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【#英语资源# 导语】五星红旗迎风飘,金秋十月迎国庆,祖国华诞笑开颜,举国同庆把喜传,手捧鲜花着盛装,高举美酒表祝愿,锣鼓喧天烟花绽,放声歌唱颂祖国,祝福祖国永富强,万寿无疆永不朽!以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today is October 2. The weather is sunny and the wind blows gently. I feel very comfortable. My parents and I decided to go to Nanjing Road together.

  As soon as I walked into Nanjing Road, I saw a sea of people, dazzling lights and endless crowds. First, let's go to the First Food Store. The food in the store is various, dazzling, numerous and colorful. Then we went to Baodaxiang Children's Shopping Center, where children's goods were various and well classified, including school supplies, children's clothes, children's shoes, toys... My parents bought me a pen, a pair of Nike shoes and a toy remote control car, and I jumped up happily. At last, the three of us were tired from shopping and had dinner in Shangdao Coffee. I ordered a lot of food, but I thought we could not eat it. Unexpectedly, the food was not eaten up by the three "big slanderers", indicating that the food was delicious.

  We are ready to return home, but I still have more than enough ideas. I almost shed tears when I didn't want to go home. My parents looked at my reluctant appearance and comforted me, saying, "It doesn't matter. As long as you study hard, get good grades, and finish your homework on time, your parents will definitely bring you back when you have free time, and even go to a more distant and interesting place." At this point, I settled down and went home happily. I dreamed about it when I was dreaming at night, which made me talk in my sleep and made my parents laugh. Even I was embarrassed.


  This morning, my mother and I went to Langqi Beach to play. We were in a good mood. When I arrived at the beach, I chose a place. With my father's help, my sister and I built a sand castle. The castle was square in all directions, and there was a gun tower in the corner for fighting. It was very spectacular! Then, we went to the beach to surf, and the waves hit my feet layer by layer, comfortable. We played on the waves and chased them. The naughty spray dolls wet our clothes. Farewell to the spray, and met the reef again. I climbed onto the reef and said, "Look how high I climb! I'm not fierce!"

  This is really a happy day!


  When the National Day came, my father took me back to my hometown to celebrate the National Day. Although we met with traffic jam on the way, it did not affect my happy mood. When we got to our hometown, we and our cousin began to play our National Day game. Our National Day game was to go to a hillside for fun. Behind our home, there was a hillside where we played the game of looking for treasure. Although I lost in the end, I felt the beauty of nature and felt very happy. This year's National Day is really unforgettable.

  Today, I went to Qianwei with excitement.

  When I got off the bus, I saw the Qianwei Minjiang River Bridge, which I looked forward to every day. The Minjiang River Bridge is very grand. The structure of this bridge is very beautiful. A small hole can be seen every few meters. I walked across the bridge and came to the place where my uncle worked. Our aunts and uncles there welcomed us warmly. It's time for dinner. Those delicacies make my mouth water. After dinner, we went to play by the river. As soon as I went down, I found that there was a large teahouse underneath. Then I went to pick up goose warm stones. The stones had different shapes and patterns. There is a beautiful stone. It is round, with the images of dragon and wind on the back and back respectively. The dragon is golden on one side and the wind is fiery red on the other. I wanted to take it away, but it is a big guy. I can't move it. We walked out of the teahouse for a long time.

  Now we are going to the Confucian Temple to play, but I have a sore back, so I have to take a taxi! As soon as I got off the bus, I found it very busy here. There are all kinds of food, dishes, leather bags and bed sheets. Once I entered the Confucian Temple, it was really quiet and there were trophies in the room.

  Ah! Although Qianwei is not rich, I think the cultural heritage of this place is really commendable.


  This afternoon, the three of us went to the "Huijuan Noodle Restaurant" at the front of our house for lunch. After eating and drinking, my mother went upstairs first, and my father and I played downstairs for a while.

  "Dad, come and see, pomegranates are ripe!" I greeted my father excitedly. "Where?" Dad asked. "There it is! Look!" Five orange pomegranates on a small tree are grinning at us! The small one is as big as one fist, and the big one is as big as two fists. It looks so full. I think it must be sweet and delicious! My mouth is watering when I think of it!

  I secretly pulled the corner of my father's coat. My father nodded knowingly, grabbed the trunk and shook it vigorously. The leaves fell like rain, but the pomegranates shook their heads and hung steadily on the branches. I have another plan. It would be a good way to beat with bamboo poles, but I found no bamboo poles or similar materials available. I said, Dad, you were a good tree climber when you were young. Can you climb up to pick the fruit? But Dad said that the small branches of the tree could not bear his weight, and we should not damage the tree skills because of fruit picking! At this time, I discussed with my father. Using the flexibility of the branches, my father grabbed the branches of pomegranates and slowly pulled them down, while I jumped up and grabbed a pomegranate. With a twist and a "click", the pomegranate came into my hands. We had three pomegranates in total, and returned with full harvest.

  Although the pomegranate is not ripe and tastes sour, we are still very happy. We listen to my father and put the pomegranate together with the ripe green dates, hoping that ethylene gas can accelerate the ripening of the pomegranate.


  This National Day, I did a lot of interesting things, but only one thing I think is very meaningful. Do you want to know what it is? I'll tell you.

  On the first day of October, my parents and I went to my aunt's house. My aunt's house is in a small market town. Her house sells breakfast. I arrived at my aunt's home early in the morning and found that there were a lot of people in front of the morning stand and the business was very good. Let's see how busy Aunt is. Help quickly. My mother and I agreed to have a competition. Whoever washes more dishes will win.

  At the beginning of the competition, I saw my mother reach out and pick up a bowl that a customer put down after eating. I did not show weakness. After dinner, I cleaned up the bowl put down by another customer with quick steps and hands. It's a one-to-one draw. However, I am not sure that we must decide whether to win or not, and we are entering the second game again. At this time, there are fewer and fewer people to eat, and there are fewer and fewer dishes on the table. I came up with a new plan to attract my mother: I only stared at the table with the most customers. As soon as they finished eating, I quickly went to collect all the dishes. So I started, staring at a table with many customers. After a while, two or three customers on the table finished eating. I immediately ran over and put away the three bowls and two plates. During the cleaning process, I felt that the three bowls were a little heavy. I saw that those customers left the bowl before they finished eating. I told my mother about this. My mother thought it was a waste and said to me, "Don't learn from them in the future. Their behavior is very bad." At the same time, my mother told me that I won the second round.

  I have won over my mother again and again in this competition. I also know one truth: waste is shameful.


  I went to my uncle's house during the National Day holiday. As soon as I entered the door, I saw several chickens. Chickens have round heads and heads, which are very popular. Especially the little black chicken, black fluff, black mouth, black feet, and especially the pair of small black eyes, was very clever. Seeing that I like it so much, my aunt entrusted me with the task of feeding Xiaoji at noon. I said confidently, "I promise to finish the task."

  At noon, I sprinkled a lot of rice on the chickens, and the chickens rushed over. At this time, I found that there were several more chickens than before. Just when I was wondering, Aunt Zhang, the neighbor, came and said, "Anlu is here. She is really tall. By the way, help me get the chickens home!" It's Aunt Zhang's chicken! I helped Aunt Zhang drive the chicken home.

  In the afternoon, when I went to see chickens, I found that they were all gone. I searched and found them under the big locust tree at the entrance of the village. The chicken is playing with Aunt Zhang's chicken! I hurried the chicken home. I thought: The chicken plays with Aunt Zhang's chicken every day. What should I do if I don't go home? I can't help worrying at the thought. Yes, it's over if you circle the chickens! When I got home, I immediately circled the chickens and went to the fields to catch the terrible caterpillars for the chickens to eat. But the chicken doesn't take my affection. He always wants to go out and doesn't eat or drink. But I'm worried. My aunt enlightened me and said, "If someone is locked up all day, will you?" "That must not suffocate me!" My head shakes like a rattle. I immediately opened the enclosure door and let the chickens return to the embrace of nature. Looking at the cheerful appearance of the chicken, I was happy!


  On October 1, I went to the zoo with my father, mother and sister.

  At 8 o'clock in the morning, my sister got up early and began to call me and my parents. We got up as soon as we heard about it. We ran to the car in a hurry. My father drove to the zoo in his car. Along the way, the scenery was beautiful and pleasant, and the tall and straight bamboo stood like a loyal warrior beside the road; The bird flies freely in the sky and sings happily from time to time; White clouds in the sky have different shapes, some of them look like mighty lions; Some looked like clever little monkeys, and some looked like a group of sheep walking in the sky. I don't know if it was time for lunch. After we got off the bus, we went to eat.

  After dinner, we went to the zoo. "Look, the sea lion show has started!" I shouted. We squeezed up a hillside to stand and watch. We saw a sea lion quickly and accurately trap the circle thrown by the trainer with its belly, and then climbed onto the stage, flapping its forelimbs continuously. We could not help laughing when we saw the lovely look of the sea lion.

  After watching the sea lion show, we headed for the "Monkey Mountain". We've been walking for a long time, but we haven't arrived yet. "Why haven't we arrived yet?" I cried out impatiently. "It's almost here!" Dad said. It took us a long, long way to get to Monkey Mountain. A monkey shuttled back and forth between trees. In particular, the gibbon, holding the root of the tree with both hands, swings forward with both feet. The gibbon turns 360 degrees in the air, and pedestrians applaud it when they see it. It seems that it likes this. It turns several circles in succession, and monkeys perform, feed monkeys, and my sister and I take pictures with monkeys. We went to Monkey Mountain. We also saw tigers, bears, elephants, giraffes, antelopes, hippos and peacocks. After reading, we went home reluctantly.

  Today, although I was very tired, I was very happy.


  The annual National Day is coming, and I feel happy because parents will take their children to travel. ha-ha! My family is like this. Look! I'm packing things with two aunts.

  "Hurry up, we're going!" The eldest aunt said, "OK!" I clapped for joy.

  When we arrived in Tianjin, we came directly to the Joy City. When you heard the name, you would feel different, right? Indeed, it is more magnificent and prosperous. There are a variety of goods, especially those made by hand, painting, carving jade, making perfume, making robots... I saw ceramics at a glance.

  I was attracted by the finished products as soon as I entered. Look, I can't put down the weird puppet, clever and naughty monkey and beautiful and elegant Snow White. I can't wait to sit next to the manual machine and start my creation. I'll make a small hole in the mud first, and then enlarge the hole. Yo! The mud rubbed against the shoes. It doesn't matter. Continue to do it. Yo! The mud rubbed my pants again, hehe! I'm going to be a little clay man!

  Suddenly, one of my hands accidentally snapped on the ceramic I had just made. "Sobbing..." I cried sadly. Can't I even make ceramics? This is no good! So I started my second creation.

  I was very careful this time for fear of damaging it. Wow! I finally made it, a thin and long ceramic vase, so beautiful!

  When I got home, how I expected that my exquisite ceramic vase would be burned early and put on my desk. It would be very beautiful!


  This year's National Day, I returned to my grandma's home in Jinan. There I saw my grandma, grandpa and little brother Guoguo, whom I missed very much.

  The adults took our little brothers to many interesting places, including the colorful Happy Castle, Jinan Zoo, Baotu Spring, Daming Lake, Forest Park, and the Museum of Chinese Ancient Cars in Zibo. There I visited ancient chariots of various dynasties in China, learned about the development history of ancient chariots in China, and saw the burial pits of chariots and horses. There were horses and carts in the pit, and there was a skeleton of a man lying beside the horse! The announcer aunt said that it was the ancient nobleman who buried his beloved carriage and driver together after his death! How cruel!

  Of course, while playing happily, I didn't forget the homework assigned by the teacher. Every day when I eat, I can help Grandma clean the table, serve dishes, wipe the floor and sweep the floor. Grandma and Grandpa boast that I am more sensible after school! This is really an unforgettable holiday!


  Today is the National Day. In the morning, my mother and I encountered the difficulty of going out and taking a bus. We were very depressed. But when we took a nap, we were refreshed and discussed going to a place with few people.

  Zhengdong New Area is our first choice, where the air is fresh and the scenery is beautiful. People go to visit relatives and friends, and there are not many people. Just go. Mom and I have everything we need to eat, drink and play.

  Arrived at the East Square, where it has been renovated for a long time, the gate built by green plants is magnificent and elegant. A big red lantern is hanging right above the gate, highlighting the festivity.

  Around the gate and along the winding path, we picked an open grassland, and there were few people. What a quiet place. It's different from the railway station I saw in the morning.

  My mother and I paved the mat, took out the delicious food, and began the "picnic". We are enjoying the beautiful nature while eating delicious food and listening to music! After we had eaten and drunk enough, we piled the food aside at will and began to play games.

  My mother and I will chase on the grass, play hide and seek in the woods, listen to my mother tell stories, and act coquetry in her arms... My mother always has a smile on her face.

  I like being alone with my mother. Because my mother works in the hospital, she seldom has holidays. My mother only had two days off this long holiday, but my mother told me that I would arrange the time for these two days, and she would spare no effort to accompany me. I was very happy. What can be happier than being with your mother? What could be happier than watching my mother smile?

  In our laughter, the sun gradually hid behind the mountain and hid its face. In the last dusk of National Day, my mother held my little hand tightly and went home.
