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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩父母英语作文是学生们常常要写的一篇文章,通过这篇作文,我们可以表达我们对父母的感激之情。©文档大全网为大家提供了丰富的范文和写作技巧,帮助大家更好地写出一篇感人的感恩父母的英语作文。让我们一起来学习吧!

1.感恩父母英语作文 篇一

  Parents are the most selfless and virtuous people in the world. Thanksgiving parents, their love is the most compassionate in the world, condensed with blood and sincere love. Thanksgiving parents, they gave us life. It is they who care for the healthy growth of our lives.

  Our parents' love for us is noble, selfless, sacred, and compassionate. Their love grows with us. As a child, I lived a carefree life. My parents wrote beautiful fairy tales about my childhood, making me live in a happy and warm family. I laughed heartily every day. I always make people feel uneasy, but my parents still take care of me patiently.

  Thank you mother! It was my mother who gave me life, allowing me to experience the joys and sorrows of life. I tried the ups and downs of the world and learned about the diversity of the world. It is my mother who takes care of me day and night, always making me smile. Looking at my smiling face, my mother will also show a genuine smile.

  Thank you father! It was my father's selfless contribution that made me realize his unknown love, which cannot be expressed in words. Father always silently takes care of us.

  What a great and noble father's and mother's love! I need to double my efforts and study hard, so that I can make a difference in the future in order to repay your love.

  Dear parents, you have worked hard and I love you all!

2.感恩父母英语作文 篇二

  My parents raised a young seedling - that's us. In the storm, they acted like a big umbrella to shield us from the wind and rain, doing their best to protect us. We must learn to be grateful to our parents.

  As the saying goes, the father is heaven, and the mother is earth. Yes! It is you who provide us with sufficient nutrition; It is you who provide us with sufficient water; It is you who give us ample sunshine; Give us plenty of oxygen. That's our great parents.

  Gratitude is a traditional virtue of the Chinese nation. Knowing gratitude will lead you towards success, enriching your soul, and making your life more fulfilling and happy. Gratitude is not just a matter of saying a word, it can only be achieved through your own efforts. In ancient times, Confucius, Mencius, and Laozi all knew that gratitude was the only way to achieve great things and repay their parents. We only have our parents, where do we come from without them?

  How can I repay my parents when asked? I will tell them to be grateful with your heart; Reward them with grades.

  People are always dissatisfied and hope to get more. But if you don't know how to be grateful to your parents, you won't be able to get it and pray to the gods.

  Cherish it! Let's learn to be grateful together, to be grateful to those who care for you and love you!

3.感恩父母英语作文 篇三

  We can live in this beautiful and exciting world because our parents shine on our hearts with the sunshine of love, nourish our hearts with the rain of love, and touch our hearts with the spring breeze of love... Only with the careful care of our parents can we grow and thrive.

  The most selfless and caring gaze in the world belongs to all parents. Even as we grow up, we are still children in the eyes of our parents; Even if we travel thousands of miles, we cannot escape the gaze of our parents.

  Since reading Uncle Xing Tao's "Gratitude to Parents", I have truly realized that parents can exhaust their heart, financial and material resources for us, silently giving for us, and they never need their children to repay us.

  "Dad" and "Mom" are the most affectionate terms for parents. They have put in a lot of effort and energy for us. We need to start today, from now on, to learn to be grateful to our parents and make some contributions to them.

  Gratitude to parents, a duty that should be fulfilled, a responsibility that should be shouldered, an eternal truth, an unwavering path, and an unwavering belief!

  Gratitude to parents is not just a matter of words, but also actions: whenever parents come home from work, they bring them a glass of water and a pair of slippers, which is also gratitude to their parents. Whenever a mother is doing housework, helping her do more housework and sharing some of the workload is also a gratitude to her parents. Whenever my father finishes a day's work and has a sore back, I feel grateful to my parents for softening my shoulders and pounding my back.

  Gratitude is not seeking reward, gratitude is willingly given, and gratitude is generously given. Parents have achieved this. Sheep have the grace to kneel and milk, while crows have the filial piety to feed back. The spring sunshine of every inch of grass, the longing for family affection, is a noble character of humanity. The maternal love like the spring breeze, the solid fatherly love like the mountains, accompany us for life, how can we forget?

4.感恩父母英语作文 篇四

  Since you had me, you have been working hard to earn money, wanting me to eat well, dress well, and even get into a good university. Every parent hopes that their children will hope for Jackie Chan, as the saying goes: "Poor parents in the world!

  Every day when you come home tired, I really want to brew you a warm cup of hot tea and offer my greetings. Mom and Dad, you always have a hint of sadness when you come back. I don't know what's going on? In recent years, your faces have grown strands of wrinkles, which are a sign of your parents' hard work!

  Parents often worry too much about us. Sometimes I just get angry and argue with you, making it difficult for you to eat. From the moment I was born, the power of life came out. Your life has already been planned by you, as if predicting the future. Parents are like the first teachers to educate us, how difficult it is to pull from small to large! So we need to be more sensible and obedient.

  If we don't thank our parents, we will apologize to them. Parents are like a towering tree, nourishing us. Under your tireless guidance, let us grow day by day and achieve success. The growth of trees cannot do without sunshine, rain, and dew. Only through their selfless alms can they have vitality.

  You are like a big tree, we thrive under the shade of our parents' trees, giving us care. The love of parents is the most selfless, sincere, and lifelong love in the world. As a child, don't wait until your parents are gone to be generous... If there is only one parent, you should do something to comfort them.

5.感恩父母英语作文 篇五

  Isn't it the parents who work hard for us all day who love us the most in the world?

  Mother's love is like a warm spring breeze, warming my heart; Mother's love is like a wall, blocking the scorching sun. Maternal love is selfless!

  Father's love is like an umbrella, blocking the wind and rain for me; Father's love is also earnestly taught, telling me many life truths.

  I remember a summer when the weather was very hot, so I thought, 'Eating more popsicles is not a big deal.'. But when I go to bed at night, I feel a bit uncomfortable in my stomach. I thought to myself, 'Just take a nap and you'll be fine.'. But after a while, I kept sneezing. After hearing this, my mother quickly woke up my father and took me to the hospital. On the way, my parents left anxious tears for me. When I woke up, I saw blood streaks in my parents' eyes.

  One night during last summer vacation, there was a sudden power outage and it was very hot. Dad said, "You lie in bed and fall asleep soon." After a while, I felt a hint of coolness on my body, so comfortable! Then I heard a sound of fans fanning. I opened my bleary eyes and saw that it was my father who fanned me again! Beads of sweat slid down Dou's cheeks and neck, soaking through his clothes.

  The love of my parents moved me and made me happy. I must study hard in the future and repay them with excellent grades.
