【#写作翻译# 导语】写作中常用而又高级的连词远比简单叙述的词汇要来得高分,如何在英语写作中丰富词汇?下面©文档大全网带大家看看有哪些常用连词可以运用在写作中吧!
1.英语写作高分词汇 篇一
夸大:exaggerate 替换词:overstate抵消:counteract 替换词:offset, cancel out
拆除:tear down 替换词:knock down, pull down
加速:accelerate 替换词:speed up, precipitate
占优势:predominate 替换词:dominate
分辨:distinguish 替换词:differentiate, discern
开展:launch 替换词:conduct, carry out
承担:assume 替换词:shoulder, accept
颁布, 制定:enact 替换词:enforce, promulgate, map out
影响:influence 替换词:impact, pervade
差异:difference 替换词:distinction, gap
交流:communicate 替换词:exchange, associate
接触:have access to 替换词:make contact with, keep in touch with
优先:give priority to 替换词:put…into first place
节约:economize 替换词:conserve, cherish
面临:be faced with 替换词:be confronted with
注意:beware 替换词:prevent, guard against
腐蚀:erode 替换词:wear away, corrode
欺骗:deceive 替换词:cheat, defraud
冲突:conflict 替换词:shock, tension
驱使:prompt 替换词:spur, incite
贪婪的:acquisitive 替换词:money-oriented, materialistic
自私的:self-centered 替换词:selfish, inconsiderate
体谅的:considerate 替换词:understanding, sympathetic
冷漠的:indifferent 替换词:apathetic, aloof
奢侈的:wasteful 替换词:luxurious, extravagant
过分的:excessive 替换词:extravagant, exorbitant
激烈的:intense 替换词:fierce, vigorous
严厉的:stringent 替换词:rigorous, rigid
难以置信的:unbelievable 替换词:incredulous, virtual
惊人的:extraordinary 替换词:marvelous, spectacular
有抱负的:ambitious 替换词:aggressive, aspirant
固有的:inherent 替换词:nature, innate
稳定的:steady 替换词:stable, constant
2.英语写作高分词汇 篇二
1.however 然而2. obviously 显然
3. frankly 坦率地说
4. briefly 简单地说
5. indeed 的确
6. honestly 真的
7. fortunately/luckily 幸好
8. I believe 我相信
9. I wonder 我不知道
10. in the first place 首先
11. in addition 此外
12. of course 当然
13. for instance/example 例如
14. strictly speaking 严格地说
15. generally speaking 一般来说
16. judging from... 根据……判断
17. that is 也就是说
18. it seems 看来是
19. in fact // as a matter of fact 事实上
20. needless to say 不用说
21. strange to say 说也奇怪
22. to tell the truth 老实说
23. to be sure 无疑
24. to sum up 概括地说
25. I am sure 我可以肯定地说
26. luckily/happily for sb. 算某人幸运
27. most important of all 最为重要的是
28. what is important/serious 重要/严重的是
29. in general 一般而言
30. in other words 换句话说
31. in a sense 在某种意义上
32. in my view // as I see it 在我看来
33. from my point of view // from my perspective/viewpoint 我认为
34. in conclusion 总之
35. in summary 概括地说
36. in a few words // in sum // in short 简而言之
3.英语写作高分词汇 篇三
社科类(网络、科技、旅游等)网恋 cyber romance
With the development of internet , cyber romance has gradually become increasingly popular among people .
网购 online shopping
Online shopping has revolutionized the consumer experience .
团购 group buying
Not everyone thinks group-buying and shopping online is the best way to save money .
秒杀 sec-kill
网店 online shop/store
To give our customers a greater choice , we keep updating our range of products on our online shop regularly .
Whether you're working on a portfolio website , online store or Web app , making your pages easy and enjoyable for your visitors to use is key .
信誉 credit
Credit is the life-blood of the consumer society .
退款 refund
Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty .
科学技术 science and technology
Science and technology have made major changes to the way we live .
电脑犯罪 computer crime
Sabotage is also an increasingly common type of computer crime .
电子商务 e-commerce
The first law of e-commerce is that if users cannot find the product , they cannot buy it either .
虚拟生活 virtual life
Most players live out virtual life with more than one character , as if they are trying out various facets of their persona .
信息时代 information era
Along with the coming of information era , cellphone has become necessary consumer goods .
网上冲浪 surf the Internet
But keeping in mind that the netbook is primarily used to surf the Internet , those dangers are possibly multiplied many-fold , especially if there is no anti-virus software installed in the machine .
电子书 electronic book
The electronic book is a new type of book which is developing rapidly , and its appearance is a challenge to the mode of traditional knowledge propagation and copyright protection .
网拍麻豆 net model
浏览器购物 monitor shopping
橱窗购物 window shopping
Almost every shop is full of special offers and bargains , which can make it hard to just go window shopping .
网络书评 internet book review
His paper takes internet book review as an example to analyse present situation of library and give several suggestions for library's internet book review .
网上纠纷 online dispute
With the rapid development of electronic commerce , more and more online disputes appear . Because the characteristic of online dispute , network becomes the best choice .
恶性骚扰 malicious harassment
Malicious harassment as the development of the telecommunications industry has become intensified , result in serious harm to society .
品质保证 quality guarantee
Good management of classroom discipline problems is to develop the teaching job premise , harmonious classroom environment is to improve the classroom teaching quality guarantee .
4.英语写作高分词汇 篇四
教育类(就业率、毕业生工资、留学人数等)培养 cultivate
We must cultivate their ability to analyze and solve problems .
课余的 extracurricular
A great many American campuses and communities have organized special extracurricular activities for students from other countries .
填鸭式 duck-stuffing
Simultaneously , the great pressure of college entrance examination and " duck-stuffing " teaching cause the loss of senior students' happiness in learning English .
文凭热 diploma craze
教学改革 educational reform
As college educational reform goes further and further , the disadvantaged groups in college were paid extensive attention .
学术的 academic
Students' interests are mostly limited to the academic realm .
创新学习 innovative learning
The evaluation of students innovative learning behaviors is an important link and effective means of guiding students innovative learning .
高等教育 higher education
We improved the overall quality of higher education , and enhanced the innovation capacity of colleges and universities .
考研热 the craze for graduate school
贫困学生 poverty-stricken students
In recent years , the succor of poverty-stricken college students has become a hot issue , which has attracted great concern of the society .
全体教员 faculty
For the faculty , there exists the triad of responsibilities : teaching , research , and service .
深造 further one's study
素质教育 quality education
The essence of quality education is an educational ideology , a philosophy of education .
培养能力 foster abilities
The tasks of prose teaching are to acquire knowledge , foster abilities , edify sentiment and irradiate the mind .
品学兼优 be a students of fine qualities and fine scholar
适应社会的改变 adjust to the social changes quickly
满足社会的急需 meet the urgent need of the society
努力获得精神文明 make efforts to seek cultural and ideological progress
5.英语写作高分词汇 篇五
经济类经济 economy
The economy is expanding , notching up high growth rates .
繁荣 boom
An economic boom followed , especially in housing and construction .
零售 retail
Unemployment is rising again and retail buying has fallen off .
促销 promote sales
Despite the short-term cost burden , the development of the economy will promote sales , bringing more opportunities to enterprises .
管理 management
Scientific management promotes production .
金融 finance , commerce/commercial
Reform in finance , taxation , banking , distribution , housing , government institutions and other areas has continued to deepen .
Region economy and Commerce collectivize are one of fundamental trends that current world economy grows .
Universities are turning from academic to commercial sponsorship .
经济全球化 economic globalization
The world is moving further toward multi-polarization and economic globalization .
可持续发展 sustainable development
Sustainable development of circular economy is an inevitable choice .
购买力 purchasing power
Inflation reduces the purchasing power of people living on fixed incomes .
激烈竞争 fierce competition
It has thus indirectly promoted fierce competition in international banking .
售后服务 after-sale service
Complaint is piling up about the after-sale service .
生计问题 bread-and-butter issue
He doesn't just write for fun ; writing is his bread and butter .
企业形象 enterprise image
According to the reasons of the enterprise crisis , this essay argues how to prevent the enterprise crisis , how to deal with it and how to restore the enterprise image after the crisis .
稳定物价 stabilize prices
The chief issue of stabilizing the economy is how to stabilize prices .
品牌效应 brand effect
There has been a growing awareness among company owners in the importance of brand effect .