Zhongtian, etc. I also know that the Dragon Boat Festival involves hanging calamus, mugwort leaves, fumigating Atractylodes, and drinking realgar wine, which is said to suppress evil spirits. When my parents, grandparents and I spent the Dragon Boat Festival, we ate delicious Zongzi together on a big table. When we went to a river in the South Lake of Jiaxing, we saw them racing dragon boats. How many people are watching! "I couldn't help but sigh. They rowed so fast, they competed so fiercely! "Dad also said.

  Chinese traditional festivals are not only the Dragon Boat Festival, but also many other festivals waiting for us to learn about them!

4.传统节日端午节英语作文 篇四

  Today is the Dragon Boat Festival. Our family got up at five o'clock and went up the mountain to fetch dew according to customs. Along the way, I picked up the sparkling dewdrops with both hands and wiped them onto my eyes. For a moment, I felt as if my eyes were much brighter. Even when sitting in the classroom reading, I feel my eyes are particularly bright and I can read any word clearly.

  After school, I spread my legs and ran home. As soon as I got to the door, I smelled the aroma of Zongzi. As soon as I entered the door, I saw my father cooking a table of good dishes for me to eat. I washed my hands and came to the table. First, I solved a Zongzi for my parents alone, sprinkled sugar on it, and then I solved a beautiful triangular Zongzi for myself, sprinkled sugar on it and ate it with relish. At the dinner table, our family chatted while eating. The room was full of the happy atmosphere of the Dragon Boat Festival, filled with the fragrant smell of Zongzi and thick incense of wormwood.

  After dinner, my mother put realgar wine on my ears, lipstick on my mouth, and red string on my wrist. She dressed me up as fragrant as Zongzi, so I went to school to study.

  I love to eat Zongzi, love the Dragon Boat Festival, love to enjoy the festive atmosphere.

5.传统节日端午节英语作文 篇五

  The fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the Dragon Boat Festival, which is also the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is an ancient festival in China. So far, customs such as dragon boat racing, Zongzi wrapping and wormwood leaf planting have been preserved throughout the country.

  Today, I heard many people telling stories about the Dragon Boat Festival! "Let me tell you something! Qu Yuan was a doctor of the State of Chu and a loyal minister, but he was framed by his officials and was unable to defend his country. In order to express his loyalty and awaken the patriotism of the people of the State of Chu, Qu Yuan jumped into the river to fight with death. It is said that the old hundred family members of the State of Chu feared that the big fish in the river would eat Qu Yuan. In order to stick the mouth of the big fish, they wrapped many big Zongzi to attract the big fish to eat Zongzi. Later, people This day will be designated as the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan by eating Zongzi! " When I was listening attentively, Grandma shouted loudly at the door: "__, __, __ come to eat Zongzi!"

  Today, our family sit together to eat Zongzi, also to commemorate Qu Yuan, because Qu Yuan is a good man, a loyal minister, and a great patriotic poet. I want to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival every year, and firmly remember Qu Yuan, who loves our great motherland like him!

  After eating Zongzi, we watched the dragon boat race on TV. Today has been spent with laughter and laughter!
