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【#考研# 导语】©文档大全网整理了2020考研英语话题作文范文,大家可以看看满分作文都是怎么写的,和自己的作文对比一下,看看思路和遣词造句上的不同都在哪里,在平常多加以练习,一定能在作文上有大的突破!


①One image comes to mind when college students describe their days: pinball. ②Students bounce back and forth to class, dining hall, dorm, meetings, library, sports, etc. all day long. ③They may get up early and stay up late to get it all done. ④It takes some getting used to, but busy as they are, most college students come to appreciate the freedom they have to manage their own time.



①One image comes to mind when college students describe their days: pinball.

首句作者用了一个词来比喻大学生的忙碌生活:pinball. Pinball是十多年前非常火的一款游戏,中文名叫“(桌上)弹球”,和蜘蛛纸牌、扫雷齐名(暴露年龄了):



One image comes to mind when是一个很好的写作模板,它的意思是“当...的时候,脑海中浮现出一幅画面”。


One image/word springs to mind when...

Spring本意指“春天、泉水”,此处作动词,表示“突然出现”,有一种春天的生机蓬勃和泉水的灵动,比come to更有表达力度。


One image/word crosses my mind when...


One word / idea comes to / springs to / crosses my mind at the glance of the picture above: ...


②Students bounce back and forth to class, dining hall, dorm, meetings, library, sports, etc. all day long.


back and forth指“来来回回的”,比如现在很多上班族往返于家和公司两点一线,我们就可以说:

Workers commute back and forth between their home and their workplace.


④It takes some getting used to, but busy as they are, most college students come to appreciate the freedom (they have) to manage their own time.

It takes some getting used to是个省略句,补充完整了是:It takes some (time) getting used to (it).

get used to sth指“习惯某事”,相当于be accustomed to(这两处的to都是介词)。

第二个it指 大学生忙碌的生活:bounce back and forth、get up early and stay up late.

busy as they are涉及一个语法知识:


Tired as he is, he offers to help me.


Student as he is, he does not study hard.


所以,文中busy as they are可以理解为:as they are busy 尽管他们很忙。

the freedom (they have) to manage their own time中,they have是freedom的定语从句,写成普通句子的形式是:

They have the freedom to manage their own time.



Getting Over the First Semester Blues

It typically takes a semester or quarter to hit your stride. Looking back on those early days you may very well shake your head and wonder what all the fuss was about. You might even feel a little nostalgic! A few students, however, may feel overwhelmed and homesick for a while. They may miss their parents, friends, even the family dog. They may find that going to college is not quite what they expected.



标题中,get over指“克服”,相当于overcome,后面一般加problem之类的词。

blue在这里是个熟词僻义,它本意是“蓝色的”,这里指“忧郁的,难过的”,相当于sad, depressed,我们平时说的“蓝调”,取的就是这层意思。

同时,blue和下文的nostalgic, homesick相互照应,nostalgic的读音:[nɔ'stældʒik],表示“思乡的,怀旧的”,和homesick是一对同义词。

我们再来看一个词组:hit one's stride,这是一个美式英语表达,意思是to become familiar with and confident at something you have recently started doing“逐渐适应,逐渐进入状态”。而英国人一般会说:get into your stride.

overwhelm是一个很好用的单词,它有很多意思,但都跟too much有关,比如,修饰emotion时,表示“充满(某种情绪),难以抑制,无法把持”,举个例子:

She was overwhelmed by feelings of guilt.



We were overwhelmed by the number of applications.


所以,文中A few students, however, may feel overwhelmed可以理解为:然而,一些学生可能会感到压力山大。


One of the big benefits of college is meeting new kinds of people, so going outside your comfort zone might surprise you. If you are a gamester whiz, maybe a rock climbing class will open up a whole world for you.


The important thing is to take that first step. Don't hole up in your room. Cut back on solitary amusements, such as computer games. Introduce yourself. Invite new friends out. Even something as simple as wearing a friendly face can get the ball rolling.


a gamester whiz中,"-ster"是表示“一类人”的名词后缀,比如:gangster 犯罪团伙成员,youngster年轻人,所以,文中gamester是“游戏玩家、运动员”的意思。

whiz是一个比较口语化的表达,在这里指“能手,专家”,所以,a gamester whiz就是我们平时所说的“游戏大神”。

open up a whole world for sb的意思是“为某人开启了一个新世界”,写作中遇到跟挑战、机遇、创新有关的,都可以用这个表达。

hole up in your room就是我们常说的“宅”。 Hole up本来指动物“蛰居在洞中”,比如“冬眠”我们就可以说:hole up in winter 在冬天里蛰居。文中用来表示大学生的“宅”,形象生动。

此外,我们也可以用"lead a battery hen existence"来表示“宅”,这个表达曾出现在《卫报》中,讲的是当代青少年喜欢宅在家里打游戏,原话是这么说的:

In this age of screens and social media, children are spending less time playing outside and more online, with many leading a "battery hen existence".

lead/live a ... life/existence表示“过着...样的生活”;battery最常见的意思是“电池”,此外还有“鸡舍”的意思,所以,lead a "battery hen existence"就是“过着鸡舍母鸡般的生活”,也就是“宅在家里”的意思,我们看张图感受一下:


Cut back on solitary amusements中,cut back表示reduce的方向,后面加介词on再加名词,比如,cut back on defence spending 削减国防开支。

solitary是alone的意思,表示“单独的,独自的”,比如solitary walks by the river独自沿着河岸散步,live a solitary life 过着独居生活,文中"solitary amusements"可以理解为“自娱自乐”。

所以,Cut back on solitary amusements是说,减少自娱自乐的时间,不要总是自娱自乐,和上文的"Don't hole up in your room"相照应。

最后一个语言点:get the ball rolling,让球滚起来,也就是"start sth"的意思,结合文中语境,可以处理成“开启一段友谊”。


Managing Your Time at College

Students report another source of freshman anxiety: the amount of unstructured time. This is one of the major differences between high school and college. In high school you may have felt that you were constantly scheduled, with very few breaks. In college your classes may be spaced out during the day, with free time between each class. Or they may be bunched up into a few days, mornings, or afternoons—leaving large periods of "leisure" time.



Sound good? The challenge is managing your "free" time. There can be many demands on this time: studying, attending clubs, eating, working, and exercising, just to name a few. It is up to you to work it out.


Here's a bit of advice many experienced college students offer: Don't procrastinate. There is nothing worse than approaching the end of a semester and realizing you have an impossible mountain of work to do. By all means, have a good time—but keep in mind why you are in college in the first place.



第一段中,unstructured time表示“没有规划好的时间”,和下文的leisure time, free time是同义替换。

space out是space的一个新用法,意思是to arrange things with a wide space between them“使间隔开”。《卫报》中曾有篇文章认为暑假太长,应该把暑假分成几个小假期,分散在一学年里,这样学生既不会忘掉知识,也不至于学习太累,而且家长的负担也小。文中是这么说的:

This would give teachers and children a similar amount of holiday, just spaced more evenly over the year.


space out和下文的bunch up是一对反义表达,bunch常作名词,表示“一束”,比如a bunch of flowers;此处作动词,表示“集中、聚拢”(“聚拢”在一起才叫“一束花”),常见搭配为bunch up / together,文中指课程集中在几天、或几个上午、下午,和space out所描述的情形正好相反。

第二段中,just to name a few常用于举例子中,表示“等等”,可以替换我们常用的and so on. 此外,也可以说to name but a few.


2020考研英语话题作文范文: 大学生活.doc
