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【#英语资源# 导语】演讲稿也叫演讲词,它是在较为隆重的仪式上和某些公众场合发表的讲话文稿。演讲稿是进行演讲的依据,是对演讲内容和形式的规范和提示,它体现着演讲的目的和手段。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  hello everyone!

  The theme of our speech today is integrity. What is integrity? As the name suggests, it is honest and trustworthy!

  Towering trees stand tall and straight, relying on the silent support of deep roots in the earth; Lingyun's high-rise building has a shocking momentum, which is supported by the thick and hard foundation stone and speechless support; So, what do people rely on to support their extremely wise life? That is integrity!

  We need honesty, we call honesty, honesty is beautiful, because it brings warm sunshine to the world; Honesty is tiny. It only needs to occupy a small corner of the soul, which warms people's whole life; Integrity is like a clear spring, which makes people's heart full of purity and self-confidence, and the society full of sincerity and trust. Let's always take every detail of life seriously with a kind heart!

  Many people have heard such a story. A man named Meng Xin was very poor. He had no rice to cook and only one sick cow. One day when he was out, his nephew took the cow to the market and sold it. Meng Xin was very angry when he came back. He blamed his nephew for selling the sick cow to others, and personally found the buyer to return all the money and took back his sick cow. Through the smoke and dust of history, we clearly see that what Meng Xin tightly holds in his hand is not a sick cattle, but a healthy and noble moral rope, which introduces a person's character and cultivation into a pure holy land.

  Today, when the whole society calls for honesty, let's take high-quality service, honesty and trustworthiness as the life of the enterprise, strengthen management internally and carry out high-quality service externally. Report, install and connect electricity for customers according to the specified requirements. For customer reception service, we should "only enter one door and find one person, and we will do the rest" and truly implement the working principle of "turning from inside to outside". Our service is to greet each other with a smiling face, warm your heart with a cup of hot tea, treat each other sincerely, relieve your worries with a good deed, and send them away with a farewell, so as to satisfy every customer. Let "electric tiger" and "electric overlord" become the past forever!

  Integrity is the dazzling sunshine, its light shines on the earth; Integrity is the vast land, and its mind carries mountains and rivers; Integrity is the beautiful and magical mountains and rivers, and its magnificence purifies people's soul; Integrity is the most beautiful and holy soul. It makes people have a clear conscience and a broad mind. Let's hold the position of integrity! Let the light of integrity warm our life and let the flower of integrity bloom brilliantly in each of our lives!

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Integrity is invisible, but it can pass through heaven and earth; Honesty is colorless, but it can shine; Integrity is tasteless, but it can send out mellow fragrance for 5000 years at home and abroad. Invisible, colorless and tasteless integrity has the power to shake people's soul.

  China is an ancient civilization with a long history of 5000 years. Honesty and trustworthiness has always been a virtue that we Chinese are proud of. Throughout the history of China's civilization, from the "King has no jokes" that restricts the emperor to the "word must be believed and action must be fruit" that restricts the people. All are glowing with the brilliance of reason. Because of his honesty, Lin Xiangru convinced general Lianpo and achieved the eternal story of "general Xianghe"; Because of his integrity, Song Jiang, who "can't calm the country and subdue the people by martial arts", can sit in the top position of the righteousness gathering hall and pull the banner of acting for heaven to fly in the wind; More because of people's integrity, eight years of hard war of resistance against Japan has written a magnificent poem of the world's military.

  Many years ago, a freshman of Peking University entered school. He was carrying big bags and small bags and was at a loss in the huge campus of Peking University. In a hurry, he saw an old man in a cloth shirt, put his luggage beside him and said, "master, please watch it for me!" more than an hour later, the freshman came back after completing all the formalities and found that the old man was still guarding his luggage for him. At the freshman entrance meeting the next day, he found that the elder who kept his luggage for him yesterday was sitting in the middle of the rostrum. He is a contemporary Oriental linguist, educator and essayist, Mr. Ji Xianlin, vice president of Peking University.

  Afterwards, the student said: Ji Lao's personality charm will change his life.

  Yes, honesty conquers people's hearts.

  Integrity is near us, it has been buried in our hearts, and it is always shouting in our ears. Then, let's strive to cultivate the moral character of honesty and trustworthiness, and let honesty make our personality shine!

  Thank you!


  Teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness, which is the traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. Only by speaking of honesty will our life be better. The story of honesty often happens in life. I have experienced it personally, which makes me feel a lot.

  Once, my mother and I went to XX supermarket to buy two Texas grilled chicken. When we got home, we opened it and tasted it. The more we ate, the more we felt that the taste was wrong, and then we went back and returned. The staff of the supermarket warmly received us. After careful inspection, they repeatedly said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry." they returned the money to us and left telephone numbers for each other, saying that if there were any abnormalities, they would contact them. This makes me trust them more and like shopping there more. If it's at a stall outside, some people will not refund money or say something bad for their personal interests.

  Another time, my classmate xxx asked me to have dinner at his house. I first promised, but later I didn't go because of other reasons, and I didn't call him. Then XXX told me that he was very disappointed. A few days later, I asked XXX to come to my house to play. He proposed that I go to his house for dinner before he goes to my house. This time I went to his house, but he didn't come to my house to play. I'm also very disappointed. It can be seen that breach of contract and dishonesty is a dishonest behavior, which will bring permanent damage to people's mind. This matter always reminds me to be honest in dealing with people, and never break my promise even in small things.

  As a primary school student, I want to develop the good habit of honesty from an early age and inherit and carry forward the traditional virtues of our Chinese nation.

  Thank you!


  hello everyone!

  Honesty means honesty and trustworthiness, consistency of words and deeds, no literary ornaments, no false beauty, open-minded and aboveboard. It is like a meaningful long river running up to now, but its connotation has never changed. Kyushu Huaxia is brilliant because of it.

  Shanxi merchants, who were once "rich in China" and "connected to the world", left a good story that Shanxi people are good at business and financial management, "where there are sparrows, there are Shanxi Merchants". What do they rely on? Is the word "integrity". They used Guan Gong's "righteousness" to abandon the bad motivation of "forgetting righteousness for profit" and unite their colleagues; With Guan Gong's "faith" to abandon fraud, shoddy and other acts, and win the trust of society and employers. Shanxi merchants, who are famous for their reputation, can be found everywhere. They have summed up many business proverbs in their business activities, such as "selling without know-how, reputation first"; "It's better to ask for compensation than let customers suffer losses"; "Balance flat, bucket full, ruler satisfied" and so on.

  Honesty is the most beautiful coat and the most holy flower of the soul; Honesty is the shoes with high price, and the quality will never change; Integrity is a mirror. Once broken, there will be cracks in personality.

  There is a kind of honesty and loyalty to friends, "take off the sword and give it to each other, and have a heart all your life"; There is a kind of integrity, loyal to customers, "without integrity, there is no business"; There is a kind of honesty and loyalty to the motherland, "devote yourself to death", what kind of firmness is this?

  Some people say that will is the carrier of the soul, so integrity is the weight of the soul. Isn't it for this weight that we strive to improve ourselves in our life? But what does this weight mean?

  Many students, including me, have promised filial piety to their parents. They believe that the future will be long, that the water will come naturally, and that they will be able to return home in prosperity. They can be filial piety calmly. What a pure and great promise! But on the way to study hard, how many people remember this when facing setbacks? Integrity, even a small agreement on weekdays, also means that we must be strong to face everything, no matter glory or defeat.

  Let's plug in the wings of integrity, fly freely, fly over the vast blue sky, the vast mountains and waters, the rivers and steep mountains of life, the dark clouds and the sunshine!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  The title of my speech is "integrity walks with us."

  Standing under the national flag and looking up at the red flag flying high, a picture of a rooster standing proudly - the territory of our great motherland was immediately displayed in front of me. I can't help feeling thousands of things in my heart. At this moment, we are immersed in the majestic national anthem and silently make our wishes to the motherland and the national flag. The new generation of us bears a heavy burden. As the most precious wealth of our motherland, the first thing to bear the brunt is to be honest.

  What is honesty? Farmers say that honesty is a rich fruit in autumn; The teacher said that honesty is the pure feeling between teachers and students; Workers say that honesty is to produce high-quality and high-priced products with hard work. In short, honesty is the foundation of an individual and the root of the survival of a nation.

  Turning to the 5000 year history of civilization of our Chinese nation, we will find that there are many stories about honesty and trustworthiness as the basis of life. At the same time, we can also see examples of the destruction of the country due to the loss of integrity: the dishonesty of Shang and Zhou accelerated the destruction of the country; When King Huai of Chu broke his promise, he not only killed his country, but also made a generation of virtuous officials, Qu Yuan, hate the Luojiang River; Wu Sangui's dishonesty has left a reputation for thousands of years... Therefore, taking history as a mirror, honesty is the foundation for us to establish ourselves, cultivate morality and deal with affairs.

  Integrity is very important for a person, but it is more important for a country. A dishonest individual is a dangerous commodity in society, and a dishonest nation is a great sorrow. Therefore, we middle school students should practice it and start from me, so as to shoulder the important task of building the motherland in the near future.

  Students, it is imperative to do homework, take exams and treat people with integrity, which conforms to the call of the times. Friends, let's start with the little things around us. Don't let integrity only appear on paper and become our mantra. Let it be active among us and let integrity be everywhere. Students, as long as we all take action, the construction of our motherland will be in full swing and prosperous. Students, let's shout "integrity walks with us!"

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  My name is Zhang Shushun. The topic of my speech today is to be an honest person.

  Values are the deep belief in people's hearts, the standard for judging right and wrong, and the criterion for action. Prosperity, democracy, civilization, harmony, freedom, equality, justice, rule of law, patriotism, professionalism, integrity and friendliness are the latest summary of the core socialist values at the 18th National Congress. So what is honesty? This reminds me of an ancient story.

  Zeng Zi's wife went to the market, and her son would go with her, crying while walking. His mother said to him, "go back and kill the pig for you when I come back." when his wife came back from the market, Zeng Zi wanted to catch the pig to kill. His wife stopped him and said, "that's just talking and playing with children." Zeng Zi said: "Never talk and play with children. Children are not sensible. They should learn from their parents and listen to their parents' instructions. Now if you deceive them, you are teaching them to cheat. If a mother deceives children and children don't believe their mother's words, it is impossible to teach them well." Zeng Zi killed the pig. I benefited a lot from this story and thought-provoking! What do you think?

  I remember a question I couldn't do in an exam. I wanted to have a sneak look at the book and thought that the result was not my real result, so I gave up the idea. Later, the test paper was distributed. Although the score was not the first, it was my real result. After I went home and told my mother, my mother praised me and said I did right, and I was also very happy in my heart, It urges me to study harder at ordinary times.

  I want to be a person who stresses "integrity", and I wish "integrity" to accompany you all your life!

  I firmly believe that with integrity, we will fly higher and farther!

  My speech is over, thank you!


  Good morning, teachers and students! Today, the topic of my speech under the national flag is "integrity, the most precious quality".

  First of all, I want to ask you, what is integrity? Some people say that it is very simple. Honesty is honesty and trustworthiness. It is a human virtue. No matter where and in what era, honesty is a kind of morality that is valued and most cherished.

  Integrity, it is like a seed. As long as we work hard and sow it in everyone's heart, the society will be able to bloom beautiful flowers. Integrity is like a clear spring. As long as it flows continuously, it will nourish even the once thirsty heart. With integrity, we have a broad world; With integrity, we have a wonderful world; With integrity, we will have a better tomorrow.

  I remember a famous person once said, "I learned the most important knowledge in life on campus, learned to borrow things, learned to return them, learned to share what I have with others, learned to be sincere and right, and learned to be honest." this is a very common sentence. There is no gorgeous sentence, but it shows a great truth, It shows how much credit has played in the growth of our life.

  Integrity is great, but integrity is not difficult. It only needs to start from hour by hour. For example, when we buy things, we often encounter the boss who gives the wrong change when he is busy. When we find too much, many people will be secretly happy and put it away. Integrity is to take the initiative to return the excess money to the seller when we encounter this situation. For another example, if you find something lost by others, don't take it for yourself, but return it to the owner. When the exam is bad, you should tell your parents realistically, and you can't resort to fraud. When others ask you for knowledge, you will say yes or no, and you should do what you promise others.

  Students, honesty is the most precious quality. Let's be an honest and trustworthy person since childhood. As long as everyone is honest, the flower of civilization will bloom all over the society. May every student carry the boat of integrity and sail towards a bright future. May you have more friendship because of integrity, add style because of integrity, walk steadily because of integrity and become a noble person of integrity.

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Integrity is invisible, but it can pass through heaven and earth; Honesty is colorless, but it can shine; Integrity is tasteless, but it can send out mellow fragrance for 5000 years at home and abroad. Invisible, colorless and tasteless integrity has the power to shake people's soul.

  At the end of Qin Dynasty, there was a man named Ji Bu who always kept his word and had a high reputation. Many people established strong friendship with him. At that time, there was even a saying: "it's better to get a promise than to get a promise." this is the origin of the idiom "a promise is a thousand catties". Later, Ji Bu offended Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, and was offered a reward. As a result, his old friends were not only not confused by heavy money, but also risked destroying the nine nationalities to protect him from disaster.

  A person who is honest and trustworthy, naturally has a just cause and helps more, and can win everyone's respect and friendship. Conversely, if you are greedy for temporary comfort or small bargains and lose faith in your friends, you will get "tangible benefits" on the surface. But for this benefit, he ruined his reputation, which is much more important than material. Therefore, breaking faith in a friend is like losing watermelon and sesame.

  We are in adolescence. Adolescence is an important period for shaping personality and cultivating morality. How we treat every classmate, how to teach every class and how to face every exam are the test of integrity.

  Students, let's strive to cultivate the moral character of honesty and trustworthiness, and let integrity make our personality shine!

  Thank you!


  Dear teachers and students

  hello everyone!

  Today, the theme of my speech is "being a man with conscience and integrity".

  From ancient times to now, "honesty" has an important impact on our lives. Confucius said: "words must be honest, deeds must be loyal and upright". It can be seen that sages attach importance to integrity. What they say must be honest and what they do must be loyal.

  "Zeng Zi kills a pig" is an ancient article about Zeng Zi's use of his actions to educate children to keep their promises and be honest with others. At the same time, this story also teaches adults that their words and deeds have a great impact on children. Treat people sincerely and don't deceive others, otherwise you will educate your children into a person who is not sincere to others.

  I believe there are many such examples around us. When making an agreement with a partner, you must keep your promise and do what you say before you can harvest friendship and be an honest friend.

  Let's study together, be honest and speak of good intentions. Integrity middle school students start from me!

  This is the end of my speech. Thank you!


  Time flies. In a twinkling of an eye, half a semester has passed. This week, Huilan junior middle school will usher in the mid-term exam. As we all know, learning is not for exams. But the exam is a test of the students' learning at one stage. Therefore, integrity is particularly important.

  Honesty is the basic principle of life and an important guarantee for the communication between people. There is a saying that "if you are honest with people, people will not deceive me. If you are honest with things, everything will be done." campus is a place to learn knowledge, a place to learn to be a man, and a place to shape the human soul. Therefore, cultivating the quality of honesty and trustworthiness should start from the campus. Our teenagers are the pillars of the future of the motherland and are destined to "unify the family, govern the country and level the world". Therefore, please start from me, from around you, and from small things, so as to "do what you say and do what you do", and be an honest and trusted person.

  Speaking of the integrity test, in recent years, the state has attached importance to integrity and signed the integrity agreement before the HKCEE and the college entrance examination, which requires candidates to abide by the most fundamental principle of integrity in the test process and achieve real results through their own efforts. In fact, the examination is not only to test knowledge, but also to test integrity. Integrity test is everyone's basic criterion. If you lose integrity, you lose the pass to success.

  I hope everyone can be honest and trustworthy, self-respect and self love, and do not resort to fraud. Honest examination, honest answer, be an honest person! Let the bright sunshine of integrity ignite our hearts and illuminate our life.

  My speech is over. Thank you.

