
时间:2023-03-27 20:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

The proportion of works cut for the cinema in Britain dropped from 40 percent when I joined the BBFC in 1975 to less than 4 percent when I left. But I don't think that 20 years from now it will be possible to regulate any medium as closely as I regulated film.

The internet is, of course, the greatest problem for this century. (1) The world will have to find a means, through some sort of international treaty or United Nations initiative, to control the material that's now going totally unregulated into people's homes. That said, it will only take one little country like Paraguay to refuse to sign a treaty for transmission to be unstoppable. Parental control is never going to be sufficient.

(2) I'm still very worried about the impact of violent video games, even though researchers say their impact is moderated by the fact that players don't so much experience the game as enjoy the technical maneuvers (策略) that enable you to win. But in respect of violence in mainstream films, I'm more optimistic. Quite suddenly, tastes have changed, and it's no longer Stallone or Schwarzenegger who are the top stars, but Leonardo DiCaprio--that has taken everybody by surprise.

(3) Go through the most successful films in Europe and America now and you will find virtually none that are violent. Quentin Tarantino didn't usher in a new, violent generation, and films are becoming much more pre-social than one would have expected.

Cinema going will undoubtedly survive. The new multiplexes are a glorious experience, offering perfect sound and picture and very comfortable seats, things which had died out in the 1980s. (4) I can't believe we've achieved that only to throw it away in favour of huddling around a 14-inch computer monitor to watch digitally-delivered movies at home.

It will become increasingly cheap to make films, with cameras becoming smaller and lighter but remaining very precise. (5) That means greater chances for new talent to emerge, as it will be much easier for people to learn how to be better film-makers. People's working lives will be shorter in the future, and once retired they will spend a lot of time learning to do things that amuse them--like making videos. Fifty years on we could well be media-saturated as producers as well as audience: instead of writing letter, one will send little home movies entitled My Week.


1.网上的东西目前正毫无管制地进入人们的家中,世界各国得找出一种办法,通过某种国际条约或联合国行动,对此加以控制。 2.尽管研究人员说,玩暴力电子游戏的人并不是在体验游戏本身,更多地是在享受使他们能取胜的技术操作,这就减弱了这类游戏的影响。然而我对这种影响仍然忧心忡忡。 3.纵观目前欧美最成功的电影,几乎找不出哪一部是暴力的。 4.我无法相信,取得了那样高的成就,到头来却弃而不用,情愿挤在十四英寸电脑显示屏前,在家里观看数码传送的电影。 5.这意味着电影新秀会有更多机会脱颖而出,因为人们会更容易学会怎样把电影拍得更好。

