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【#英语资源# 导语】读完某一作品后,大家一定都收获不少,不妨坐下来好好写写读后感吧。为了让您不再为写读后感头疼,以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《《童年》英语读后感》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.《童年》英语读后感 篇一

  Childhood "is an autobiographical novel written by author Gorky based on his own childhood.

  Gorky's original name was Alexei Maximovich Pishkov, and his nickname was Alesha. He lost his father at a young age and followed his mother and grandmother to his grandfather's house. It was more of a hell on earth than a home. My grandfather was in charge of everything in the family, with a very irritable temper and a reckless attitude towards wealth. The protagonist, Alesha, was often beaten up for making mistakes; The two uncles often argue and engage in big fights over the division of property; Women in the family have no status and are left to their husbands to beat, scold, and vent. All of this left a shadow on Alesha's young soul. Afterwards, Alesha left his grandfather's house and set foot in society alone. He had fought in many places, and during this time, Aliosha suffered a lot of humiliation, but he still survived. It should be because he has been supported by his own strong, unyielding spirit and belief in difficulties.

  Nowadays, we are truly unaware of our blessings and do not worry about food and clothing. But Xiaoliao Sha couldn't eat enough, didn't wear warm clothes, and had to be beaten and humiliated.

  The times are constantly advancing, but people have become increasingly cowardly, wanting to retreat, avoid or take shortcuts when facing difficulties. Turgenev once said, "To achieve happiness, you must first learn to endure hardship

2.《童年》英语读后感 篇二

  Gorky's "Childhood" is world-renowned. On a very ordinary Sunday afternoon, I opened it. Emotions also fluctuate with the black lines of Microsoft Yahei characters in the book

  The painful childhood life of the protagonist Alesha touched me: he lost his father at the age of four and followed his heartbroken mother and kind grandmother to the tyrannical and on the brink of bankruptcy of the small dyeing factory owner's grandfather's house, but was often beaten by his cruel grandfather. But his kind grandmother protects him everywhere. At his grandfather's house, he met many "peaceful" relatives, including two selfish, insatiable, and desperate uncles Mikhailo and Yakov, as well as two cousins named Sara. Simple and deeply in love with Alyosha, "Little Ibrahimovic" (Ivan) always uses his arm to block the whip that his grandfather hit Alyosha, even though it may become red and swollen. But the strong man was later crushed to death while helping his second uncle Yakov carry the cross

  Alesha spent his childhood in the family of a typical Russian citizen: greedy, cruel, and ignorant; The infighting between father and son, brothers, and husband and wife; In this dark family, there is a hardworking, strong, and kind grandmother who often quarrels and fights over small matters in order to compete for property. She often tells beautiful mythological stories to Alesha and subtly teaches him to be someone who doesn't want to bend over ugly phenomena.

  Alesha's childhood was dark, just like his family. There were too many cruel things around him, and sometimes even he couldn't believe that such things could happen. But fortunately, there is a grandmother. The spiritual support of the entire family. Aliosha also knows many other people: a few tenants who moved into the new house, the third young master next door, and so on. Aliosha understood some truths from some of the "strange" actions of her family.

3.《童年》英语读后感 篇三

  For us, childhood is always happy, but Grandpa Gorky's childhood was tragic. Grandpa Gorky wrote his trilogy of growth, the first part is childhood, the second part is on earth, and the third part is entering university. During this trilogy of growth, my favorite book is "Childhood". In this book, I saw Gorky's grandfather's tragic childhood.      The book "Childhood" tells the story of the dark society in 19th century Russia. The protagonist Alesha lost his father at a young age and followed his mother to his grandfather's house. His grandfather is a greedy, rough, and unscrupulous person. In this big family, violence is everywhere. As long as Alyosha does something wrong, he will be beaten by his grandfather. I remember every thing in it, as if it happened to me. I think: Alyosha will be beaten up by his grandfather if he only loses a button, and even if I lose a camera, I will only be scolded a few times. Previously, I often complained about my miserable childhood, with endless classes and homework to do. However, compared to Grandpa Gorky, my childhood was much happier. Although there are many classes and assignments, at least they won't be like Aliosha, who not only doesn't attend school, but also often gets either a black spot here or a purple spot there. Compared to Alesha, I feel that my childhood was much happier.

  During the summer vacation, I once again read the book "Childhood". Whenever I saw the protagonist Alesha being beaten by his grandfather, I felt like he would hit me again.

  Looking at it, my eyes turned red. I often defend Alesha against injustice, and at the same time, it reflects the darkness of 19th century Russia. Whenever his grandfather feels uncomfortable, he will hit people. It's really shameless to hit those who haven't made mistakes! If possible, I really want to drag Aliosha out of the book and prevent him from being beaten again, so that Aliosha can have a complete home. I want him to have sweet and delicious meals with me, go to school together, play games together, watch TV together, and let her enjoy a happy childhood! Despite being constantly beaten by his grandfather, Aliosha still refuses to give in. He still retains a very pure and kind heart, which is very worth learning from.

  Yes, Grandpa Gorky's childhood is too different from ours, so we must cherish the beautiful time, study hard, and repay our loved ones with excellent grades.

4.《童年》英语读后感 篇四

  During the summer vacation, I read "Childhood" and felt the author's tragic experiences as a child. I felt fortunate, at least I was happier than him.

  When the author was 3 years old, his father passed away, and his mother took him back to his mother's house. Unfortunately, my grandfather is a selfish, greedy, and domineering small owner who cruelly exploits employees. After the poor mother remarried, she fell ill and died. The eleven year old author was cruelly kicked out of her family by her grandfather and went to society to make a living on her own. Gorky truly described his own difficult childhood.

  I am fortunate for myself - not born in that era, not suffering from such hardships, having loving parents... I feel very happy because I had a wonderful childhood. I remember when I was a child, I was very mischievous and mischievous, often doing strange things. Once, my aunt helped me buy some small goldfish, but she left without telling me how to raise them, and my parents were not at home. I saw a vase with flowers on it on the cabinet. I had an idea and took it down. I threw away the flowers inside, added some water, and put the little goldfish in. Seeing the little goldfish swimming freely in the vase, my heart was filled with joy. In the evening, my mother came back and saw me lying motionless on the table looking at the vase. She smiled and asked me, "What are you doing?" "Look at the goldfish!" I replied. Upon hearing this, my mother said, "Ah? No way! You put the goldfish in the vase. No way, grandma will take the vase later." Without a word, I carried the vase into the room, but didn't let them take it away. Finally, my mother had no choice but to call my grandmother and tell her the truth. Grandma laughed heartily after hearing this... My childhood was so full of joy and happiness, so I must cherish everything I have now.!

  After reading the book 'Childhood', I have great inspiration. It tells us to persist in seeking knowledge, not afraid of difficulties, persevere, and have a positive attitude towards learning and life!

5.《童年》英语读后感 篇五

  Recently, I read Gorky's "Childhood".

  This is the first autobiographical novel trilogy created by the author based on his own experiences. It tells the story of the childhood life of the protagonist Onalesha Pishkov from the age of three to ten. Alesha lost his father from a young age and came to his grandfather's house with his father and grandmother. All of this is just the beginning of the difficult fate of the protagonist Alesha. My grandfather's house is not so much a home as a hell on earth. My grandfather is in charge of everything in the family, with a very irritable temper and a reckless attitude towards wealth. The protagonist, Alesha, is often beaten up for making mistakes; The two uncles often argue and engage in big fights to separate their families; Women in the family have no status and are left to their husbands to beat, scold, and vent. All of this left a shadow on Alesha's young soul. This is a typical family of small Russian citizens: greedy, cruel, and ignorant; The infighting between father and son, brothers, and husband and wife; In such a family filled with hatred, young Alesha often quarreled and fought over small matters in order to compete for property. He prematurely experienced the pain, dirt, and ugliness of human life, and his young soul was deeply shaken by many, many heavy blows.

  However, at the same time, we can also see that on the other side of the darkness, there is something called light shining faintly there. As long as there is still hope for the light, then this faint flame can be scattered infinitely until it reaches every dark corner. I admire my kind and kind grandmother very much. She has a broad mind and is like a bright lamp, illuminating Alesha's lonely heart. Her love for Alesha has given her a strong and unyielding personality, making her feel like she exists. And what I want to say is not to lose faith in any unbearable reality. There will always be people and things that make you feel pain or even despair, but when you think about it, the darkness will pass, and the dawn will always come. As long as you can maintain unwavering confidence and be a kind, optimistic, and compassionate person, then your light will surely come.

  This is one of my insights from reading 'Childhood'.
