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【#英语资源# 导语】阅读英语美文会给大家带来与众不同的感受,多读英语也有利于提升我们的英语能力,欢迎阅读®文档大全网为大家精心整理的“小学英语作文”!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

  【篇一】你相信魔法吗 Do You Believe In Magic

When I was very small, my parents liked to read me the stories before I went to bed. As a child, these fairy tales attract me all the time and I believe in magic. So I try to practice to find my magic. Even I fail, I am still full of passion. Now I learn that magic doesn’t exist, but it can enrich a child’s mind.

  【篇二】孩子的认知 A Child’s Recognition

People must be wondering about how a little child can know the parents’ feelings. In fact, though they are small, even can’t walk, they are indeed smart. The children will watch their parents’ reaction. If the parents get angry, they know that they can’t do it again. If the parents get nervous, then the children will repeat the action to catch attention.

  【篇三】我不喜欢动物园 I Don’t Like the Zoo

Many years ago, I liked to go to the zoo very much, because I could see all kinds of animals. But since I learn that the animals should return to the nature and live with freedom, I start to refuse to go to the zoo. I think it is not good for the animals to be prison there. If people not take this for fun, it can help to protect them.

小学英语作文:你相信魔法吗 Do You Believe In Magic.doc
