【#高三# 导语】在学习新知识的同时还要复习以前的旧知识,肯定会累,所以要注意劳逸结合。只有充沛的精力才能迎接新的挑战,才会有事半功倍的学习。©文档大全网高三频道为你整理了《高三英语必修四说课稿范例》希望对你的学习有所帮助!
教学目标 :
重点词汇:teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police
1. What does your mother do? She is a teacher.
What does your father do? He is an engineer.
2. What do you want to be? I want to be a teacher.
What does she want to be? She wants to be a singer.
总体思路: 本单元采用任务型的教学模式,设计了三个任务活动,首先以比赛的形式,让学生通过工作的描述,来猜测工作的名称;然后由学生自己下座位找与自己父母工作相同的同学,练习所学的句型;其后让学生用所学句型谈论自己的理想。所有任务的设计,由简到难,每一个任务都为下一个任务的完成奠定了一定的语言基础。
(3)一般现在时的疑问式及简略回答,见下表。 一般现在时的疑问式
① 经常性或习惯性的 I get up at six every day.
② 客观真理,客观存在,科学事实。
The moon moves round the earth.月亮围着地球转。
③ 表示格言或警句中。
Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。
④ 现在时刻的状态、能力、性格、个性。 I don't want so much.
Task1:Know the names of the different jobs
目的:通过这个环节,教师完成本单元的新单词的导入 ,通过提供给学生对于不同工作的具体描述,让学生猜出工作的名称,这样为整节课任务的完成奠定最基本的词汇基础。在做猜谜游戏时学生能够做到精神集中,并能激发学生的学习兴趣。
课前准备:教师需要准备关于teacher, nurse, engineer, manager, airhostess, lawyer, doctor, clerk, reporter, police等工作的具体文字描述。
The riddles supplied by the teacher:
1) I work in the hospital everyday. My work is very hard but also very important. The doctors and patients need my help. I help the doctor and look after the patients. I always wear white clothes. People call us “angels in white”.
2) I drive a car everyday, but the car is not mine. There are many people sitting in my car everyday. After they go out of the car, they must pay me money.
3) My job is very difficult but interesting. I help people on the court. If I succeed I will get lots of money, but if I fail, I get no money.
4) I am very proud of my job. Because I am you’re your mother. I will tell you what is right and what is wrong. Sometimes I am very strict.
5) I work outside; I am very busy because there are many letters in my bag, and I must give the letters to different people.
6) I work in a restaurant and I always carry some fruits and dishes. I often ask people: What would you like? I am really very busy.
2.在所有单词导入 后,以小组为单位,将所有单词按不同的标准分类,如:适合男人的工作,适合女人的工作等,通过这项活动,学生能将所学单词落到笔头上,同时是对所学单词的又一次巩固,而且不同的组有不同的分类原则,开发了同学无限的想象空间。
Task2:Know what your group members’ parents do.
1.小组活动,在小组内小组成员互相询问父母的工作。 应用句型:What does your mother do? She is a……… What does your father do
4.向全班同学作汇报。比赛看那个小组完成的数目最多。 Task3Whatdoyouwanttobe?
目的:让学生学会用简单的句型来介绍自己的理想,通过此活动导入 新的句型并进行大量的操练,让学生充分的掌握。
1.教师通过介绍自己的理想导出句型:I want to be a singer. What do you want to be?
Homework:思考一下自己的理想工作对人都有哪些要求? 课后反思:
1.在导入 新单词时,通过小组比赛的形式,让学生通过工作的描述,来猜测工作的名称,首先比赛的形式,调动了学生的兴趣,其次猜谜的这种形势更有利于让学生开动脑筋,思考问题大大吸引了学生的注意力。
本模块以a job worth doing为话题,旨在通过模块教学使学生了解社会中各种工作及其对社会的重要作用,并设想未来的工作类型.写作部分要求学生就某一项工作写一封求职信,咨询有关此项工作的情况,并介绍自己的简历.英语写作是一个创作性的学习过程.它对语言表达的正确性和准确性、思维的逻辑性和文章的条理性都比口语要求更高.也因为在reading 等输入之后,写作做为输出上升到一个更高的层次,本单元的写作课,以及以往的每次写作课都是根据这一原则进行授课的.
1) 教会学生如何成为一个成功的语言学习者,在学习的过程中可以去背 诵或模仿好的句子,只有平时积累了,考试时自然会胸有成竹.
2) 指导学生写一封好的求职信.
(一) 教材地位和教学内容分析
本课是XX必修模块1第4单元的阅读课型,这单元围绕earthquakes这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。由于本单元生词量较大,并且Warming up可挖掘的东西较多,因此把Reading设计为本单元的第2课时。本课型是单元整体教学的重要环节,为学生的语言学习、语法学习提供了载体,并且是学生获取信息的主要来源。“Reading――― A NIGHT THE EARTH DIDN’T SLEEP” 具体描写1976年唐山大地震的震前、震中和震后。本篇文章词汇量大,运用了大量的动词、复杂的数字,出现许多定语从句,篇幅较长,并且采用一些修辞手法,对学生的语言阅读能力提出了更高的要求。但文章的'结构较明显,较容易归纳出各部分的中心词。
1. 语言知识目标:
b)学习掌握与地震相关的词汇,如:shake,well,rise,smelly,pond,pipe,burst,canal,steam ,ruin,injure,destroy,brick,dam,useless,steel,shock, quake,rescue,electricity,disaster,army,organize,bur y,coal,mine,shelter,fresh,percent等,以及 right away, at an end, dig out, give out, thousands of以及一些优美句子的赏析。
2. 语言技能目标:
b) 让学生复述课文,分析、感悟作者的写作意图。
c) 让学生运用本节课所学词汇、知识,通过采访唐山大地震幸存者的形式进行小组活动,提高学生用英语进行创造性交流的能力。
3)重点掌握有关地震的词汇,特别是shake, burst, ruin, injure, destroy, shock, quake, rescue, disaster, army, organize, bury, shelter。
1) 如何使学生养成科学的阅读习惯,提高阅读理解能力和语言水平。
2) 如何使学生学会提取、筛选和重组文章中的信息,并灵活运用于语言实践中,达到语言实践能力的扩展与提高。
根据新颁布的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验稿)》所倡导的教学原则及“第二语言习得论”和“整体语言教学理论”,结合文章具体内容及学生的差异性,确定本节课主要采用任务型语言教学法(Task-based Language Teaching) 、合作学习教学法(Cooperative Learning Approach)、整体语言教学法(Whole Language Teaching)、直观教学法、交际教学法(Communicative Approach)、以及情感激励教学法(Affective Motivation)等教学方法。具体采用“P—T—P”自主学习立体模式:(Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task)来组织教学。
整体语言教学法要求按 “整体-部分-整体”的模式,进行语篇阅读训练,即从“整体”开始,以“整体”结束的“三段式”阅读教学法。本课采用从整体略读——分段细读——通读全文,进一步理解课文内容,即是这种教学策略的体现。
4) 资源策略:布置任务,引导学生主动拓宽英语学习的渠道,即通过不同信息渠道(internet, newspaper,dictionary, magazines…)查找所需信息,把英语学习从课堂延伸到课外。
Everyone needs friends.They are a basic source of happiness and hope in our lives. However, the ability to make friends varies from person to person.To some people, making friends is easy, and to others it’s very difficult. We all have the ability to make friends.Unfortunately, many people never reach their potential (潜能).Making friends is a skill, and the first step in developing that skill is knowing how to get along with others.
People who are good at getting along with others take an interest in what other people like.They learn to develop interest that make them enjoyable to be around.Therefore, the more things that your child knows how to do that involve (涉及) connecting with other kids, the more chances he or she has to make friends.
If your child has trouble making friends, you can tell him or her how to do it.
Realize your own strengths.You have skills and talents that others can enjoy.Some people don’t let others see their goodness.
Believe that you are a good person who has something to share with others.
Develop a sense of humor.Learn to laugh at yourself and your shortcomings.It will relieve (释放) some of the stress in your life.If you ever feel poking fun at someone, let it be you, never anyone else.Smile, smile, smile.
Respect the rights of others.They have their opinions, you have yours.Different opinions are healthy.Learn how to listen to others without putting them down or trying to persuade them that your opinion is right.
Be kind.Throughout your life, you will learn that if you are kind to others, they will usually be kind to you.When should you start being kind﹖Right now.Give someone a compliment (恭维).Open the door for someone.Wave to a friend. Encourage someone who is discouraged.Say something positive (积极的').There are hundreds of little things you can do to show kindness.
Be sympathetic (同情的).Try to understand what others are going through.Look at life through their eyes.If you emphasize (强调) with someone’s feelings, you can help.
Don’t complain (抱怨).People get tired of listening to constant complaining.Life doesn’t always go the way you want. Learn to accept what you can’t change, and work hard to change what you can. Replace the time you used to spend complaining with time spent being kind.
Never give up.Even if you are faced with negative, closed-minded people, never give up.Dont let them change you into one of them. Find people who will appreciate (欣赏) you.
good morning/afternoon, my dear judges. i'm number ___. it's my great honor to have this opportunity to talk about my teaching ideas. my presentation consists of the following aspects.
analysis of the teaching material
first of all, let’s come to the analysis of teaching material. this lesson is from new senior english for china book5 module 3, the reading part. the topic of this unit is about adventures. it is excerpted from mark twain’s work “ the adventures of huckleberry finn”. the story is about two teenagers who find a steamboat and board on the steamboat.
analysis of the students
secondly, students are the subject of our class. after many years of english studying, they’ve known many words, sentences and some skills to solve english problems. they not only study the words and phrases, but also learn the meaning and the culture. so i would introduce them more knowledge above the passage to arouse their reading interest.
analysis of the teaching aims
by the analysis of the new curriculum standard in english, teaching material and the students in my class, i set the following three teaching aims.
the first one is knowledge aims:
1)students learn and grasp the following important useful new words and expressions: pour down; sail down; climb on to; panic; curious; tie up…
2) learn the language and grasp the meaning in this passage.
the second one is ability aims:
through reading, students reading ability and word-guessing ability will be improved.
the last one is emotional aims:
students will be more interested in the literature and cinema in english and enjoy the famous works.
analysis of the key and difficult points
according to the analysis above, i set the key points and difficult points as follows.
teaching key points:
member and master new words and phrases and understand the passage.
teaching difficult points:
foster students’ interest of reading passage and improve their reading ability.
analysis of teaching and study methods
now, i would like to talk about the teaching methods and studying methods. as to the teaching methods, communicative approach and task-based teaching method will be adopted in this lesson. i will lead them to study by themselves, and through answering my questions, they will have a good understanding of the passage.
analysis of the teaching procedures
now, let’s come to the most important part of this lesson: the analysis of the teaching procedures. this lesson is divided into 5 stages, that is, warming up, pre-reading, while-reading, post-reading and summary & homework.
step 1 warming up
in my warming up stage, after greeting with the students i will introduce mark twain and his works, such as the adventures of huckleberry finn, running for governor,the prince and the pauper. then tell students today we will learn adventure, a passage from the adventures of huckleberry finn.
mark twain is a famous american writer. through the introduction, students will have more interest in reading famous works. and they will be curious about the passage and i can move to the next step smoothly.
step 2 pre-reading
in pre-reading, i will ask them to have a free talk about adventure.
ask them talk about adventure. for example: what is adventure? would you like to go? adventure is an exciting trip. perhaps sometimes you feel bored, you could imagine going on a great adventure, such as caving, climbing, sailing and canoeing.
then lead students to predict the passage, ask them to look at the picture in the book and discuss the following questions:
1.who are they?
2.where are they?
3.what are they doing?
4. what is the boy pointing at?
in this way, students will be familiar with adventure and lay a foundation for reading the passage.
step 3 while-reading
in this period, there are two activities: global reading and detailed reading. firstly, global reading, i would like to give students 5minutes to have a global reading to check their ideas what they predict during the pre-reading. at the same time, they find out and circle the difficult words.
fast reading can help students understand the whole passage quickly and practice their logic thinking. then i will explain the difficult words, such as fantasy, identify, and account. for example
fantasy n. the activity of imaging things
phrase: live in a fantasy world fantastic adj.
identify v recognize sb or sth
identify the criminal
identity n. id identity card
next, it should be detailed reading. i will ask them to read the passage again and do the exercise2 on the book. number the events in the order they happen. then i check the answer.
after this reading, students will grasp the whole passage. in order to create more chance for students to read, i will ask students read the passage paragraph by paragraph. answer the following questions showed on the ppt.
paragraph1. discover a steamboat
what was the weather like that night?
what did they see and what were they doing then?
paragraph2-5 board the steamboat
how did huck and jim get to the sinking steamboat?
how did they get on it?
paragraph6-8 in the steamboat
what did jim do when they heard someone was going to kill another?
paragraph9-11 leave the steamboat
what did huck decide to do after he heard they would leave the man on the steamboat?
students will get more detailed information, and more interested in this story. furthermore, they would like to read more works of mark twain.
step4 post-reading
now it should be post-reading. in order to make sure that students will master the new words, i will ask them to do the exercise 4 and 5. encourage them to member the verb words and phrases during the exercises.
after the exercise, i will give them 5 minutes to prepare, then to retell the passage according to the event orders. during the oral english time, i will encourage them to open their mouth and give them more positive evaluation. it benefits students for practicing their speaking and having more confidence in learning english.
step 5 summary and homework
at the end of the class, i’d like to make a summary about this lesson and present my homework to consolidate what the students have learnt in this period. i will conclude with my students together what we’ve learnt. the home work is to remember the key words and phrase and write a short passage about what will happen next.